"The Moderate Clown Company?"

Thinking about the name, various messages flashed in Emiya Shirou's eyes.

Emiya Shirou doesn't know much about this moderate clown company.

Except for the information that Emiya Shirou saw through the familiar when they were moving in the forest, the other information was the bullet screen from the previous life.

For example, Demon Lord Clayman is a member of the Moderate Clown Company.

In addition, the strength of this moderate clown company is extremely strong, and it is said that each member has the strength of a demon king.

Finally, in the future, Clayman will die at the hands of Rimuru.

Frey and Kalion will join Milim's command.

The former top ten demon kings will become eight star demon kings in the future.

That's all Emiya Shirou knew.

"Come on, the Moderate Clown Company should be the big boss of this world! Because Clayman's death has been causing trouble for Limuru, and finally the final battle broke out?"

Recalling the plot in his memory, Emiya Shirou guessed based on years of experience in watching the show.

"Speaking of which, Milim, do you know anything about the Moderate Clown Company!"

"No, I haven't heard of it."

"Using that kind of group to create racial confrontation, I didn't mention it at all when I explained it? If I had known that there were such interesting guys, I really wanted to meet them."

Milim said she didn't know anything about it.

The original plans of the demon kings to create puppet demon kings were all planned by Carmude.

When Carmead gave her a rough outline of the plan, he didn't say at all that he had hired a company of all-or-nothing jesters.

"Perhaps Carmude was not the main messenger, but was planned by Clayman in private. If it was him, it would not be surprising to have this kind of helper."

Milim said this casually.

"Clayman? Who is he?"

"Huh? Just one of the demon kings? He likes to play this kind of trick the most."

According to Milim, if it wasn't for Calmude's useless death, he might hide the truth from the other Demon Lords and let things develop in his own favor.

The pig-headed emperor's plan was planned by the three demon kings. For the sake of fairness, they handed it over to Carmude to handle the battle.

But to say who among the crowd would sneak away, of course, it would be Clayman, Milim asserted.

"I think it's better not to make good assertions about someone based on past impressions."

Rimuru shook his head and said.

"No, I think it's possible he did it, that Clayman!"

"What's the reason?"

Seeing Emiya Shirou saying the same thing, Rimuru hurriedly asked.



Rimuru showed a thoughtful expression.

Rimuru trusts Emiya Shirou's intuition very much.

After all, he knew that Emiya Shirou had a skill called Super Intuition, and the effect was very abnormal.

"Looks like we need to pay more attention to this Cremando!"

"Speaking of which, I remember that Laplace seemed to have said that he was not a demon?"

Torreni, who remembered some memories, quickly told Rimuru and Emiya Shirou about them.

"Isn't it a demon?"

"Although this is most likely a lie from the other party, if it is true."

"There may be his helpers in the human world!"

Thinking of this, Rimuru felt dizzy.

"Things are getting more and more troublesome!"

Rimuru couldn't help but sigh.


After everyone's analysis, Limuru, who had a clear understanding of the Great Storm Demon Vortex incident and the previous Pig Head Emperor incident, no longer had any hostility towards Fabio.

This guy was obviously deceived.

Even almost died, so Rimuru didn't plan to embarrass him any more.

"It seems that you were also used, so go back quickly, Fabio. Remember not to be deceived by others in the future!"

"What? No, my sin is unforgivable. However, this time, I did everything alone. Demon Lord Karion-sama has nothing to do with this matter. So, I hope you will only take my life and don't investigate further. ."

Obviously, Fabio understands the badness of what he has done, and is also worried that Demon Lord Milim will settle accounts with Demon Lord Kalion.

Therefore, he continued to kneel and couldn't get up, and he wanted to apologize with death.

Looking at his figure, he was obviously kneeling, but he gave Limuru a very handsome feeling, leading her to exclaim incredulously.

"No, they say there's no need to pay for it. Right, Milim?"

"Well, of course! I wanted to give it a light blow, but I'm already an adult. I don't feel angry at all now, so I'll forgive you!"

"So you want to beat him! You said that, and you dare to claim that you have grown up. It's completely unconvincing!"

Rimuru thought secretly in her heart.

"Oops, Milim said she would forgive you, so don't take it to heart."

"But, I'm so angry that I put it into action."

"That's the point. I think, the angry-faced guy did it? That guy used your emotions to manipulate you into doing this."

Fabio suddenly realized when he heard Rimuru's words.

"So he said he was 'attracted to emotions of anger and hatred'."

Seeing that what she said casually had hit the mark, Rimuru hurriedly continued.

"Look? Never mind."

"Yeah, Kalion likes you better, doesn't it?"

Looking at the upright Fabio, Milim said with a smile while leaving the woods aside.

"Indeed, I think so too!"

Emiya Shirou, who also noticed the traces of someone, also said with a smile.

"Demon King Kalion?"

Rimuru, who didn't understand why Emiya Shirou and the two suddenly mentioned him, was about to ask, when a sturdy man suddenly appeared in the woods beside him.

Tasteful clothing is casual and wild looking.

The short blond hair stood on end, making the sharp eyes look even more heroic.

"Hmph, so you found out, Milim. And that red-haired human!"


"I'm very sensitive!"

Milim and Emiya Shirou responded by saying ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Looking at the approaching Demon King Kalion, Rimuru couldn't help but compare it with the Great Storm Vortex.

In terms of the size of the magic element, he is not comparable to the Great Storm Vortex, but the intense pressure makes people feel that he is more lethal than the Great Storm Vortex.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by both Android and Apple. 】

So that's it, is this guy the Demon Lord Kalion?

The Great Demon Vortex does have the level of a Demon King, but the real Demon King is really different.

"Ha, this uncle is the demon king Kalion. Not only did you not kill that guy, but you saved him. I want to say thank you to you."

Demon King Kalion stared straight at Rimuru and said these words.

Feeling the oncoming pressure, the atmosphere in the field suddenly became tense.

However, Rimuru was not affected at all.

Because he can clearly feel that the opponent is not as strong as Emiya Shirou.

"I didn't expect you to come in person. My name is Rimuru Tenpest. I am the co-owner of this forest monster and the ally of the Demon Federation."

Taking a step without fear, Rimuru responded earnestly.

"Humph! How dare a mere devil start a country? If it was in the past, forget it, and now you will die. I received a report that the mysterious devil died at the hands of the pig head emperor. It seems that the information Incorrect. Are you the masked devil who killed Carmude?"

"That's right, it's me. So you're here to avenge Calmed?"

Hearing Rimuru's words, the surrounding Benimaru and others quickly became vigilant.

Although they were already vigilant when Kalion appeared.

For a while, the atmosphere at the scene solidified, as if the battle was about to break out.

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