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"thank you all!"

Although she still doesn't quite understand the meaning of her birthday, everyone's blessings to her, Meiyou, can be clearly felt.

"Beautiful tour!"

"The so-called birthday party is to bless my birth, thank myself for being born into this world, and confirm that I have lived to today's day!"

"Blessings, confirmation, and thanks?"

Thinking about his brother's words, Miyu said silently.

"Well, in fact, you don't need to think so much at all. The blessed party only needs to eat well, play well, and receive gifts!"

Following Emiya Shirou's words, the other Emiya Shirou who was sitting also said with a smile.

At the same time, he also took out the gift he had prepared in advance.

"Ah, it's a gift!"

After taking the gift from Illya's brother, Xiao Hei and Illya opened it.

Looking at the delicate bracelet inside, the two said excitedly, "Thank you, brother!"

At the same time, the two also urged Meiyou to open the gift box and bring the bracelet to her hand.

"So beautiful!"

Looking at the excited three, Emiya Shirou also slowly took out his present.

The same three small boxes were packed, Emiya Shirou said with a smile: "Open it and see! This is what I made carefully!"

"Did you make it by yourself?"

Hearing Emiya Shirou's words, the three hurriedly opened the box.

Then I saw that in the box, a silver necklace was shining.

And in this necklace pendant place, is the round spar.

In the spar, there are actually engraved carvings of the three of Illya.

Through the spar, it can be seen that the three of Ilya Miyu and Xiao Hei are standing together as if they were taking a photo together.

"So beautiful!"

Looking at the silver chain pendant in his hand, the eyes of the three of Ilya seemed to be sparkling.

This kind of work makes even the onlookers envious.

"Humph, this is purely handmade, so keep it well!"

"Yes, brother!"

Looking at the smiling faces of Ilya, Miyu and Xiao Hei, the girls who were sitting also began to take out the gifts they had prepared.

"Meiyou, Illya, Xiao Hei, I also prepared gifts for you!"

"Really? Sister Sakura!"

"I'm ready too!"

"Thank you, Teacher Atalanta!"

"I'm ready too!"

"I have that too!"

Looking at the three people who were gradually holding gifts in their arms, Illya's classmates couldn't help but put their faces in their hands, showing envious expressions.

"That's great! What a great birthday!"

"I also want so many people to give me gifts!"

In this gift-giving atmosphere, the atmosphere at the table gradually became lively.

"Everyone, be sure to have fun!"


In the laughter, everyone showed a happy smile.


After Miyu's birthday party, Shirou Emiya returned to the form of an otaku.

After his renovation, his room has long since become his magic workshop.

In his own magic workshop, he constantly studies magic, as well as mysteries and props.

If it weren't for the lack of a forging room here, Emiya Shirou might have gone to forge and forge equipment.

Although the weapons and armors he uses now no longer need to be made by himself, his interest in forging has not disappeared.

After all, when he was in Orari, forging was one of his rare interests.

He spent a lot of energy on this.

How can it be said that it will disappear!

Just like on the birthdays of the three Illyas before, the gift that Emiya Shirou gave was the product of the combination of small props forging technology, mystery and magic.

That necklace can generate a shield to protect the wearer in times of danger.

The reason why such a prop was given out was because Shirou Emiya thought that although the Miyu trio had high potential, they were now too dependent on the cane of transformation.

This leads to their lack of coping means to face danger without transforming.

The world is still very comfortable, and no one is targeting them to assassinate them.

But even so, the equipped defense means are still necessary.

"Clang clang clang!"

"Please come in!"

Hearing the knock on the door, Shirou Emiya responded immediately.

After that, Matou Sakura and Atalante pushed open the door and walked in.

Looking at the two figures, Shirou Emiya couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

Although the relationship between Matou Sakura and Atalanta and Emiya Shirou is already very good, it seems that you still have to knock on the door.

Because this is Emiya Shirou's magic workshop.

People who come in and out at will without the consent of the original owner will be attacked by the defense mechanism.

Therefore, even those who are kissing again, if they want to enter, they must knock on the door first.

This is also a rule in the magic world.

"Is something wrong? Sakura, Tamaow!"

Hearing Emiya Shirou's nickname, Atalanta's face immediately turned red.

"I have nothing to do, Sakura pulled me here."

Aware of Shirou Emiya Shirou's eyes, Matou Sakura said with a smile, "After all, this matter has something to do with us, of course, I have to call you Ata!"

Looking at Matou Sakura's smile, Emiya Shirou was shocked.

Emiya Shirou couldn't be more clear about Sakura's smile, this is going to derail his own rhythm!

Emiya Shirou is very clear that under Sakura's gentle smile, there is actually a strong evil taste hidden.

Now, I'm afraid it's her bad taste again!

So what should we do next?

Although he was very nervous, Emiya Shirou's appearance was very calm.

"Is there something important? Sakura!"

"It's not too important, it's just that Miss Luvia gave me two tickets to the amusement park when she left in the morning, saying that I would pass it to you!"

Saying that, Sakura gave the ticket in her hand to Shirou Emiya.

He looked at the ticket in his hand, as well as Sakura's smiling face and Atalanta's confused expression.

Emiya Shirou's heart was trembling constantly.

He has already figured out Sakura's means, which is obviously a choice between two!

Three people, two tickets, no way to divide!

Although Emiya Shirou can completely hand over the two tickets to Matou Sakura and Atalanta, with Matou Sakura's means, he must have already thought about the next steps.

At that time, one carelessness will lead to a dead end.

Then what should be done?

Constantly turning his brain, Emiya Shirou kept thinking about ways to break the game.

"Have it!"

Emiya Shirou's eyes lit up, and there was a way in his heart.

According to the scene in his memory, Luvia seems to have prepared some amusement park tickets for the three of Illya as wages for the three of them to Then plus the two in Sakura's hand, In other words, Luvia clearly has a lot of tickets in her hands.

He quickly took out his mobile phone and dialed Luvia's number.

"Hey, Luvia, do you still have the tickets for the amusement park?"

"Is there any?"


Hanging up the phone in his hand, Shirou Emiya smiled and said, "It's done!"

"Let's go to the amusement park with the three of us tomorrow!"


Seeing Shirou Emiya quickly break his trap, Sakura, who had no fun watching, smacked her lips.

But at this moment, Atalante suddenly asked, "Is this a date?"

Sakura's eyes lit up, and she also asked with a smile, "Yes, are the three of us dating tomorrow? Senior!"

Hearing Sakura's accent on 'three', Shirou Emiya couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth.

Then I saw that he stepped forward and put the two of them in his arms and said softly: "This kind of thing doesn't need to be confirmed at all, as long as we are together, it's a date!"

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