Text Chapter 270 The Forgotten Bazette


"you know me?"

"Of course, I not only know you, but also your father Kotomine Kirei!"

Looking at Karen walking in front of him, Shirou Emiya responded with a smile.

Regarding Kotomine Kirei, Emiya Shirou did not have much resistance.

Although in many parallel worlds, Kotomine Kirei is his opponent, even the big boss behind the scenes.

But in his world, Kotomine Kirei really helped him a lot.

Although his black keys were very expensive, Kotomine Kirei also taught him how to use the black keys and the fighting style of his agent.

In a sense, he can be regarded as his own master.

Even if his original intention was just to watch himself fight and have fun, Emiya Shirou didn't care.

After all, at that time, he was the only existence other than Sakura who helped him.

Therefore, Shirou Emiya would not put what Kotomine Kirei in other parallel worlds did to him.

Therefore, as Kotomine Kirei's daughter, Emiya Shirou's initial favorability for Karen was quite high.


For Kotomine Kirei, Karen did not have any attachments, nor did she have any good feelings.

Therefore, she did not continue to talk about Emiya Shirou's topic, but said directly: "Sakuzuki Shirou, who are you!"

"Didn't you already guess?"

As the monitor of the Church of the Holy Church, Karen's task is to monitor the Great Holy Grail located in the Great Hollow of Yuanzang Mountain to prevent anyone from abusing this power at will.

Therefore, in the entire Yuanzang Mountain, the Church of the Holy Church is under strict monitoring.

Anyone entering or leaving Yuanzang Mountain will be recorded.

Therefore, on the day Miyu came to this world, she was discovered by Karen.

Because the number of people entering Yuanzang Mountain and coming out of Yuanzang Mountain on that day did not match.

The same is true for the appearance of Emiya Shirou and the three of them later.

Through the changes in Yuanzang Mountain, Kalian has already guessed that there is a phenomenon of parallel space transfer.

And at the moment Emiya Shirou and Matou Sakura appeared, her thoughts were strengthened.

After all, unlike Miyu, Emiya Shirou and Matou Sakura have the same people in this city.

"Sure enough, is it a traveler from a parallel world?"

"Although we are tourists, we have already planned to settle here!"

"Then the appearance of those cards is also related to you?"

"Roughly the same!"

Staring at Karen in front of him, Shirou Emiya suddenly said, "Your body seems to be almost broken!"

"So you've been keeping your eyes on me all the time? How lewd!"

"Do you need my help? With my craftsmanship, I should be able to change your body for you!"


"Is it difficult to accept?"

"I live in Luvia's house. If you have an idea, just come to me!"

After saying that, Emiya Shirou turned around and walked outside the school.

After all, he was discovered by others, how could he still have the face to continue to stay here!

"Speaking of which, I seem to have invited Sakura to see the house together in the afternoon. I can't live in Luvia's house forever!"

Thinking of this, Emiya Shirou's footsteps became faster.


"How is it, senior, aren't you satisfied?"

"I really don't like it very much. I still really want to buy the original house of my family in this world!"

"That's it! But the other party has no intention of selling the house!"

"Let's ask again, if it really doesn't work, I can only use magic, but I won't pay less."

Emiya Shirou is full of memories of the property he lived in when he was a child.

Although someone else lives now, Emiya Shirou thinks that he can ask through Eri.

That property should have been bought by Emiya Kiritsugu after the Fourth World War. After all, their family had only one castle in Fuyuki before.

Considering the relationship between Emiya Kiritsugu and the Ogawa family, Emiya Shirou suspects that the property is most likely the property of the Ogawa family.

Or the property is now in Ellie's hands.

It would be great if it could be bought through Ellie's relationship.

"Speaking of which, I always feel as if I forgot something?"

"Hey, did you forget something important?"

Matou Sakura, who was holding Emiya Shirou's arm, asked suspiciously.

"let me see!"

Reaching out his other hand to touch his chin, Emiya Shirou couldn't help but think.

Suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration and thought of the information that he had forgotten.

"Today seems to be the day Bazette arrives!"

Thinking of this, Shirou Emiya smiled bitterly and said to Sakura Matou: "It seems that the comfortable days during this period have dulled my thinking! I actually forgot this day."

"It seems that today's date is over."

"Let's go back, Sakura!"

"Yes, senior!"


At this moment, in the barrier of Luvia's house, Illya was looking at Bazette who came out of the ruins.

In the ruins, Xiao Hei, who was defeated by Bazette, also lay there silently.

"She once defeated the archer and the lancer single-handedly, and she is an existence that can confront heroic spirits head-on!"

"But so what, the other party hurt my friend, I will definitely defeat her!"

Holding a ruby, Illya said angrily when she transformed into a magical girl form.

"In that case!"

"Then I'm welcome!"

After saying that, Bazette clenched his iron fist and rushed up.

And at this moment, a long sword quickly shot out from behind Illya, facing Bazette.


After blocking the incoming long sword with his fist, Bazette turned his gaze to the two figures behind Illya.

"It seems that I came back in time!"


Hearing the voice coming from behind, Illya looked back and saw that it was Emiya Shirou and Matou Sakura.

"Brother, Sister Sakura! Run away!"

"This guy is not even a match for Xiao Hei, you must be careful!"

Quickly coming to Emiya Shirou, Illya wanted to push the two of them out of here.

"Don't worry, Illya!"

Reaching out his palm and gently stroking Illya's head, Shirou Emiya smiled and said, "Don't worry, brother, I'm not an ordinary magician with no power!"

Unlike magicians in other worlds who pursue great power, magicians in the Moon World pursue the roots.

Therefore, the magician of this world has never been an existence whose mission is to fight.

Magicians in this world are more like scientists, pursuing academic knowledge.

Therefore, in the clock tower, the evaluation of a magician's level is not based on his combat power, but on his research results.

This results in uneven combat effectiveness of magicians, and even great differences.

Coupled with Luvia and Rin's previous fighting strength, Illya didn't believe how strong Emiya Shirou would be.

"Speaking of which, what about Atalanta? If she was at home, it wouldn't be like this!"

"Atalanta has been back very late recently. It seems that every year she stays at school until late!"

"That's it, but it really suits her character!"


I saw Emiya Shirou pinched Illya's face, and then walked forward.

"Is it a fist?"

"Then I won't use weapons!"

Clenching his fists, Shirou Emiya walked towards Bazette.


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