

In the silent room, Matou Sakura and Atalanta who heard the sound outside the door quickly ran out of the room.

Looking at Shirou Emiya who had no scars all over his body, he let go of his nervousness.

"Don't worry! I'll be fine!"

Looking at the worried two people, Emiya Shirou stretched out his hands and soothed their heads.

Among them, especially Atalanta's ears, Emiya Shirou felt inexplicably attractive because of the wonderful touch.

So that he gradually had a feeling of lingering.

"It's great that the seniors are fine!"


Unlike Matou Sakura's smiling face, Atalanta's face was full of shyness at this time.

She couldn't help lowering her head, enjoying Emiya Shirou's comfort.

Seeing the two people with different reactions, Emiya Shirou smiled, then hugged the two of them in his arms and walked into the room.

Then looked at the shy two and said, "It seems that I have to hurry up next time!"

"hurry up?"

"That's right!"

Looking up at the blue sky and white clouds outside the window, Emiya Shirou said indifferently, "The rest of our comfort time in this world is not long."

"I have to hurry up and finish my spell!"


Afterwards, Emiya Shirou was once again immersed in the world of magic.

This time, he even went out to eat very little, and it wasn't until more than a week later that he completed the final perfection of his technique.

"Finally finished!"

Looking at the blueprint on the table in front of him, Emiya Shirou said with a smile, "In this way, I can accomplish the miracle of parallel space interference by tricky methods."

Parallel space interference, this theory may be just a theory in other worlds.

But in the Moon World, it is a real and proven technology.

It is the second method, a great technique that can only be driven by magicians.

However, using other means, it is not impossible to achieve such a miracle.

In the original novel, in order to bring back Miyu who was sent to the parallel space by the Holy Grail, the Ensworth family accomplished this miracle through the power of the heroic spirit and their own technology.

Today, Emiya Shirou has accomplished the same miracle.

But what he used as a medium was not the power of heroic spirits, but a treasure that could take him through the world, a moment in time far away.

Although the 'distant moment of time' was not fully charged at this time, Emiya Shirou did not intend to use his own power.

Instead, it is used as a medium and a fulcrum to accomplish this miracle by means of tricks.

For the "distant moment in time" that can travel through different worlds, as long as its characteristics can be leveraged, the shuttle in parallel space is completely achievable.

What's more, after Emiya Shirou became LV.6, his mastery of it became more profound.

That's why Emiya Shirou came up with such an idea.

And under his genius thinking and the accumulation of profound knowledge of magic theory, it took nearly a month to complete the magic circle of this large-scale ceremony.

"Although it can only be used in the Moon World, it's totally worth it!"

"Because of Meiyou's desire, we became biological brothers and sisters, so as long as we use the connection between bloodlines, I can find the coordinates of her world."

"But it still requires a special technique. But it doesn't matter, such a technique can be completed in three days!"

After all, there are too many parallel worlds in Xingyue World. If there are no definite coordinates, it is impossible to accurately find the parallel world where Meiyou is located.

However, this could not stop Emiya Shirou's progress at all.

Today, he has an expert-level knowledge about parallel space interference.

"Let Sakura and Atta set up the magic circle first, and I can complete everything in three days!"

Standing up from the chair and looking at the various materials in the house, Shirou Emiya said excitedly: "Miyu, we will meet again soon!" Gu


Three days later, Shirou Emiya, who came out of the magic studio, looked at Sakura Matou and Atalanta and asked seriously, "How is the magic circle at Liudong Temple?"

"Everything is perfect. We set up a barrier nearby. If Enzworth and the others go, we can detect it."

"Really? That would be the best!"

Looking at the moon outside the window, Emiya Shirou smiled and said, "Take care of yourself tonight. Except for some important things, you don't need anything else."

"After all, no one knows when the next time will come back!"

"Get ready to live there for a long time!"

Emiya Shirou's statement about living in another world for a long time is not a casual remark, but something he has thought deeply about.

After all, in this world, he has no important friends at all.

Even Julian had already become an enemy at this time.

But in another world, Meiyou has gained a new lease of life.

Whether it is friendship with Illya, Kuro, or Luvia Tohsaka Rin and others, it is not so easy to give up.

Instead of letting her start a new life in this world, it's better for their family to completely move to the world over there.

As for Emiya Shirou in that world, what should I do?

These are all trivialities.

Although he and another Emiya Shirou are the same person, they are destined to be different existences due to different life experiences.

Emiya Shirou in the world of Illya has no contact with the world of magic at all, so he is just an ordinary person.

This makes him receive little exercise, and his momentum is relatively weak.

But Shirou Emiya, who is a giant of Emiya, is different from him only in appearance.

Under the grace of God and many trials, Shirou Emiya is about the same height as the hero Emiya.

You know, there is a height difference of 20 centimeters between Yingling Emiya and high school student Emiya!

And under the potential of God's grace, Shirou Emiya is more handsome in appearance.

Coupled with his battle-hardened aura, today's Emiya giants and other high school students Emiya can only be said to be very similar, but they can never be regarded as one person.

"Well, I understand, senior!"

Hearing Emiya Shirou's order, Matou Sakura responded with a smile.


the next day.

After eating breakfast, Shirou Emiya and his party came to the big hole in Mt. Yuanzang.

This used to be the place where Shirou Emiya sent Miyu away, and now, Shirou Emiya will embark on the road to find Miyu here.

After the final arrangement of the morning, this complicated and huge magic circle was finally completed.

A group of three stood calmly in the middle of the magic circle.

In the center, Emiya Shirou was holding a golden pocket watch and activated the search magic circle he made.

Unlike the Holy Grail, which has almost infinite magical power, it can search for the right world in an instant.

Emiya Shirou, who does not have the support of infinite magic power, can only search little by little using his own blood as a medium.

In this way, time passed slowly, and the sun, which was directly above the sky, slowly walked westward. It was not until dusk that Shirou Emiya, whose eyes were closed, suddenly opened his eyes.

"found it!"

"Have you found Meiyou? Senior!"

Although she had waited all day, Matou Sakura didn't have the slightest idea of ​​boredom.

For her, just looking at Shirou Emiya was enough.

"Ah, found it!"

Emiya Shirou's voice was full of trembling.

Then, he shouted loudly: "Get ready, we're leaving!"

The next moment, the entire magic circle began to gradually turn into particles of light, and finally everyone disappeared here.

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