"Your own wish!?"

Hearing Emiya Shirou's words, Joan of Arc repeated his words suspiciously.

"Yes, our own wish."

"Although Amakusa Shiro Tokisada's wish is too far for ordinary humans, it is just right for us."

"Once you have bathed in the brilliance of the Great Holy Grail, you should get physical bodies and truly exist in this world!"

Let the Servant get the body, the Cup of Heaven can do it.

In other words, this is the power of the Cup of Heaven.

Otherwise, how did the Yu Sanjia build a servant system through the third method?

"Get a body? Can the Great Grail really do it?"

Although Emiya Shirou's words were full of temptation, Jeanne was still a little worried.

"Don't worry, even if Shiro Tokisada Amakusa's wish cannot give you a physical body, the remaining magic power of the Great Holy Grail can still fulfill this wish."

At this time, the magic power of the Great Holy Grail has not been used up, otherwise Zig in the original book would not be able to become a real dragon.

From this, it can be seen that Shiro Tokisada Amakusa's wish is to make the Great Holy Grail complete the Cup of Heaven and gain the ability to materialize the souls of others.

Then use the remaining magic power and the power of the planet's spiritual veins to continuously materialize the human soul.

Otherwise, if the souls of all human beings are directly materialized, then the magic power of the Great Holy Grail is simply not enough.

"So now, let's enjoy the winner's fruits!"

After saying that, Emiya Shirou led the three into the Great Holy Grail.


In the Great Holy Grail, Shirou Emiya and the four saw the terminal of the Holy Grail system.

It was the Holy Grail system that had the exact same shape as the Maiden of Winter.

"Excuse me, what do you want as a winner?"

Facing her question, Emiya Shirou said earnestly, "The perfect technique for restoring the soul!"

Since coming into contact with magic in this world, Shirou Emiya has been conducting related explorations.

With the talent brought by Loki's protection, Emiya Shirou completed the spells he wanted in many magic related to the soul.

But it was only the most basic technique, and even Emiya Shirou would take years to perfect it.

But as long as there is the Great Holy Grail, the process can be shortened.

"I understand!"

With a flash of light, Emiya Shirou suddenly had some information in his mind.

The corners of his mouth raised slightly when he got what he wanted.

Then, he continued to ask the Great Holy Grail: "Is the remaining magic power enough to build a body for the three of them?"


What matters to the Greater Grail is the magic needed to make the wish, not the wish itself.

So as long as the magic power is enough, any wish can be realized.

Under the circumstance that the Great Holy Grail has magic power, Shirou Emiya did not intend to slap Shiro Amakusa Tokisada's wish.

"If enough is enough, let's get started!"

As Emiya Shirou's voice fell, the three Joan of Arc behind him were instantly enveloped in light.

Their wishes are starting to come true!


In this space that has become tattered after many heroic battles.

A figure suddenly walked out of the Great Holy Grail.

Then several figures appeared one after another.

But the strange thing is that compared with when they went, the number of people who came back was obviously one more.

And the extra person is the girl who was possessed by Jeanne, Leticia!

Because of her physical body, Joan of Arc no longer needs to rely on the girl's body.

That's why this girl appeared.

"Since our wishes have been made in advance, let's destroy the Great Holy Grail!"

Looking at the Great Holy Grail in front of him, Emiya Shirou raised the Concubine Dragon Sin Sword projected in his hand.

"I always feel a little embarrassed! After we fulfill our wishes, we destroy the Great Holy Grail, and then don't let others use it. This is too domineering!"

"Pick up the bowl to eat and put it down, and then curse mother after putting down the bowl?"

"Yes, this is it!"

"But it's also impossible, isn't it?"

Looking at the Great Holy Grail in front of him, although Emiya Shirou's heart was full of guilt at this time, he had to destroy the Great Holy Grail.

Because for ordinary humans, becoming a soul body is tantamount to killing humans themselves.

If the Great Holy Grail is not destroyed, the human beings in this world will be doomed.

"So I'm sorry, Shiro Tokisada Amakusa, your wish will not come true!"

"Higher Sword of Victory!"

With a ferocious flame ignited, Shirou Emiya swung a powerful blow against the Great Holy Grail.

Under this blow, the Great Holy Grail was completely destroyed!


The Holy Grail War is over.

With Black's victory as the end, the battle finally came to an end.

In the end, Joan of Arc, Atalanta, and Frankenstein gained flesh and stayed in the present world.

After that wish, Joan of Arc also knew the truth of Emiya Shirou's physical body.

This made her extremely suspicious.

Why do Servants summoned by the Holy Grail have fleshly bodies?

In the end, Shirou Emiya told her everything.

This makes the relationship between Emiya Shirou and Joan of Arc even closer.

At the same time, after winning the victory, the Thousand World Tree family represented by Fiona did not continue to fight against the Magic Association, even if they had followers.

And after learning the whole story, the Magic Association did not embarrass the Thousand World Tree family, but instead threw an olive branch to them and welcomed them to join.

After all, with the existence of heroic spirits, the future of the Thousand World Tree family is extremely dazzling.

Emiya Shirou later used his identity as a heroic spirit to join the Magic Association to learn those advanced magic knowledge.

And under the protection of Loki, he quickly became the crown magician of the Magic Association.

Become a presence known to the entire magic world.

Later, with the help of the influence of the Magic Association, he found Aozaki Orange.

After paying some inconsequential price, she learned her unique puppet magic from her hands.

And reached her realm on the way of dolls.

At the same time, all his plans in this world have been completed.

"Are you going to a new world? Shirou!"

"That's right!"

Putting the materials he prepared in advance into the box in front of him, Shirou Emiya responded with a smile.

The box in front of him is a space item, with a space dozens of times larger than the box itself.

"Can I really not be with you?"

Looking at Joan of Arc with a worried face, Shirou Emiya touched her face and said seriously: "Not now, but whether it will work in the future depends on this experiment!"

Then Emiya Shirou turned his face to one side, looked at Atalanta who was holding his chest and asked earnestly, "Are you really mentally prepared? Atalanta!"

"Of course, I have no interest in this world anyway."

When Emiya Shirou captured Atalanta, he planned to use her for experiments.

After Emiya Shirou's level reached LV.6, he could feel that his control over the "distant moment in time" was stronger.

Although I don't know where this part of the enhancement is, Emiya Shirou is going to experiment to see if there is any chance of exploiting loopholes.

After all, Emiya Shirou's golden finger is not intelligent, and everything can only be explored by himself.

For example, since items can be carried, can people be carried into other worlds by putting them in boxes?

Emiya Shirou, who didn't want to experiment with irrelevant people, naturally set his sights on the Servant~www.wuxiamtl.com~ If that's the case, then please! "

After that, Atalanta consciously got into the box and curled up.

After everything was ready, Shirou Emiya smiled and said to Jeanne: "Don't worry about me, I will be back soon! Before that, they will be taken care of by you!"

After the Holy Grail War, Shirou Emiya portrayed God's Favor for Coles, Frankenstein, Atalanta, Joan of Arc, and Leticia.

Make them non-staff members of the Loki Familia.

Now, with Emiya Shirou and Atalanta gone, only Joan of Arc can take care of them.

"Well, leave it to me!"

"Goodbye then!"

Waving at Jeanne, Shirou Emiya disappeared into a curtain of light.

A new journey begins.

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