"Wait, wait! Joan of Arc, don't you really think about realizing the relief of all mankind!"

Looking at Joan of Arc who was in a state of battle, Jill quickly chased after her and asked urgently.

But at this time, after Emiya Shirou's speech, now Joan of Arc has woken up from the confusion.

"Jill, we are the dead. Let the dead guide the living or something, and even talk about human relief. There should be a limit to arrogance. Let it go, Jill!"

"With us as the cornerstone, although it's coming little by little, people are still moving forward. We should be satisfied with that."

Gently patted Jill's shoulder, Joan of Arc persuaded seriously.

Jill, the black magician, is a fallen hero who hated God's betrayal.

But even so, he still has a longing for the dream of human relief.

For Joan of Arc, this is still a very happy thing.

"But! If that's the case, there will be no consolation for the souls I have spoiled after the fall! As you know, I have killed them! Constant torture, constant torture, constant torture! If there is no relief Humans, I can't atone for my sins!"

Hearing Jill's cry, Joan stepped forward to grab his chest and glared at him fiercely.

Such an expression immediately froze.

So beautiful, he thought to himself.

The girl who looked at her with anger was so beautiful that it sent chills down the spine.

At the same time, he also realized his mistake.

For Joan of Arc Dalk, whether she is in purgatory, hell, or heaven, she probably won't change.

As if there was no time to fret, she was always on the go, giving her life to something.

Grabbing Jill's collar, Joan of Arc shouted loudly, "Don't put your hope of redemption on the relief of mankind, Jill!"

"Your sin is something that belongs only to you. Even if it can't be redeemed, this despair is still something that only belongs to you. Are you going to put the atonement for your evil deeds on others!?"

"You and I are both sinners, and neither of us has a way to atone for those who have become victims! We can only hold this distress and despair forever, and it is impossible to start all over again."

"But although it is insignificant, we can still lend our shoulders to the fallen living. That is the heroic spirit, and that is the best we can do."

For Jill's impatience, Joan of Arc is understandable.

Because only those who are praised in legends are recognized as Heroic Spirits, and the Servants who have been summoned to the world for this reason are all beings that exceed the average human level in all aspects.

But even so, there should be no idea that one should guide the whole of humanity by oneself.

Because it was the punishment for Joan of Arc and the punishment for Gilles de Rey.

Jill shed tears of pain, and fell to his knees, holding Joan's hand tightly, begging:

"Can't I be forgiven?"

Jeanne replied:

"God will forgive everything, but the children you killed will never forgive you. This sin, this guilt, that is the punishment that must be endured forever, it doesn't matter, I will lend you my shoulder ."

Sin will never be wiped away.

Although they hate themselves as sinners, they still save the world as Heroic Spirits, and that is their punishment and redemption at the same time.

"It seems that our ideas cannot be agreed upon!"

Looking at the strong-willed Joan of Arc, Shiro Amakusa said slowly.

"That's right!"

Taking a step forward, Emiya Shirou walked in front of everyone and answered seriously.

Previously, the conversation between Shirou Emiya and Shiro Amakusa, in addition to awakening Joan's fighting spirit, was more about delaying time.

After all, even Emiya Shirou has paid a lot for defeating two exceptional heroic spirits in a row, and now he has little fighting power left.

But Emiya Shirou's recovery ability is very fast, as long as he is given enough time, he can quickly recover to the peak.

But unfortunately, what he lacks now is time.

That's why he would delay the time and restore his state through the dialogue with Shiro Shiro Amakusa.

Moreover, the current Amakusa Shiro Tokisada has obtained the magic power of the Great Holy Grail, and his combat power has reached the strongest. Although he is not yet as prosperous as Karna and Achilles, he is also a first-class Servant.

But even so, the situation is still in the hands of Shirou Emiya.

After all, in terms of the number of followers, the black side with Shirou Emiya, Joan of Arc, Atalanta and Frankenstein is definitely the dominant side.

"Amakusa Shiro Tokisada will be dealt with by me, Joan of Arc and Frankenstein will deal with the empress, Atalanta will assist in the rear, and kill Shakespeare by the way!"


"Don't, I still don't want to retire!"

Hearing Shirou Emiya's command, Shirou Tokisada Amakusa's face was not moved at all.

After all, this is the obstacle that he must overcome if he wants to save mankind.

But Shakespeare on the side was full of panic.

Fighting Atalanta? He will definitely die!

"Sorry, Master, please allow me to leave early!"

Saying that, Shakespeare kept backing away, trying to find a chance to slip away.

"In the name of the Command Spell, Caster Shakespeare, please fight till the end!"

"No no no! I am not fighting to the last moment, I am the first to die!"

Feeling the restraining power of the Command Spell that filled his body, Shakespeare wailed loudly.

And just in this wailing sound, the final decisive battle began.

"Uh ah ah ah ah ah!"

"Uh ah ah ah ah ah!"

Holding the sword in his hand tightly, Shirou Emiya quickly rushed towards Shirou Tokisada, who was facing him.

At the same time, Shirou Tokisada Amakusa, who was charging towards Shirou Emiya, also raised the sword in his hand.


Containing their own will, the two swords collided with each other.


Looking at Shiro Amakusa Tokisada who was facing Emiya Shirou, Semiramis hurriedly shouted.

As the most powerful man who defeated Karna and Achilles one after another, Semiramis certainly knew the strength of Emiya Shirou.

Therefore, Semiramis' eyes were filled with worry about Shiro Amakusa Tokisada who was facing Emiya Shirou.

"Your opponent is me, Semiramis!"

Waving the flag in her hand, Joan of Arc swung deadly stabs one after another.

There was no confusion on Joan of Arc's face at this time. She knew very well that this was not the Holy Grail War between red and black, but a battle to save all mankind.

Once Amakusa Shiro Tokisada wins the final victory, then the human beings in this world will never have a future.

Everything ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ will be shattered.

"Hmm! Mmm! Mmm!"

Frankenstein, who was also attacking, nodded in the same way.

"You bastards!"

Facing the attacks of Joan of Arc and Frankenstein, Semiramis waved his hand and was bombarded by many magic cannons.

Then, several chains attacked the two of them.

At this moment, dozens of arrows shot at Semiramis one after another.

"Atalanta, you traitor!"

He erected a magic shield in front of him to block Atalanta's attack, and Semiramis cursed loudly.

"I've never been loyal to you!"

Saying that, Atalanta shot out several arrows quickly, pointing straight at Semiramis.

And just like that, the final battle begins!

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