"Enough? Shakespeare!"

Looking at the scene after scene in front of her, Jeanne said coldly.

Facing Joan of Arc's unmoved behavior, Shakespeare couldn't help shedding a trace of cold sweat at this time.

No way, the mind of Joan of Arc in front of me is too strong.

In the original work, the reason why Joan of Arc was defeated in Shakespeare's Noble Phantasm is indeed inextricably linked with Zig.

As early as the beginning of her encounter with Sieg, Joan of Arc saw the end of her doomed battle in the future.

But she didn't want this scene to happen, so she advised him to leave here.

But in order to save his compatriots, Zig eventually returned to the battle and possessed the power of Siegfried.

Later, after learning of Shiro Tokisada Amakusa's plan, in order to stop her wish, Joan of Arc must gather all the power of Tokisada Amakusa Shiro Tokisada.

And Zig's power is naturally among them.

Therefore, Joan of Arc believed that she had dragged Sigurd into the Holy Grail War and watched him end up in a tragic future.

Therefore, she can face everything calmly, but she can't face Zig's death.

After all, Zig was just a newly born android, and he was 'used' by himself without any standpoint and eventually died, which was unacceptable to Joan of Arc.

So she was ashamed and finally lost in Shakespeare's Noble Phantasm.

But now, instead of Sieg, Shirou Emiya became the one who became associated with her, and Shirou Emiya, as the Heroic Spirit summoned in this Holy Grail War, had a position to be involved.

Therefore, even if Emiya Shirou in the Noble Phantasm dies, Jeanne will regret and suffer, but it will never collapse.

Because death is inevitable for Servants.

Therefore, Joan of Arc at this time was impeccable spiritually. Facing Shakespeare's questions and the persuasion of her former comrades, her will was as strong as steel.

Otherwise, she wouldn't be able to change from a country girl to a French hero.

But although Shakespeare was sweating constantly, he was not panicking.

He could feel that in the Great Holy Grail behind him, his Master Amakusa Shiro Tokisada was about to appear, and his task of delaying the last time was about to be completed.

Because Emiya Shirou needed time to hone his magic power before, Shiro Amakusa also had plenty of time, so he was more at ease than the original at this time.

At this moment, Shakespeare suddenly felt a violent fluctuation from the Great Holy Grail behind him.

Two arms stretched out from the Great Holy Grail filled with enormous magical power.

The space screeched, like the sound of a baby falling to the ground.

Shakespeare understood immediately that the Holy Grail War was essentially over.

Amakusa Shiro Tokisada has completely mastered the Great Holy Grail that is the root of this Holy Grail War.

That is to say, the huge magical power that the Great Holy Grail has been accumulating over the years is now all in his possession.

Thinking of this, he even released his Noble Phantasm and made Joan of Arc reappear in this space.

"This is!?"

As soon as it appeared, Joan of Arc saw that, outside the Great Holy Grail above, Shiro Amakusa opened his hands as if to embrace the whole world and shouted, "It has come true! My dream has come true here!"

With a shout full of joy, the ruler of the Great Holy Grail was born.

Shiro Tokisada Amakusa, who was separated from the world of the Great Holy Grail, finally returned to reality again.

And the pulsating Great Grail is the best proof.

At the same time, the figure of Semiramis suddenly appeared in this space.

Seeing Shirou Tokisada Amakusa's gesture, Semiramis' eyes widened.

The red Jinha-ori that he wore during his lifetime and the luxurious decorative collar were the dress chosen by Amakusa Shiro Tokisada.

As it turned out, this was indeed a triumph.

His long white hair was tied behind his head, and that was the demeanor of a "king" who was not inferior even to an empress.

"Everything is going well, my Master!"

To Semiramis' question, Shiro Tokisada Amakusa replied in a calm voice:

"It's achieved, everything, everything. Now is the stage to warm up the mechanism. It won't be long before this Great Holy Grail will reach the Cup of Heaven, and then while replenishing the magic power from the spiritual veins, it will grant immortality to all mankind. Right."

Looking at Joan of Arc, who was staring at him coldly, Shirou Shirou Amakusa said seriously: "It's over, Joan of Arc Dark. Through the third magic, my human relief will soon be realized."

"The third magic!"

Of course Joan of Arc knew that magic existed.

In particular, the third magic follower system is also closely related, so as a special case, the Great Holy Grail gives the follower-related knowledge.

Materialization of the soul.

That was the distant miracle that Einzbern, one of the three royal families who forged the Great Holy Grail, longed for.

"That's not half-life immortality, but complete immortality that abandons the shackles of the rotten body. This is not given to a single person, but to be shared by all human beings."

"It does not matter whether it is good or evil. Passions and lusts will fade, vanity will become a meaningless thing, and that is a perfect peace! Then, Joan of Arc, I ask you again, you Do you think my actions were wrong?"

Shiro Tokisada Amakusa finally made the move as a general in the Holy Grail War.

The third magic, the materialization of the soul.

This magic, which embodies true immortality, is universally bestowed on all human beings, regardless of good or evil.

All human beings will become existences that live only with souls.

Disputes over resources will disappear, and so will disputes over ideas.

The chain of revenge is severed, and the world will change dramatically.

I am afraid that its direction should be connected with the eternal peace.

Indeed, as Shiro Tokisada Amakusa said, this relief is perfect.

At the cost of numerous spiritual veins, human beings will gain immortality.

If it is said that struggle is the inevitable arrival point of selfish desires, then the method of severing its roots is by no means wrong.

For such relief, Joan of Arc simply could not refuse.

"There's no error, no fallacy, and it's so perfect that you can't even say anything. Maybe it would have been nice to talk to you sooner."

"However, some things can only feel real after they are achieved. Even if I say my purpose early, I am afraid you will still stand in my way as an obstacle."

Looking at the tangled face of Jeanne, Amakusa Shiro Tokisada said so.

"Joan of Arc, open your eyes. It's impossible for you to fail to understand the correctness of what he said."

Jill stood in front of Jeanne.

As Joan of Arc's comrade-in-arms, he was summoned by Shakespeare with the help of a Noble Phantasm in a form without any combat power.

"You know my alias too! The infamous 'Bluebeard'. I've done almost every kind of evil deed to the gods who betrayed the saints! Do you want to hear? Those children's Lamentation! The desperate grievances of the gods!"

"no, do not want!"

Jeanne knew it.

That was the end of Gilles de Rey.

And the reason for his self-destruction lies entirely in the death of the young girl Joan of Arc Dalck.

"That's right, I caused their deaths, and you caused them too! I'm mad because of my remorse for your betrayal! If you hadn't died, I wouldn't have gone mad!"

Jill's posture changed.

With thin, wrinkled cheeks and gleaming pupils, the murderer Bluebeard who shocked France was standing in front of him.

Joan of Arc undoubtedly played an important part in the mental breakdown of Rigel de Rey.

"There is no way to bring those children back to life! The past can't be changed, it's impossible to turn death into something that didn't happen! But the future does exist here! The miracle that can redeem us~www.wuxiamtl.com~now It's here, Jeanne!"

Atonement, atonement.

Escape from the guilt of the life that has disappeared and the life that has been erased by yourself, and let all mankind share in the miracle!

"No **** will save us at all! Since this is the case, we can only save people with our hands! Joan of Arc, please answer whether you want to save mankind!"

"Yes, this is a relief for all mankind! Joan of Arc!"

Looking at Jeanne, who had been shaken, Amakusa Shiro Tokisada continued.

How he hoped to be able to turn enemies into friends and get the help of this saint.

"No, this is not a relief for all mankind, this is just relief for yourself! Shiro Amakusa Tokisada!"

With a loud voice, Emiya Shirou finally came here with Atalanta and Frankenstein.

In the end, the remaining Servants of the Holy Grail War finally arrived.

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