Go, go, keep going.

Under Astolfo's declaration of destruction, Joan of Arc continued to destroy the surrounding defense mechanisms and continued to penetrate into the sky garden.

Although the two of them were not familiar with Atalanta's passage here, with the Noble Phantasm of Shattering Magic, the 'Breaking Declaration', they were the first to come to the place where Semiramis was.

A two-sided door was approaching.

Looking at this portal, Joan and Astolfo couldn't help but stop.

And just as the two looked at each other, ready to discuss.

Semiramis' voice suddenly sounded in the ears of the two of them.

"Open it. If it's you, you should be fine no matter what you encounter! Even if it's a trap."

Joan of Arc couldn't help but sighed at Semiramis's provocative remarks, and then opened the door directly.

Here is between the kings of Black.

Although the knights and clowns who were supposed to be waiting were not seen, the Empress was still sitting on the throne.

Just like this, the room is full of majesty worthy of the title of kings.

"It's an incredible place."

Looking around at the surroundings, Astolfo couldn't help but sigh.

The ominous throne is made of animal bones, and the bottom is filled with water and countless beautiful water lilies are in full bloom.

Sitting on the throne is, of course, the Empress Semiramis.

That is, Assassm of the red side.

"If you want the Holy Grail, you must defeat me!"

"I meant to say that."

Semiramis snapped his fingers silently as he spoke.

The wall on one side disappeared without a trace as if it had melted, and the door made of magic opened automatically.

"You go through that door and go underground, where the Great Holy Grail is."

"What did you say?"

Joan of Arc looked at Semiramis with a dumbfounded expression.

Judging by her intuition, she immediately saw that the road was indeed the road to the Holy Grail.

Semiramis frowned and glared at Joan of Arc as if he was a little unconvinced.

"However, since the Master has given an order, I have the obligation to follow his intentions. It's nothing, you can move forward with confidence. You are welcome to be in charge of the task, that is, Red Caster."

After saying that, Semiramis kept his mouth shut as if he had nothing else to say.

Sitting on the throne with pride, she didn't seem to care about Jeanne.

Although she could feel a little bit of hostility, it wasn't like she was planning to do something to herself. Jeanne made such a judgment.

Later, she recalled the information provided by Shirou Emiya about the Red Square Caster.

"The great writer Shakespeare? Although his combat power is very weak, his Noble Phantasm needs to be treated with caution!"

Thinking silently in her heart, Joan of Arc turned around and walked to the side passage.

"Then, this time it's a goodbye."

Hearing Joan of Arc's words, Semiramis nodded with a fearless smile: "I think so. Goodbye, Ruler. You are a boring saint, just die with them."

Then, she looked at Astolfo, who was going to follow Joan of Arc, and said, "By the way, this guy wants to stay!"


Waving the flag in her hand, Joan of Arc blocked Astolfo behind her.

She thought that the other party meant to let the two of them go together, but she did not expect that she was the only one.

"Hehe, don't you think I'll send so many people to see my Master!"

To Joan of Arc's hostility, Semiramis smiled contemptuously.

"Ruler, you go first! Let me deal with it here!"


Looking at Astolfo who came to her side, Joan of Arc couldn't help but hesitate.

"Don't be, the Great Holy Grail is important!"

"And don't underestimate me. I'm Astolfo, one of the twelve warriors of Charlemagne. Even if I face the Empress, I won't be afraid. Besides, my opponent in the original battle plan was the Empress, right?"

"My Noble Phantasm restrains her!"

"Besides, little Fran and Atalante will come here soon, and we won't coax her at all, so you don't need to worry about me at all!"

Hear Astolfo's words, feel his will.

Jeanne nodded slightly.

"I see! Astolfo, you are a true warrior!"

Having said that, Joan of Arc quickly ran through the door on the side and went to the place where the Great Holy Grail was.

"Isn't that certain!"

Holding a lance, Astolfo looked at Semiramis fearlessly, his eyes full of fighting spirit.


"What a disgusting speech!"

Looking at Astolfo below the throne, and glanced at Joan of Arc who disappeared in the portal, Semiramis' eyes were full of displeasure.

She originally thought that even if she disobeyed the Master's orders, she would have to fight her by herself.

As long as she uses another Noble Phantasm she possesses, she should be able to fight against that saint.

But the headache is that Atalanta and Frankenstein are about to get here too.

Although she kept using the defense mechanism to hinder the progress of the two, this had reached the limit.

The other party is about to arrive here!

Even if it is a battle in this garden, one must fight four at the same time!

Semiramis would also be extremely exhausted.

And among them, Joan of Arc and Astolfo, in a sense, restrained her existence a little.

"Caster, I've already sent Ruler to your side. The next step is your responsibility. It's up to you to delay the time until the Master returns. Because I have to face the enemy in front of me now."

Having said that, Semiramis turned his attention to Astolfo in front of him.

"Obviously you are only a second-rate Servant, but you have played a vital role in this battle. Your existence is really annoying! Astolfo!"

Speaking of Astolfo's real name~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Semiramis' voice was full of iciness.

"Haha, I am very proud to be able to trouble you, Lady Empress!"


Displeased, he smacked his lips, and Semiramis activated the Noble Phantasm directly.

She had to see if she could get rid of this guy before Atalanta and Frankenstein came.

Otherwise, if it is one against three, even she will feel very uncomfortable!

"The second Noble Phantasm is activated, 'The Wine of the Pride King'."


At the same time as the fierce battle between all parties began, Shirou Emiya and Karna, who were far away from the sky garden, also came to the climax of the battle.

In the staggering of swords and guns, the two have fought to the point of madness.

Life and death, in that instant!

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