Avisbronn's Noble Phantasm requires a magician's heart as a hearth.

In the original book, after Sigurd was protected by Joan of Arc, Avisbronn set his sights on the heart of his master, Roche.

And finally completed the production of his Noble Phantasm, the Light of Wisdom with Roche.

But now, Roche has been controlled by Black, which makes Avisbronn's idea of ​​trying to lure him out.

In the end, Shiro Tokisada Amakusa brought him the other Hearth, the Master of the Red Square.

Compared with the masters of the black side, the masters of the red side are also extremely good on the road of magicians.

Otherwise, he will not be selected by the Clock Tower to participate in the Holy Grail War as the master of the red side.

Therefore, they are fully qualified as the hearth of the Avisbronn Noble Phantasm.

But among these five masters, only the master of Berserker Spartacus can be used.

After all, the Servants that other Masters once held are not dead yet!

Even if one of them died in battle now, Shiro Tokisada Amakusa would not take the lives of others.

Because this is a bad signal for other Servants.

Only the master of Spartacus, because Spartacus died too early, and Spartacus betrayed the red side early, can be used as the core of Avisbronn.

Now, Avisbronn is using him to build his own Noble Phantasm.

Looking at the magician lying on the ground who was about to serve as a sacrifice, Atalanta didn't have any fluctuations in her heart.

Her mission on this trip was simply to 'see'.

She had to see clearly with her own eyes, when Black faced Avisbronn's Noble Phantasm, whether other Noble Phantasms would be released.

The focus of her observation was Emiya Shirou.

Unlike other Servants who have been informed of his real name by Amakusa Shiro Tokisada, although he knows his real name for Emiya Shirou, he does not know anything about his experience.

Intelligence is extremely important for Servant battles.

Under the circumstance that almost all of your trump cards have been known to the other party, it is the right way to try your best to find out the other party's information.

Especially now that the Black side is relying on Emiya Shirou and Jeanne, and there is still a chance for a comeback.

Amakusa Shiro Tokisada must have the greatest vigilance against Emiya Shirou.

Therefore, he will give Avisbronn support and let him take the initiative to fight against Black's strength.

Amakusa Shiro knew very well that with Black's current strength, it would be difficult to defeat Avisbronn's Noble Phantasm.

Because the opponent at this time lacks the key Noble Phantasm of great power.

Therefore, he hopes to be able to force out Emiya Shirou or Chiron's Noble Phantasm.

Because it was Black's home base, even the familiars who passed through Semiramis couldn't see what they wanted to see there.

Therefore, the red side must have followers to witness this battle.

But considering Joan of Arc's enemy-seeking skills, only the sharp-eyed Atalanta in the red side can hold this position.

And this is the purpose of Atalanta's trip.

"Hope this trip goes well!"


Standing beside this lake in the forest, Avis Bron slowly raised his arms.

"Born in the earth, swallowed with wind, and filled with water."

It was a blessing from heaven to give life to the clods.

"With fire, the disease will dissipate. Inhumanity is to smash one's own head, and righteousness is to guide one's own blood flow to tranquility."

This land, these trees, this body, everything is an offering to the Lord.

This is a mysterious realm created by men who have no pursuit of fame or power.

"It is like a huge body like Lingfeng, and its firmness is comparable to a rock mountain. It has the appearance of guarding, ruling and ruling all peoples."

That is the crystallization of a miracle that is beyond the realm of Noble Phantasm.

"You are a lump of clay but not a lump of clay, and you are a human but not a human. You are the one who stands in Paradise, the one who rules Paradise. You are our dream, our hope, our love."

Suffering peoples, things that materialize their beliefs.

This is the miraculous reappearance of the Lord, a puppet that bears the burden of rewriting the world.

"Embrace the name of the Holy Spirit—you are 'primitive man (Adam)'."

The lake, which was originally calm as a mirror, suddenly burst into a bubble.

It was a work that Avisbronn and Roger secretly made in their spare time when they usually cast soldier golems.

It was a giant golem with a height of fifteen meters, and this was also the unfinished Noble Phantasm made by Avisbronn.

After all, what is the so-called golem?

According to common sense, it is an artificial life body constructed by means of some kind of magic.

But that's really only half right.

The so-called golem originally means "fetus" or "unshaped object".

In other words, that is the secret technique that the Lord used when he created mankind.

Shape the dirt into a human shape and breathe it into life.

However, most magicians can only stop there.

That is also natural, the next higher-level field is the sad wish of all Kabbalists, and it should never be set foot without a considerable degree of awakening.

And the deeper you go into the golem's realm, the more the golem will become an existence that doesn't meet the expectations of magicians.

The so-called supreme golem is, to put it bluntly, the reappearance of Adam.

He is the king who guides the people who have survived the hardships to Paradise, and is also the guardian.

The raw materials are rock, soil, and trees, all of which have a long history, natural things that have never been used for walls and wood.

Danick spent about 30% of his own assets just to collect these materials.

"The only thing left is to fill the hearth!"

Casting his gaze on the magician lying on the ground, Avis Bron grabbed the opponent's neck and threw it to the chest of the golem.

Under the devouring of the golem, the magician who was the heart of the furnace quickly disappeared.

At the same time, the eyes of the golem who obtained the heart of the furnace suddenly lit up.

The giant feet raised from the lake were firmly on the ground.

Fantastic! Avis Bron sighed inwardly.

It is obviously only a man-made object created from wood, stone, soil and human body, but it seems that the majestic style of nature is concentrated in one, which is really amazing.

Then, the initial "miracle" happened.

The ground beneath his feet sang as if in praise of giants, and the surrounding vegetation also flourished.

The tree that touched the giant blossomed and fruited instantly. After the fruit was ripe, it fell to the ground and continued to grow more trees.

Not only that--

All kinds of birds and beasts appeared out of nowhere at this time, like bugs that always fly in the direction of the light.

Once touched, even the last drop of blood was completely decomposed, and the birds and beasts became pure energy and absorbed into the giant's body.

These are actions they take voluntarily.

Birds and beasts without wisdom could not resist their primitive desire to be attached to him.

Then, the scenery around the mainland, including the earth, began to activate, and the air began to permeate with a sweet and candy-like aroma~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Just inhaling it into the lungs will bring people a sense of happiness.

"Ah! Is this the paradise!"

That's right, this is the supreme golem sought by many Kabbalists, its ultimate form.

He is the owner of the mighty power who can rewrite the world into a paradise just by being here.

In other words, this is a self-disciplined inherent barrier.

This is the true face of Lushan Mountain of "Crown · Light of Wisdom".

As long as this giant exists, the world will probably continue to be rewritten.

The rewritten world is called Paradise, which was given by the gods in the past, and the land where the original humans lived.

"Come on! Start saving the world now, my golem. By fighting, killing, and destroying, build paradise. Then the boring battles will end, and the boring society will come to an end."

Avisbron rode on the golem's shoulders and began to march in the direction of the Fortress of Mirenia.

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