I, The Giant of the Imperial Palace, Travel Through the Heavens!

Chapter 222: The collision of flames and flames

The chariot shone with magical brilliance constantly driving in mid-air.

Behind it, countless weapons are constantly chasing its trail.

In addition, the other weapons were not only chasing behind him. Under the control of Shirou Emiya, countless weapons were flying around Achilles' flanks in a detour.

"Hey, hey, what kind of magic master was this guy in his lifetime! Can this kind of thing be done?"

Achilles did not know that these were skills from other worlds.

Mana manipulation from Fallen World is more geared towards exercising the blade cutter can use mana to accomplish several different operations at the same time.

And save the loss when mana manipulation.

Therefore, this technology can be said to be an infinite enhancement to Emiya Shirou's infinite sword system.

Emiya Shirou, who has perfected this skill, can use his magic power to complete several different operations at the same time, while facing the three of Karna, Achilles and Atalanta.

Waving the spear in his hand to shoot down the weapons coming from the front, Achilles instructed Atalante beside him, "Sister, pay more attention to the master while attacking the black Assassin!"

"Not in the sky garden, the strength of the woman Semiramis has been greatly reduced. The three of them are not necessarily the opponents of the two of them. You can see if you can contain each other."

"After all, we haven't heard the truth about the man Amakusa Shiro Tokisada? How can we let him die here! Even if we want to kill him, we have to kill him!"

"I understand!"

Atalanta knew very well that her arrows alone would not be able to hurt the opponent at all.

In the face of the hundreds of weapons around him that are enough to surround him, no matter how strong his bow skills and tricky shooting angles are, it is impossible to hurt him.

Unless it's her charged shot and Noble Phantasm.

But those things can only be used as raids, not as normal attacks.

In that case, instead of staring at each other all the time, I might as well support the Master behind!

After all, if he were to die now, their red party would be completely over!

This is not the outside world, the other party's black Assassin will not give them time to find the original master and sign a new contract.

Therefore, Shiro Tokisada Amakusa must not die here!

Thinking of this, Atalanta focused part of her attention on the five people who were fighting behind her!

Then he gently pulled the bowstring.

Sensing the change in Atalanta, Achilles smiled and waved his spear.

"Come on, come on! Come on harder!"

"My blood is constantly boiling!"

"Black Assassin!"

In the face of the Noble Phantasms attacking from the front and the flanks, the 'Immortal Chariot of Wind and Raging Waves' with invincible speed crushed all the inferior Noble Phantasms.

Only those weapons of higher quality can break through the blockades and come to Achilles.

Then either get knocked out.

Or leave a wound on Achilles' body!

The Noble Phantasms in Emiya Shirou's Unlimited Sword System are the results that he has accumulated over time, so many of them are his initial achievements.

The equipment is defective in quality.

But with the accumulation of time, Shirou Emiya's skills have become more and more sophisticated, and now the Noble Phantasms he projected can be fully projected, with one exception.

These Noble Phantasms are not inferior to the real ones in terms of quality.

But Shirou Emiya reached this height only recently, so that in his infinite sword system, there are not many weapons of this level.

After this battle, perhaps the inventory in Emiya Shirou's Unlimited Sword System will shrink a lot.

But as the saying goes, the survival of the fittest means that the equipment of poor quality will not be destroyed, so where will the high-quality equipment come from!

"Come on, Achilles, I want to see how many weapons you can destroy!"

Emiya Shirou's eyes sharpened as he stared at Achilles who was ramming in midair.

But even so, Emiya Shirou will not pay too much attention to him.

Because on the other side, there is this more difficult enemy waiting for his response.

That's right, it is the little sun Karna in the "Three Golden Targets"!


Like Achilles, Karna, who is now connected to the Great Grail, does not need to worry about magic.

Therefore, at this time, he is unleashing his own flame.

As a powerful Servant, Karna never fought with all his strength, whether in life or after death.

There are always various things that limit his output.

Especially after death, the mana that he needs to consume who can only be summoned as a Servant is definitely not something a magician can afford.

Not to mention his powerful Noble Phantasm, just the 'ordinary' magic power (flame) is enough for his Master to drink a good pot!

Therefore, coming as a Servant, he never went all out.

But now, he finally got such an opportunity, connected with the Great Holy Grail.

And he was delighted to meet an opponent who could rival him.

At this time, he was excitedly releasing his own flames, constantly flying in the air through flame jets.

In the past, he never dared to do such an action, because in this case, his master would probably be drained of all the magic power by him, and eventually lead to death.

But for now, no need to worry.

He released his own flames to his heart's content, constantly shooting down the Noble Phantasms that were shot.

The spear, the flame, the armor and the martial arts to enter the realm of the gods.

At this time, Karna was impeccable.

Constantly releasing his sense of existence in mid-air!

The roaring flames are constantly burning on the ice sheet, in stark contrast to the falling snowflakes from the sky!

"Sure enough, my enemy still counts you! Karna!"

Manipulating the Noble Phantasm to constantly entangle Karna, Emiya Shirou knew that these weapons could not cause fatal injuries to the opponent at all.

Only entangle each other!

"Then what should we do next? That's not the case!"

And just as Emiya Shirou was thinking about the next strategy, a shadow instantly cut through the void and came to Emiya Shirou.

Then the arrow pierced through the weapon that Emiya Shirou was standing at the front of the arrow, and pierced into his chest.

"Is it actually Atalanta's charging arrow? This is really troublesome!"

Atalanta, holding the bow of the sky, only needs a short charge to shoot a charge arrow far exceeding the power of ordinary arrows.

The power of this arrow alone should be above Grade A.

In the original book, Atalanta, who met Siegfried for the first time in the jungle, used this arrow to penetrate Siegfried's chest, pinning him to a tree and unable to move!

From this, you can see the power of this arrow~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Pulling out the arrow stuck in the chest, looking at the bleeding wound, Shirou Emiya used healing magic.

"It seems that Atalanta can't ignore it either. It would be bad if she was shot with a cold arrow during the battle!"

"After all, Atalanta, who grew up in the jungle, doesn't have the honor of being a hero at all!"

"But even so, her threat is never as great as Karna's!"

Emiya Shirou's mouth rose slightly as he stared at Karna who was able to maneuver easily in mid-air.

Holding the great sword in his hand tightly, he ignited a ferocious flame.

It will be a showdown of fire and fire.

"It's coming! Karna!"

After saying that, Emiya Shirou jumped, stepped on the equipment that was flying in mid-air, and flew to the place where Karna was in mid-air.

The battle of flames is about to start!

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