As the distance approached, Joan of Arc was even more amazed at the floating Noble Phantasm.

Although there are not many Heroic Spirits with the Noble Phantasm of the City that is powerful enough to destroy the city, they still exist.

But when it comes to Heroic Spirits who have the city itself as a Noble Phantasm, the number should be quite small.

When the castle exists in the form of a Noble Phantasm, the only knowledge that Joan of Arc can immediately associate with is the Son of Light in Ireland.

And that's only within the limits of his home country.

Let alone a fortress floating in the air, it would be almost zero.

And the most intractable problem right now is that the owner of the floating fortress seems to harbor ill will towards him.

Although she has gone around a lot, there are too many things she must ask the red side.

But something deadly is going on, and it's almost over.

There was always such a premonition in Joan's heart.

"Speaking of Joan of Arc, you still don't know the real name of Assassin of the red side!"

Although Joan of Arc, as Ruler, has the privilege of seeing through the real name of the heroic spirit of the opponent, but because the red side deliberately avoids it, Joan of Arc still does not know the real name of the red side Assassin.

"The other party is Semiramis!"

"Is it her? The oldest assassin!"

At this moment, Joan of Arc realized instantly.

Joan of Arc only knew two of the Heroic Spirits who possessed the Hanging Garden as a Noble Phantasm.

One of them is Nebuchadnezzar II, and the other is a legendary queen who was spread the false fact of "building a garden in the sky" because old traditions were confused with historical facts.

"Yes, it's me!"

With the voice of Semiramis, Emiya Shirou and Jeanne had to stop.

At this moment, the battle within the Hanging Garden is about to be won.


"Sure enough."


Karna spoke in a flat voice, and gradually pushed Vlad III into a corner.

That merciless and precise attack did indeed have a cold-blooded feeling worthy of the name of a great hero.

However, the hero Vlad III, who was close to him not long ago, is now at an overwhelming disadvantage.

Vlad III himself felt this strangeness.

His power was greatly weakened.

If the strength he exerted just now was 100%, now it is only 60% at most.

The iron stake 'swish' emerged from Vlad III himself.

However, both its speed and sharpness are vastly different from those just now.

There was no need to ignite the flame, and Karna bounced it off with the spear and armor alone.

"This sky garden is the domain controlled by our Assassin, and it does not belong to your territory. In other words, as long as you stand in this garden, you are no longer a hero for saving the country."

Semiramis' Noble Phantasm "The Hanging Garden of Vanity" is a fortress Noble Phantasm that can control a certain area.

In other words, this is not Romania where Vlad III was adored as a hero.

Therefore, his popularity here is equal to zero.

Of course, the popularity of Red Lancer Karna is also close to zero here.

However, compared to Vlad III, Karna's power as a benchmark itself is completely different.

Even if his popularity is equal to zero, as long as there are still legends about him somewhere in the world, Karna is undoubtedly a great hero.

On the other hand, once out of Romania, Vlad III is just a bloodthirsty vampire.

Vlad III, who was summoned with the characteristics of a hero, cannot use his popularity to strengthen his own power, but instead becomes an important factor that hinders the display of his original ability.

Vlad III, who was wielding a spear to confront Karna, had lost the elegance, flamboyance, and violence that he had always maintained.

What supports him to continue fighting now is only the dignity of being a hero.

That alone gave him the strength to keep fighting.

However, it is really difficult for him to take Karna's head in this situation.

As long as the fighting spirit of Vlad III, born from the dignity of a hero, is slightly weakened, he will usher in the moment of the end like an avalanche.

Both Servants understood this very well.

In fact, it is fine as long as Black retreats, as long as he runs away with his back to the enemy.

However, if he could do this, he would not be able to become a Heroic Spirit.

"Am I going to die here?"

Vlad III thought so!

"No, it's not that you have no way to win, as long as you are willing to release that Noble Phantasm."

Hearing the sudden sound, all the Servants present stopped.

The one who spoke was the only Master present, Danick, the clan of the Thousand World Trees.

Vlad III felt inexplicably annoyed, standing in an open place far away from the battle of the servants, standing on a pillar similar to the temple style and staring at the servants.

But compared to this, what he said just now is the most serious problem.

After making a powerful attack, Vlad III distanced himself from the followers of the red side, stared at his master and said, "Danek, what did you just say to me?"

Looking at Danick on the opposite side, Vlad III revealed a veritable killing intent.

However, Danick accepted his gaze as if nothing had happened, and continued to say unkind words: "King, I mean to let you release the Noble Phantasm, this is the only choice if you want to win."

"What the **** are you talking about!? I already said that I wouldn't use that Noble Phantasm, have you forgotten! I will die here! I will die here with regret! But, that's the loser Destiny! Danic! I never thought of using that existence to become despised! Absolutely! Absolutely!"

"It's you who forgot. We must get the Great Holy Grail no matter what! In order to use that as a symbol, I will take revenge on the Magic Association. Or to reach the root. Even a king should have a real wish. If that's the case, the only way is to use the Noble Phantasm."

After saying that, Danny raised one of his hands.

A three-painted command spell emitting red light was engraved on that hand.

"You guy!?"

Danick smiled at Vlad III, who was full of anger, and announced in an extremely cold voice:

"I ordered with the Command Spell, the heroic spirit Vlad III, immediately activate the Noble Phantasm 'Inheritance of Blood'."

"Danick, you bastard!"

Even this roar, which was filled with strong hatred and strong despair, could not impress Danny's resolve.

"I-I'm definitely not a vampire, I'm not, I'm not!"

This trembling voice was probably the last reason of the Heroic Spirit Vlad III.

However, as the Master, Danic completely shattered it.

"No, you are a vampire. Dracula, a vampire, a monster who was forced to carry a sad stigma as a result of his creation. I ordered it with the Second Command, 'Live until you get the Great Holy Grail!'"

Vlad III roared and flew towards the Master Danic.

While showing a faint smile, Danick accepted the blow with pleasure.

With a swish sound, Danick's chest was easily penetrated, and his body gradually fell backwards.

Blood scattered and splashed on Vlad III's face. ,

However, it was Danny who laughed wildly.

"Hahahaha! It's so rude, my servant! As an apology, please **** my blood! You are indeed a vampire, the king of the dark night!"

"You don't need any wishes at all. Just keep my dreams, my wishes, my existence! I command the Third Command, 'Engrave my existence on your soul, Lancer '!"

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