I, the giant of the Empress, travel through the heavens! https://

dark night.

Mirenia Fortress.

At this time, under the illumination of the lights in the house, Shirou Emiya was constantly experimenting with the generation of a certain item.

The table in front of him was filled with various materials.

These are all precious items that Fiore and Danick took from the collection of the Thousand World Tree family.

After hearing that Shirou Emiya had a chance to heal Fiore's legs, both Fiore and Danic were very interested in this matter.

After all, this matter is extremely important to them.

Fiore doesn't need to say much, as for Danic?

Although there are various problems with Danic's methods and people, his long-cherished wish is the continuation of their clan.

For the continuation of the family, excellent descendants are necessary.

And Fiore is exactly that.

Therefore, Danick is naturally very keen on healing Fiore's legs.

"Tsk tsk, although my idea is good, I still need to keep experimenting!"

"But this world is in short supply of materials, so try to perfect the theory first!"

Putting the pen in his hand to one side, Shirou Emiya couldn't help but sigh.

At this moment, the magic communication device located in the corner of Emiya Shirou's room suddenly heard Danic's voice.

"Weigong, the situation is urgent, Hong Fang seems to have come with their base camp!"

"Come to the kings quickly and prepare for battle!"


After hanging up Danic's magic communication, Shirou Emiya stood up and stretched slowly!

"Has it finally begun? This battle!"

"I've been waiting for this day for a long time!"

Although Emiya Shirou said that he had been waiting for a long time, there was no sense of urgency in him.

After all, the most urgent task that Emiya Shirou has completed now is to become LV.6.

Therefore, the only thing left for the next task is to train his magic power to D rank.

Then we will see if we can achieve the great feat of leveling up again by defeating Karna and Achilles.

As for the Great Holy Grail itself, he doesn't have any desires.

After all, the Great Grail's wish-fulfillment mechanism is that you have the possibility to achieve your wish and that you know how to accomplish it.

Then the Great Holy Grail can help you omit the intermediate process through the huge magic power and directly achieve your wish.

Therefore, it is not that important to Emiya Shirou.

Even if you want to become a magician through it, you must at least know the relevant knowledge and know how to become a magician!

After all, the Great Holy Grail does not have its own consciousness, its essence is just a huge magic power.

Just like Emiya Shirou once wished.

I hope to create a world where Miyu will never suffer again.

Let her meet friendly and gentle friends who can laugh together.

Enjoy the gentle and small happiness.

This was Shirou Emiya's wish for the Holy Grail, but did the Holy Grail create the world?


It just sends Miyu to a world where she can be happy.

It's just a magic method, that is, parallel space interference.

Therefore, for the Holy Grail, Emiya Shirou does not have much dedication.

After all, this is not the Holy Grail of his original world, and he can't even resurrect Sakura!

However, now that he has become LV.6, his grasp of the [Distant Moment of Time] has become more in-depth.

In this regard, he has a new idea.


The Thousand World Tree clan to the magicians of the Magic Association. That is, the red team made an all-round prediction in which direction the red team would attack, and made a careful attack plan accordingly.

Launch a storm from the streets of Torifas, or attack with a large army from the east.

The possibility of a raid from the air was not low, but they never thought of it.

"The other party actually attacked with territory, which is really unexpected."

Black Archer Chiron sighed.

In front of his line of sight, the sky garden of the vanity that Red Assassin was proud of was floating in the air.

"Archer, how is that now?"

Fiore next to him asked in a small voice.

There was a tremor in her voice, but that was also because Chiron was her Servant.

To ordinary people, her voice was not shaken at all.

To the Master, who was trying to keep calm, Chiron smiled: "The other party has stopped advancing. Although this is just my speculation, it seems that the red side is planning to use this grassland as the battlefield."

"Is that a full-scale duel?"

"Yes, Masters, please move to a safe place. The other party may also build a position with Servants and familiars."

"It seems so. It seems that they have summoned the dragon tooth soldiers, it should be to fight against our androids and golems."

With a 'boom', Danny jumped down from above and landed on the city wall.

It turned out that he had boldly looked around at the floating fortress just now.

"Master Uncle!"

"Come inside, Fiore. We'll have to depend on them now."

"That's right, Danic. Next is our Servant's realm."

The light particles began to converge, forming the outline of a person.

Vlad III showed a heroic smile and silently watched the floating fortress.

In addition to Vlad III, other Servants also appeared on the nearby city walls and watched the floating fortress.

Emiya Shirou himself was standing on the roof at this time, watching him with clairvoyance.

"I didn't expect them not only to use that ugly thing to step into my territory, but also to spread those dirty skeleton soldiers everywhere."

An unpleasant expression appeared on Vlad III's face.

At the moment of invading their own territory, they are the enemy, they are the conquerors, they are the Ottoman Turks.

The strong sense of obligation "must kill them all" instantly bound his whole body.

"Leader, let's hide in the city first~www.wuxiamtl.com~ But if we want to fight on that grassland, we can fight with our backs to the street. Please fight to your heart's content."

Danik bowed respectfully, and Vlad III nodded proudly.

Looking at the air fortress in the distance, Shirou Emiya on the side said with a smile, "Is it a vanity garden in the sky? It seems that the king of the other party is the queen of Assyria, Semiramis!"

"Is it the oldest assassin?"

Danic was convinced of the Heroic Spirit information provided by Shirou Emiya.

After all, Emiya Shirou's previous information had never been a problem.

And just as everyone was reminiscing about the sudden news, a charming female voice suddenly came from the other side's fortress: "I'm here to visit you, the king of Romania!"

"Although we are kings from different eras, I also admire your deeds."

"Now, let's see who is the wiser king!!"

"Really? Want to see who is more competent as a king? Then let you see the warriors under my command!"

As a king who has never led an excellent subordinate, Vlad III is extremely satisfied with his current subordinates.

Now, in the face of Semiramis' provocation, he naturally accepts it calmly.

"Everyone, let the king of the red side see the strength of our black side!"

"Show her your glory, your bravery!"

"Warriors, crusade the enemy troops who have come to invade our country! Destroy them all!"

"Follow the king's orders!"

So, with the challenge of Vlad III, the duel between red and black begins!

Like me, the giant of the palace, swim in the heavens! Please collect: () I, the giant of the palace, travel to the heavens! Fastest update.

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