I, the giant of the Empress, travel through the heavens! https://

after lunch.

Looking at Fiore who was pushed back to Mirenian Fortress by the squires, Chiron asked softly, "Is there still a possibility you said before?"

"Yes, and it's already very big, it's up to the time to allow it!"

Emiya Shirou has some certainty about his own ideas.

But it takes time to really get it done.

Of course, for Emiya Shirou, in a sense, he still has plenty of time.

After all, he didn't need to return to Valhalla.

But he didn't plan to tell anyone about this.

As for the Holy Grail War, there is no need to hide it at that time.

"Really? That's fine!"

As a Servant, Chiron hopes that Fiore can stand up as a magician.

After all, that child is his Master!

"Then it's up to you, Shirou!"

"give it to me!"


the other side.

In a certain castle, Tokisada Amakusa, the master of the red side, has gathered all his followers and announced a certain situation.

"Everyone, our Saber seems to have been subjugated by the enemy!"


Hearing Shirou Tokisada Amakusa's announcement, both Achilles and Atalanta showed a look of horror.

Even Karna, who has always been calm, could not help frowning at this time.

"This is a really bad situation!"

"Yes, this is the worst possible situation!"

Amakusa Shiro Tokisada reluctantly repeated Achilles' emotion.

For such a sigh, he had sighed many times before when no one was there.

But even so, although he was a little frustrated, his fighting spirit never fell.

"Now, Berserker of our red side has been captured by the opponent, Saber has been subjugated, there are only five cavalry servants left, and the enemy has eight cavalry, but I believe we can still win!"

"Because I have great confidence in your strength, I think you should not be timid!"

"Hmph, it's useless to have a third-rate Servant!"

"Look at me slaughtering Black's servants one by one!"

Hearing Shiro Tokisada Amakusa's aggressive command, Achilles immediately stood up and roared loudly.

"That's good!"

After Amakusa Shiro Tokisada finished speaking, Semiramis who was sitting on the throne suddenly said with a smile.

"Since everyone's fighting spirit is very strong, let's start the attack! Don't you think that the previous small fights are too boring?"

Achilles and Atalanta also nodded reluctantly to Semiramis' words.

Indeed, as she said, just skirmishes are too boring.

"Since it's a war, let's make it come alive. How's it going?"

Semiramis said with a coquettish smile.

"Although that is what you said. But you clearly built a castle and prepared for defense. Why do you say such things now?"

Achilles said helplessly.

At this, Semiramis giggled.

"Defense? Rider, you got the premise wrong. My Noble Phantasm 'The Hanging Garden of Vanity' does not exist for defense, but for offense."

Both Achilles and Atalanta showed puzzled expressions at the same time.

Shakespeare, who knew the characteristics of this Noble Phantasm, smiled when he saw the reaction of the two, but Karna remained calm.

The only master present, Shiro Amakusa, said to Smiramis with a wry smile: "Assassin, don't be so rude, let us experience it for ourselves."

"You look quite passionate too, Master!"

"Because I'm a man."

"Is that so?"

Semiramis expressed his understanding, and then pressed his hand on the jewel set on the armrest of the throne.

In an instant, the ground began to tremble slightly.

Is it an earthquake?

The Servants all looked at each other.

However, the shaking began to intensify gradually, and then suddenly stopped.

"Hehe, look outside."

Hearing what Semiramis said, everyone except her rushed out of the throne room to the outside.

The earthquake just now was obviously caused by Semiramis intentionally.

But for what reason?


Suddenly, there were two people who had nothing to say, Achilles and Atalanta, with shocked expressions.

Shakespeare was moved and showed a happy expression, and Shiro Tokisada Amakusa, who usually tried to maintain a calm expression, also blinked his eyes rarely.

Even Karna opened his eyes slightly and looked down.

The stone-paved floor on which they serve as a foothold opens only a wide space below.

In other words, they are in a state of floating in mid-air.

This vain garden literally floats in the air!

"Surprised? Of course, it can't be fast in terms of speed."

Semiramis poured a hint of pride into this sentence.

The Assyrian Empress - Semiramis.

Her Noble Phantasm, the "Hanging Garden of Vanity", is like an air fortress.

But it is impossible to manifest through magic.

First of all, materials such as stone and wood in a specific area must be collected.

After collecting the materials, Semiramis performs a long ritual, and finally the Noble Phantasm can be fully formed.

This is because the historical Empress Semiramis did not actually build a sky garden.

She had never actually seen a sky garden at all.

But ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ she knew that this had been engraved in her memory as a fantasy, and she also felt this way.

Although it is a mysterious phenomenon of late repair nature, the impression of "a sky garden built by the world's oldest assassin, the legendary queen" is too strong.

The sky garden of vanity must collect materials.

First, real substances based on this real world must be collected.

That is, the wood, stone, minerals, plants and water of the land where she used to live.

Rearrange these collected things, and she will reach the real fantasy through rituals.

It was a false truth, a Noble Phantasm that was absolutely impossible to exist in the first place.

Hence, it was given the name "Vanity".

To those who know the truth, it will only be the subject of ridicule.

Because she has never built a sky garden.

However, vanity does not necessarily mean vulnerability.

No, at the moment of collecting materials to complete the Noble Phantasm, at least in this era, vanity has changed into reality.

However, this garden wearing a fantasy coat is far more exaggerated than the real thing, to the point of absurdity.

"Then everyone, please prepare for battle. If we advance at this speed, it will be about an hour before they can see us from the fortress of Mirenia."

The followers of the red side fell silent collectively.

Of course, it's not out of fear.

It was just because they heard her prompting a specific number such as "one hour", which made them have a raging fighting spirit in their hearts.

They understand that the battle of red and black is coming.

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