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Outside the city of Tulifas.

Following Assassin's back, Mordred followed closely behind him.

After the night breeze blew, Mordred was much awake at this time, which complicated her feelings for the enemy in front of her.

"Hey, what kind of person are you? Are you a knight of the same era as me?"

Could it be that his father was secretly raising other men outside?

so envious......

No, no, it should be so angry.

The presence of this guy tarnishes her glorious image as a father.

"No, it's not!"

"My name is Emiya Shirou, and I am a heroic spirit from the future."

"I was fortunate enough to summon Artoria as a Saber class in the Fifth Holy Grail War and became attached to her."

"I saw you in her dreams, Mordred!"

Although it is a bit far-fetched, what Emiya Shirou said is true.

As for whether he saw Mordred in Artoria's dream, that must be a must.

Although he, Emiya Shirou, has not seen it with his own eyes, the other self must have seen it.

After all, King Arthur's end was to pierce Mordred at the end.

How could you not see that picture!

"Father, he was also called by the Holy Grail?"

Hearing this news, Mordred was both pleasantly surprised and regretful.

I was pleasantly surprised that I might have a chance to meet my father again.

The regret is that she has not been seen in this Holy Grail War.

"She is more than just being summoned, she is a participant in two consecutive Holy Grail Wars."

"Just to make that impossible wish come true!"

"Her wish?"

That king who has no desires and no desires actually has desires?

Mordred could never imagine what wish she would make.

So she asked that question directly.

"What is her wish?"

"I want to save the destroyed country, I want to go back to before she pulled out the king-selection sword, and find a new king!"


"What a **** wish!"

"Really? Is the treasure I want just something she can throw away?"

"What the **** does she think of me!"

Hearing his father's wish, Mordred couldn't help but go mad.

Although she destroyed that country and hated that person incomparably, but deep down in her heart, she was not admiring the glorious king.

In her opinion, she is the only one who can command their king.

But she was actually going to find other people?

What is this!

Is our allegiance to her just trash that can be thrown away casually!

"Look, you also think her wish is inexplicable!"

"But don't worry, I have persuaded her to come back, and now she has calmly accepted that fact."

"After that, I bid her farewell as a lover."

"Oh, what a lush time!"

"Speaking of which, Xiao Mo, you still want to call me dad!"

As the saying goes, Dad's husband is still called Dad!


"Kill you!"

"I must kill you!"

Anything else doesn't matter anymore.

At this time, Mordred only knew that the holy king in his heart was tainted by this guy in front of him.

Now she just wants to hack the guy in front of her.

"go to hell!"

Ignoring that he was on his way to another battlefield, Mordred slashed at Shirou Emiya who was on his way.

But the scene that followed made Mordred extremely shocked.

His own sword was actually held in the opponent's hand.

"It seems that you are already in a hurry, so let's fight here!"

After speaking, Shirou Emiya directly kicked Mordred out.

The reason why Emiya Shirou was able to hold Mordred's sword was not his own technique, but a Noble Phantasm.

At this time, the armor he wore was Siegfried's Noble Phantasm.

Dragon's Blood Armor.

The Noble Phantasm that Emiya Shirou can project after being strengthened by the grace of God is no longer limited to the sword.

Whether it is swords, spears, halberds, axes, forks, or armor and shields, it can project.

However, in terms of level, it is still one level worse than Siegfried's Noble Phantasm.

Therefore, Emiya Shirou can only ignore attacks below C rank.

But coupled with his own defensive power, it can be said that in a sense, he is now comparable to Siegfried in terms of defensive power.

"Tsk, don't you die?"

After sliding on the ground for a while, Mordred said unhappily.

And the Lion Tribulation Jie Li, who had been following Mordred not far away, also quickly spoke to her with his words.

"There are many heroes in the world who are known as immortals. However, there are not many heroes who are truly immortal. All inheritances of immortality should have restrictions such as 'but there are exceptions'."

"Oh? So, what's that guy's weakness?"

"This is only up to you to explore with your own efforts!"

"Damn, although it is true!"

"However, as the Master, I have a proposal for the Servant. Only in the battle with Black Assassin, how about I strengthen you with a Command Spell?"

This proposal of Lion Tribulation Jie Li slightly deviates from the original method of using Command Spells.

Command spells were supposed to be used in more limited situations.

For example, a space jump that is close to magic, or a precise sniping at a very short and small point that is almost impossible to achieve, if it is not like this, the restraint of the Command Spell will be weakened.

If it is the method of use proposed by the lion robbery, although Mordred's overall strength should be improved, but that's all.

"Oh, that's a really good idea, Master. In that case, I'll force the slash to break through his defenses, I swear in my Saber name!"

Mordred's intuition told himself so.

The slash just now was not ineffective or blocked by another force.

Just because the object is too hard. That being the case As long as he continuously uses more violent slashes than before, he is confident that he can break through it.

With the support of the Command Spell, as long as the scope is limited to the battle between the black Assassin on this battlefield, it is by no means a foolish strategy.

"Really, then I trust you, Saber."

"I believe in you" - just hearing such a sentence, Mordred's anger that was aroused because of Emiya Shirou's words was instantly extinguished.

What came over me was a strong sense of excitement.

Although I felt helpless with my simple personality, I feel really comfortable now.

"Ahhh! I understand, Master!"

"I command my swordsmen with the Command Spell to do everything in their power to defeat the Black Assassin on this battlefield!"

A huge amount of magic power flows into the girl who is the terminal through the causal line, and flows through the whole body through the magic circuit.

"I heard your wish! In the name of my red Saber Mordred, I will definitely defeat the black Assassin here!"

In an instant, Mordred began to release magic power.

That gesture was like a steam engine with a human shape.

The girl raised her sword while violently spewing steam called magic power.

There was no fear on her face, just pure and innocent fighting spirit.

"Enhanced from the Command Spell?"

"Looks like you're ready!"

Waving the long sword in his hand, the raging flames were completely ignited.

Emiya Shirou, who was entangled in flames, said earnestly under the influence of the magic power (flame).

"Let's begin, our battle!"

Like me, the giant of the palace, swim in the heavens! Please collect: () I, the giant of the palace, travel to the heavens! Miaobi Pavilion updates the fastest.

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