I, The Giant of the Imperial Palace, Travel Through the Heavens!

Chapter 196: Archery into the realm of the gods

I, the giant of the Empress, travel through the heavens! https://

That's right, how could Chiron, the great sage, not be clear about Fiore's situation.

But it is precisely because it is clear that there is no way.

What Fiore gained was not disease, but talent.

This is the oppression of too good talents to the body, after all, the human body is too weak.

Chiron also knows that as long as Fiore's body is enhanced, this is no longer the Age of Gods.

Many of the ingredients he knew needed for the recipe could no longer be found.

And that's the key.

"Is there no way?"


"Maybe there are other possibilities."

Feeling the archery that he had entered into the realm of the gods, and looking at Chiron who taught him his skills, Shirou Emiya thought for a while and said slowly.

After judging Fiore's condition, Chiron was not troubled by Shirou Emiya's unhelpful nature.

After all, it was a slim hope.

After that, he asked Emiya Shirou what he wanted to learn.

As he said, even if Shirou Emiya couldn't save Fiore, he would impart the knowledge he wanted.

"I want to learn archery!"

As a natural archery genius, Shirou Emiya's archery continued to grow in the process of self-exploration.

Especially in the time of Orari, the constant actual combat made his swordsmanship grow rapidly.

So much so that it has already entered the realm of inhumanity.

Even if it is from God's Domain, it is only one step away.

But it was this one step away, and he was unable to cross it.

The distance between inhumans and the realm of the gods hinders the progress of many heroes.

Even with a heroic spirit as strong as Siegfried, swordsmanship is only inhuman.

But as a genius in archery, Shirou Emiya believes that he will overcome this obstacle sooner or later.

But it will take a long time, and countless experiences will accumulate to have that possibility.

But now, he needs this skill badly.

In the battle with Atalanta, because of the gap in archery, he was always suppressed.

It made him very clear.

Against these mythical figures, if there is no corresponding technology, he will always be at a disadvantage.

In addition, the more important thing is the existence of Chiron.

As the world-famous great sage, the mentor of heroes.

Chiron has a skill called Divine Wisdom.

God-given wisdom, all kinds of wisdom as a sage bestowed by the gods of Greek mythology.

In addition to the hero's unique skills, almost all skills (only in the ancient Greek category) can be used to demonstrate the proficiency of B to A rank.

Also, with the Master's consent, skills can also be granted to other Servants.

With him around, Emiya Shirou may be able to overcome this obstacle and reach a more advanced realm.

What happened next was not as expected by Shirou Emiya.

After a day of teaching, under Chiron's teaching, his archery genius finally broke through the boundaries of inhumans and entered the realm of the gods.

That's why, at this time, he excitedly expressed his guess.

"You mean there are other ways?"

"Not other methods, but other possibilities to strengthen Fiore's body."

"But it's just a possibility, and I need to wait until I upgrade to see if it can be done."

"That's it!"

Looking at the gradually setting sun, Chiron said silently: "Then please, Shirou!"

"Don't worry, Teacher Chiron!"


In the evening, the sky slowly became dark.

Although the sky has not completely turned dark, it is not far from the night.

In the courtyard of the church, Joan of Arc, who was staying here, was helping to clean the sanitation here.

After a busy day, she was cleaning the ground.

"The day is over, and the night is coming. I wonder if there will be a fight between red and black tonight."

"Yo, Joan, good evening!"


Hearing the voice coming from behind, Jeanne hurriedly looked over.

I saw Emiya Shirou, who used to ride together, was standing behind her, greeting her.

"Alas. Assassin, why are you here?"

"I'm normal everywhere, but you, please don't call me Assassin? Just call me Shirou!"

"Can I call you by your real name?"

"Of course it doesn't matter, no one here knows me anyway."

Spreading his hands and making a helpless expression, Emiya Shirou said with a smile.

The sky is getting dark, and night is about to come.

Emiya Shirou, who had already entered the realm of the gods with archery, naturally came to the city of Tulifas and waited for the darkness to come.

Until then, it will be the showdown between him and Xiao Mo.

Tonight, only one of them can leave alive.

But it was too early, and Shirou Emiya, who had nothing to do, naturally came to the church in Tulifas to find Joan of Arc to catch up.

Although the two are not that familiar.

But isn't the relationship just about talking?


"That's right! It's good to call it that."

Responding with a smile, Emiya Shirou immediately said: "But you didn't find my trace until I got close. Are you working so seriously?"

As the arbiter of the Holy Grail War, Joan of Arc has the ability to search for Heroic Spirits within a radius of ten kilometers.

But that is not a passive skill, but an active skill that needs to be activated actively.

It was as if when she faced Karna, she didn't notice his presence until Siegfried approached.

And Emiya Shirou has a sexual reason, so the Servant's breath is even weaker.

So much so that he walked behind Joan of Arc, and the other party didn't find any trace of him.

It can only be said that it is worthy of breath blocking.

"Of course, since you are staying here, you will naturally have to pay your own labor."

"Otherwise, I wouldn't feel at ease eating the food here."

"Besides, I believe that you, as magicians, will stop fighting during the day."

Facing Emiya Shirou's question, Joan of Arc replied calmly.

"That's it! That's right, the magicians will stop fighting by themselves during the day."

After all, magic is inherently invisible.

Daytime battles can easily lead to being seen by many ordinary people, which is undoubtedly a violation of the rules of the magic world. In the final analysis, the red and black confrontation is to fight for the right to speak in the magic world.

No one would do such a thing until the last resort.

"So, it seems that you haven't eaten yet, Jeanne! Why don't I invite you to dinner."

"Take me to dinner~www.wuxiamtl.com~Why?"

Facing Joan of Arc's question, Emiya Shirou smiled and said, "If you want to ask why, I can only say that I will have a big fight at night. How about bribing the referee first."



In a restaurant in Tulifas.

Emiya Shirou is enjoying delicious food from a different place.

Although he is a master of cooking himself, what he is good at is Japanese and Chinese food.

He is not very good at foreign cuisine.

Therefore, for the food here, he tastes it with an attitude of appreciation.

At this time, sitting across from her, it was our referee, Miss Joan of Arc.

"In other words, are you going to fight Red Saber tonight?"

I ignored Emiya Shirou's statement that he bribed the referee, after all, it was just a joke from Shirou Emiya.

As for the rhetoric of inviting her to come, Emiya Shirou used "It has nothing to do with the Holy Grail War, it's just an invitation from a former friend in the car. ' That's why she was invited.

"Yes, only one of the two of us can leave alive tonight!"

"Really? Are you leaving!"


Hearing Joan's answer, Emiya Shirou, who was tasting the red wine, immediately spit it out.

"Why must it be me who died?"

"The other party is Saber, the strongest class. You are Assassin, the weakest class."

"It's not comparable at all!"

"Then do I want to say that I will defeat his strongest with my weakest!"

After he couldn't help but complain, Shirou Emiya said seriously: "The final winner must be me!"

Like me, the giant of the palace, swim in the heavens! Please collect: () I, the giant of the palace, travel to the heavens! Fastest update.

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