I, the giant of the Empress, travel through the heavens! https://

In the forest outside the fortress of Mirenia.

Astolfo, who was restrained by Siegfried, was struggling.

Looking at the cyborg who was slowly falling down under Gold's attack, he shouted in despair, "Stop, Saber! Go, take your Master...!"

Siegfried remained silent for Astolfo's cry.

Astolfo tried with all his strength to push his arm away, but it didn't move.

Staring straight into his eyes, Astolfo shouted, "We are here to fulfill our wishes! But can you tolerate everything just because of that!? Have you forgotten how heroic you are?"

"I hate this! I am indeed a Rider, but before that, I was the Twelve of Charlemagne, Astolfo! I won't leave that child alone, I won't leave it alone!"

Siegfried's arm shook.

Astolfo's words pierced his heart deeply.

This made him change.

"Stop, Master!" Siegfried grabbed Gold by the shoulder.

Gold looked back in disbelief.

Ignoring the order to suppress Rider, Siegfried confronted Gold.

Taking advantage of this gap, Astolfo hurried to the side of the android.

"Saber, just now, what did you say?"

"I told you to stop. I hope you can heal him and free him."

"what are you saying?"

Gold's voice was shaking.

He was so angry that he seemed to have forgotten to even make an expression.

Even so, he took a deep breath and said in a dignified voice as a master:

"Don't make silly jokes about Saber. Heal and free him? Why do we have to do this?"

"Master, I'm appealing to your conscience. Even if I save him, it won't cause any disadvantage."

"Enough, shut up!"


Pressing Siegfried with his fingers, Gold spittle and shouted:

"Shut up! Shut up, shut up, shut up! You are a Servant who should obey my orders!"

"At best, a familiar, to give me advice, do you think this is allowed? You just need to obey me silently!"

At this point, Gold was clearly hostile to Siegfried.

This is a worm on a lion, a dangerous Servant who disobeys the Master.

From the bottom of his heart, he felt sorry for the two Command Curses and sighed.

What hero, what heroic spirit, what Servant! Even one of the easy orders could not be fulfilled.

"Aren't you going to save him?"

"I told you to shut up!"

In the next instant, Gold lost consciousness.

Siegfried punched him in the stomach.

Gold fell to the ground, but Siegfried turned his back without glancing at him.

In front of the line of sight is Astolfo holding the hand of the android.


Not responding to Astolfo's call, he approached the two of them while abandoning the armor and sword woven from magic power, and even took off his clothes, exposing his upper body.

Then, he knelt before the dying android.

Astolfo, who held the android's hand tightly, glared at Siegfried with angry eyes: "It's too late, it's too late! Why didn't you make up your mind earlier!? You could have stopped him! Before that idiot does anything!"

Astolfo's lament is also deserved.

Siegfried was just annoyed, it would have been better to stop the Master as soon as possible.

No matter what, the Master should not be stupid enough to use a Command Spell just because of that.

If you do your best to stop him, the android should not die.

Siegfried nodded sadly: "Yes, yes. Once again, I have embarked on the wrong path. In the confusion and confusion, I chose the worst step."

Just like then.

It's like believing that the battle is over.

I always make the decisive choice wrong in the critical place.

Stubbornly clinging to his own wishes and turning a blind eye to the weaklings crouching in front of him.

He didn't ask for help.

So I turned a deaf ear to the voices of the weak and ignored them.

How ugly, how evil.

That's by no means what he was after.

After getting a second life, do you still want to repeat the same mistakes?

Regret and self-loathing filled Siegfried's chest.

"However, even so, it should be too late, and it is not all over yet."

Siegfried, who had made up his mind, stretched out his hand to his heart, and was about to insert his hand into it.

And at this moment, Emiya Shirou, who suddenly appeared, grabbed Siegfried's arm with his hand.

"Although it is inappropriate to disturb a hero to realize his wish, Black still needs your presence now, Siegfried!"

Glancing at Gold lying on the ground, Shirou Emiya continued: "Don't let the consequences of that idiot be imposed on all of us."

"Let me save the androids!"

Seeing Siegfried nodded, Emiya Shirou let go of his arm, then summoned Xiao Shiyu and began to treat the android.

Emiya Shirou couldn't help but think as he looked at the revived android.

It would be great if at that time, when Sakura died, he also had such abilities!

But what a pity!

"Great, he's alive again!"

Feeling the vitality of the android's recovery, Shirou Emiya said indifferently, "Since he has recovered, let's go back!"

"Go back, where to go? Reminia Fortress? No, Caster is looking for him!"

For Emiya Shirou's suggestion, Astolfo was ten thousand unwilling.

Even Siegfried on the side had the same meaning.

Looking at the two who were not cooperating at all, Emiya Shirou said helplessly, "What if you send this child away, he simply doesn't have the ability to live alone."

"And modern society requires identification, does he have one?"

"After going out, he will starve to death soon!"

"So instead of sending him out, it's better to take him back and use the magic ability of the Thousand World Tree family, which should guarantee his longer life!"

"But what about Caster?"

Although Shirou Emiya is right~www.wuxiamtl.com~, Astolfo is still a little worried about the existence of Caster!

"Don't worry, leave it to me! Since I have offered to bring him back, there is a natural way to save his life."

"Or do you not trust me?"

"No, of course we believe you!"

After all, it was Shirou Emiya who saved the androids before.

Without him, the android would be dead!

Emiya Shirou nodded with satisfaction, and then smiled: "Since you believe me, then take this child with you, and let's go back quickly!"

Just as Astolfo picked up the android who fell on the ground and was about to go back, the sound of walking in the jungle came slowly.

"Are you guys arguing?"

Joan of Arc, who walked out of the woods, looked at the three black heroic spirits and the unconscious Master, and couldn't help but guess.

"There were some disputes, but nothing serious."

"Why are you here, Miss Jeanne?"

Looking at the sudden appearance of Jeanne, Emiya Shirou asked with a smile.

"Me? I sensed that a heroic spirit was fighting, so I hurried over, but I didn't expect it to be too late!"

"It's hard to run for half a night for Miss Joan of Arc, is it going to take a rest at the Fortress of Mirenia?"

"No, it's fine with me!"

"Since your battle is over, it's time for me to go back too!"

With that said, Jeanne turned around and walked out.

"In that case, goodbye, Miss Jeanne!"

After saying hello to each other, Emiya Shirou and Jeanne walked in two directions respectively.

Like me, the giant of the palace, swim in the heavens! Please collect: () I, the giant of the palace, travel to the heavens! Fastest update.

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