I, the giant of the Empress, travel through the heavens! https://

"Sure enough, the top priority is to upgrade!"

Withdrawing his gaze from the sea of ​​clouds outside the window, Shirou Emiya couldn't help but cast his gaze on his God's Grace panel.

At this time, all his basic ability values ​​have reached their limit.

It is only a matter of crossing the great cause and sublimating the attributes.

"Fortunately, I had the foresight to fully exercise the basic attributes in the Fallen World. Otherwise, this world would have no chance to exercise me!"

"All you have to do now is find the right enemy and defeat him!"

As a member of the Holy Grail War, there is no great cause more suitable to cross than a Heroic Spirit.

But now Emiya Shirou needs to determine who will be used to cross this great cause.

The quality of the Red Fang Yingling is extremely high, except for Caster Shakespeare and Berserker Spartacus, everyone else is qualified.

As for the black side, there are some good and bad ones.

Black Berserker Frankstein.

Black Caster Avis Bron.

Black Rider Astolfo.

These three Servants are weaker, and I am afraid they cannot be promoted as great achievements.

Therefore, there are only three other people who can be qualified.

Black Lancer Vlad III.

Black Saber Siegfried.

Black Archer Chiron.

But considering that the battle between red and black was originally black, black was slightly inferior.

If I steal Black's generals again, then Black will probably be defeated.

In fact, Emiya Shirou doesn't really care about the ending of Black.

But I was afraid that after the death of the other six, in order to end the battle between the lineups, I would be surrounded and suppressed.

No one can stand that scene!

"In this case, the only targets I can choose are the five people on the red side."

"Let's rule out Red Lancer Karna and Red Rider Achilles first, so there are only three people left?"

"But the three of them, Assassin Semiramis, are in the opponent's nest, and it is impossible for him to have a chance to break into the enemy's nest in the early stage."

"And the red Archer Atalanta has been following Achilles in the early stage, and the two are not easy to separate!"

"Sure enough, are you the only one left in the end?"

"Little Mo!"

After eliminating many options, Emiya Shirou's target was only Mordred, the Red Saber.

As Saber, Mordred's strength does not need to be questioned.

And she still acts alone.

This made it easier for Emiya Shirou to take action.

"I didn't expect that I, the husband of Prince Arturia, would actually take action against my son, no, it's my daughter, it's amazing!"

Emiya Shirou, who had a smile on the corner of his mouth, couldn't help laughing out loud.

Although it wasn't him who took the Saber line, as long as it was Emiya Shirou, then Xiao Mo's advantage would be taken by himself.

Thinking of this, Emiya Shirou involuntarily summoned his own spiritual outfit, Mugari Muramasa.

Looking at this weapon that looks the same as the Sword of Promised Victory, Shirou Emiya couldn't help but laugh.

It seems that Xiao Mo must be stabbed by the curry sword!

"Speaking of which, I seem to be able to summon another sword, right?"

Emiya Shirou couldn't help feeling even more joyful when he thought of the divine sword that made Emiya the heroic spirit unforgettable.

"That's it, the primary target Mordred. The alternate target Atalanta!"


The destination of Emiya Shirou's flight was Bucharest, the capital of Romania.

There, the staff of the Senkaiju family will come to greet Shirou Emiya, who is the incarnation of Sagara's leopard horse.

But Emiya Shirou didn't plan to go to Tulifas for that.

Because he needs Sagara Leopard Ma to disappear here.

Only in this way can he appear in front of Danny's eyes openly.

Glancing at the staff member of the Thousand World Tree Family who was holding a sign and looking for him, Shirou Emiya smiled and disappeared.

Changing appearances in a place where no one was there, Sagara Panama just disappeared in Bucharest.

"Then the next step is to go to Tulyfas alone, and then go to meet with Danny and the others."

With a happy mood, Shirou Emiya walked out of the airport with the appearance of Ikki Kurotetsu.

But at this moment, he suddenly noticed that a line of sight was staring at him.

Looking back, Emiya Shirou saw a pair of sharp eyes.

"What a coincidence!"

"I didn't expect to meet you at the airport!"



"Then please, grandpa!"

"Don't worry, I will send you to Tulifas smoothly."

Sitting on the loading platform at the back of the pickup truck, Emiya Shirou and Ruler Joan of Arc looked at each other face to face.

Feeling the breeze around him, Shirou Emiya smiled and said, "As expected of the legendary saint, her persuasive power is really strong, and it's trivial to hitch a ride!"

"Please don't change the subject, Mr. Emiya Shirou, why are you here as a guardian!"

At this time, Shirou Emiya had returned to his original appearance.

But the Ruler on the opposite side, that is, all Joan of Arc knows his real name and identity is not his self-introduction.

but from her ability.

As the eighth rank outside the seven orthodox ranks.

Ruler also means arbiter.

Ruler's job is to make the Holy Grail War work properly and is the absolute administrator of the Holy Grail War.

Therefore, Joan of Arc, who came as a Ruler, has no Master.

But as Ruler, Joan of Arc has some extraordinary privileges.

For example, you can see through the real name and information of the Servant, and you can explore the Servants within ten kilometers around.

Assassin's Breath Blocking doesn't work on her, and can cast Command Spells twice per Servant.

The part of Joan of Arc who holds the Command Spell is the same as the Overseer of the Holy Grail War, and there are 14 Heroic Spirits participating in the battle. So Joan of Arc has a total of 28 strokes, and each ride corresponds to a specific two strokes.

And these Command Spells can be freely transferred to the Master~www.wuxiamtl.com~ but not all Command Spells can be used on a Servant at the same time.

Therefore, at the first glance of Emiya Shirou, Joan of Arc has already seen through the true identity of Emiya Shirou.

In this world, Emiya Shirou's identity certificate is Yingling Emiya.

So what Joan of Arc saw was naturally the information from the Heroic Palace.

That's why she was waiting for Emiya Shirou.

Because Emiya Shirou is not a heroic spirit, but a guardian.

As the subordinate of the two major restraining forces in the Moon World, the boss of the Heroic Spirit is the Earth Will Gaia.

The guardian's boss is the primate consciousness Alaya.

In general, guardians appear to prevent or remove those that affect humanity as a whole.

rather than being called by the Holy Grail War.

As a Ruler who appeared suddenly and appeared abnormally, Joan of Arc had a lot of doubts about this Holy Grail War.

Faintly, she always felt that her task was not as simple as maintaining the Holy Grail War.

But because of the lack of information, she was very confused.

But now, the appearance of Emiya Shirou as the guardian has further confirmed her judgment.

Unlike himself as Ruler, Emiya Shirou as the guardian must know something.

Joan judged so.

"Mr. Emiya Shirou, do you know the anomaly behind this Holy Grail War?"

"I don't know!"

"you are lying!"

The revelation of Joan of Arc's inherent ability told her so.

ps. Excuse me, gentlemen, do you think Xiao Mo can pull out the king-selection sword?

Like me, the giant of the palace, swim in the heavens! Please collect: () I, the giant of the palace, travel to the heavens! Fastest update.

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