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Murderous, terrifying murderous aura filled the surrounding air.

Even the air is dyed red, leaving a blood-colored breath.

Compared with Emiya Shirou's murderous aura, Wallenstein's murderous aura was as inconspicuous as a candle in the light.

It swayed like a boat in a storm.

Until this moment, Wallenstein didn't know how outrageous it was for him to use murderous intent to shock the young man in front of him.

"No, you can't go on like this. If you go on like this, your will will be destroyed by the other party."

Thinking of this, Wallenstein swung the great sword in his hand and shouted loudly:

"Mountain Slash!"

Looking at Wallenstein's sudden concentration of energy, Shirou Emiya said indifferently, "Is it a stunt of cutting swords?"

As a one-armed swordsman, Wallenstein's swordsmanship is naturally superb.

Coupled with his powerful ability, this is the stunt of this slashing sword.

Encountering him, many unexplained slashers died extremely miserably.

But this definitely does not include Shirou Emiya.

Facing Wallenstein's slash, Emiya Shirou just moved his body slightly before passing the slash.

"You don't think you can use your ability to sway me, do you?"

"Don't you know my information?"

Of course Wallenstein knew the information about Shirou Emiya, and was very clear.

You can analyze the enemy's inherent spiritual equipment by looking at it, so as to obtain the structure of the opponent's weapon and the ability of the opponent.

Therefore, in front of him, any ability to kill at first sight is invalid.

Unless the assassination is completed before the other party notices your inherent spiritual item.

But this way doesn't suit him.

Originally, he planned to crush the opponent with absolute strength, but now it seems that it is himself who is crushed.

For the current Wallenstein, any means must be tried.

Even if it doesn't have the slightest chance of winning.

"Really good ability, Wallenstein. If it was anyone else just now, I would have fought back!"

From Wallenstein's inherent spiritual item, Emiya Shirou learned of his abilities.


Strike, slash, shoot.

All forces that exist in this world are closely related to friction. No matter how powerful a bullet is, as long as there is no friction at the point of impact, its penetrating power will fail and it will slide away from the target.

And as long as friction is used in attack, it will turn into an invincible blade, able to pass unhindered between the molecules of all substances.

Attacking as a famous sword, defending as a shield, all lies in the fact that it can operate the basis of all power - friction.

And this is the ability of the one-armed swordsman, Wallenstein.

"In that situation just now, whether it's a combat attack or a boxing, I'm afraid all my attacks will slip away from you. What a terrifying ability!"

"Yes, I am invincible!"

Facing the powerful enemy in front of him, Wallenstein tried to use his ability to deter the opponent and find life for himself.

But unfortunately, his intentions were instantly seen by Emiya Shirou.

"Invincible? Not necessarily!"

"Perhaps physical attacks can't hurt your body, but what about large-scale magical attacks?"

"Like fire!"

As Emiya Shirou's voice fell, the surrounding air began to heat up.

In this high temperature environment, Emiya Shirou's body was instantly covered by flames.

Terrifying flames wrapped around Emiya Shirou's body, spreading around him continuously, and finally burning violently in the air.

Although the fire was fierce, Wallenstein's mind was not on it.

At this time, he was attracted by the scene in front of him.

"There is no inherent spiritual equipment projected, so where does this flame come from?"

At this time, Wallenstein was very surprised. After all, before coming here, he knew all the information about Shirou Emiya.

He is very clear that if Emiya Shirou wants to release other abilities, he must project other inherent spiritual equipment.

But now, something unexpected happened.

Intelligence, is it wrong?

The other party, has been hiding their own information?

That's right, Emiya Shirou has indeed been hiding his information all the time.

After all, that's to make everything look reasonable.

But now, he gave up his persistence.

As the price, Wallenstein, who knew about it, would die here.

He had no hope of surviving.

"Ready to die? One-armed Juggernaut, Wallenstein!"

Brilliant flames were constantly burning on the divine sword that Emiya Shirou stood on his chest.

And, as Emiya Shirou came into contact with the ground, the flames were spreading.

In the blink of an eye, it was everywhere.

Wallenstein, surrounded by flames, felt bad at this time.

He could clearly feel the killing intent of the other party.

You may not be able to leave yourself.

"Let it burn!"

On the exalted divine sword, the huge magic power kept condensing, spinning, and entwining.

The flame transformed by the huge magic power kept rising, and finally turned into a flame pillar, connecting the heaven and the earth.

At this time, Emiya Shirou's total magic power was no longer the C-rank magic power when he first arrived.

Now, in terms of the total amount of magic power, he far surpassed ordinary A-rank knights.

"This blow is Stella's proud stunt, just use it for your funeral!"

"Burning the sky and burning the earth, Dragon King Flame!"

As the infinite magic power kept compressing, compressing and compressing, the sword of flame with infinite quality slashed down in an instant.

The next moment, everything in front of Emiya Shirou was shrouded in it.

"Damn it!"

Surprised by the attack in front of him, Wallenstein, who knew he couldn't take it hard, immediately planned to dodge.

But at this moment, several chains suddenly appeared in the surrounding void, binding his hands and feet.

This is the unique spiritual item Emiya Shirou got from a certain senior.

With his and her, you can suddenly appear in the void to bind the enemy.

But unfortunately, this senpai doesn't have much magic power, only E.

Otherwise, as long as the magic power is enough, this chain can bind any enemy.

Its name is: Void Chains.

The bound Wallenstein kept breaking free from the chains, but to no avail.

The Void Chain was tightly stuck on his body, motionless.

And he didn't have much time to struggle, because the slash of the flames had come.

The next moment, the slash of the flame fell instantly.


In the wailing of pain, Wallenstein was instantly burned to ashes and no longer survived.

"This is your end, Wallenstein!"

After sighing at the enemy who no longer existed, Shirou Emiya looked around the surroundings.

Under the slash of flames, the surrounding area has been turned into scorched earth.

Among them, especially the ground that the flame slash directly touches, the land there flows slowly like lava.

"This blow is really good! It happens that I also play with fire, so it belongs to me!"

"In this case, I can't call it Burning Heaven and Burning Earth Dragon King Yan, it always feels like it's a pirated copy!"

"After all, when it comes to flames alone, Stella's output at this time can't catch up with mine!"

Looking at the golden long sword in his hand, Shirou Emiya suddenly raised the corner of his mouth.

"Since Artoria's Noble Phantasm is called the Sword of Promised Victory, then my move might as well be called the Sword of Superior Victory!"

"Although it's the name of Riviria Magic, it's very appropriate.

"Presumably Riviria will also be satisfied with this name!!"

Like me, the giant of the palace, swim in the heavens! Please collect: () I, the giant of the palace, travel to the heavens! Miaobi Pavilion updates the fastest.

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