Going the opposite direction

The great elder frowned as he looked at the jade slip in his hand.

“It shouldn’t be.” He murmured.

Xiao Fan: “Great Elder, could something bad happen?”

The great elder smiled slightly, “It’s not a bad thing, it’s just a little weird.”

Xiao Fan: “If something comes up, the elder can handle it first. The disciples can arrange their own practice without bothering the elder.”

Great Elder: “Hey, let’s talk about this. When the Holy Lord ascends to immortality, you, the Holy Son, will take over the Holy Land. This time it involves the Holy Land, and I think it is necessary for you to handle it.”

“This is also so that you can take better care of the Holy Land in the future.”


Xiao Fan was slightly shocked. I took over the Holy Land just half a year after entering the Holy Land. He asked, “Is this appropriate?”

“If there is anything inappropriate, don’t use it if you doubt it, and don’t doubt it if you employ it. The Holy Master trusts you extremely. When she is in retreat, she will listen to the Holy Son.”

The great elder said of course.

Xiao Fan can’t understand it at all, Holy Lord?

I have only heard about it from these elders, and I have never even met him. This Holy Master also trusts me too much.

Could it be that the Holy Lord wants to harm me?

[Don’t think too much, there is danger, the system will prompt you. 】

The sound of the system sounded, giving me a sense of security.

“Oh, that’s okay.”

At the same time, Xiao Fan’s mood also changed slightly after being promoted to a manager.

Before: Practice well and protect the holy place.

Now: practice well and protect my holy place.

He took the jade slip, penetrated it with his spiritual consciousness, and saw a familiar name: Ye Chen!

[A disciple named Ye Chen, when he went to the Alchemy Pavilion to hand over the alchemy prescription, he pointed at the elder who was teaching alchemy.

He said that the elder’s technique was not good, the heat control of the alchemy was wrong, and the order and dosage of the elixirs were wrong. ]

[The elder who teaches is the third-ranked Elder Qingshan in our Dan Pavilion. He is very experienced and has taught countless outstanding Dan Pavilion disciples. Immediately, some disciples were dissatisfied with Ye Chen’s attitude and said that he insulted Elder Qingshan. ]

[Ye Chen didn’t even explain, and directly challenged the Dan Pavilion disciples to make alchemy, severely defeating the Dan Pavilion disciples. ]


When Xiao Fan saw this, he knew what the plot was going to be like without having to think about it.

Probably, he shocked the disciples so hard that he probably didn’t know which disciple had offended him again and was affected by his wisdom halo, so he still wanted to challenge him.

Then Elder Qingshan discovered that this guy was a wizard of alchemy. Ye Chen used his knowledge from his previous life to shock Elder Qingshan.

Elder Qingshan would probably also say, “Master Ye, your knowledge is enough to take on the role of a master of alchemy. This is the token of my alchemy pavilion. Please accept it. If you have any problems, come to me and I will help you solve it.”

Xiao Fan shook his head, the poison was too deep.

To test his idea, he looked specifically at the last line.

[Great Elder, Ye Chen is simply a born master of alchemy. If it weren’t for the difference in seniority, I would have wanted to worship him as my teacher.

Ye Chen said that his purpose was to hand over the pill recipe in exchange for a reward. It would be even better if he could become an inner disciple.

But Qingshan believes that such a peerless genius must be given preferential treatment, and he sincerely asks the Great Elder to give Ye Chen the treatment of an alchemy master and arrange for him to be assigned to my alchemy pavilion. ]

Xiao Fan:……

Well, it was exactly what he thought.

He took another look at the jade slips sent from the Sutra Pavilion, and already had an outline in his mind.

This Ye Chen must have gone to the Buddhist Scripture Pavilion first, where he shocked a group of people.

In order to verify his idea, Xiao Fan picked up the second jade slip.

[Great Elder, I discovered a peerless Taoist genius. This is what happened:

[Today, a disciple named Ye Chen was reading the scriptures in the Sutra Pavilion and scribbling on the exercises on them.

He was discovered by a disciple who was guarding the Sutra Collection Pavilion, and he immediately stopped him and asked him why he wanted to destroy the classics? ]

[Ye Chen did not panic at all, but said calmly: “This classic is too rough, I will help change it to make it more suitable for you mortals to practice.”]

[Ye Chen said calmly: “I am here for the Sutra Pavilion. If you stop me, is it because you are blind and don’t know how to distinguish the techniques?”

The disciple was furious when he heard this. This kid destroyed the magic book and refused to acknowledge it. He also made rude remarks. He immediately approached me, and I hurriedly went to check the situation. ]

[You didn’t know it, but you were shocked when you saw it. What Ye Chen changed was actually effective, directly improving an ordinary skill by several levels. ]

[I didn’t believe it at first, so I asked him to change a few more books on the spot. As a result, every magic book he changed became more powerful.

The old man immediately promised that he was willing to accept him as his disciple. Unexpectedly, the old man Qingshan, who did not talk about immortal virtues, actually interceded with the great elder.

Great Elder, first come, first served. I discovered Ye Chen first and should enter my Scripture-Tiding Pavilion. ]

[By the way, Great Elder, Ye Chen’s original intention is probably to use the skills in his hands in exchange for contribution points and spiritual stones.

This kind of disciple is still in the outer sect, and is really covered in dust. Please ask the Great Elder to let him worship in my Scripture Pavilion. I will teach him well. ]

The more Xiao Fan watched, the more familiar he became. This plot is a classic within a classic.

It’s normal for you to use your skills and elixirs in exchange for spiritual stones or something.

However, wouldn’t it be nice to change quietly and come back quietly? You have to speak in a way that makes you stand out, you have to change the scriptures to make yourself stand out, right?

It’s okay to be reborn and use the knowledge of the past life to severely reduce the dimensionality of those who are born.

He didn’t know how to lie dormant and hide his frustrations, and he was so high-profile. No wonder Ye Chen was beaten to death in his previous life.

Great Elder: “This Ye Chen, do you think there is something wrong with him?”

There must be something wrong with the Immortal Emperor’s rebirth, but he still had a calm look on his face: “Haha, the disciple didn’t see anything wrong with it. On the contrary, he felt that this Ye Chen was a malleable talent.”

The great elder expressed his thoughts: “Holy Son, you are too simple and do not understand the complexity of human hearts.”

Xiao Fan:? ?

Am I innocent? How dare you say that.

The Great Elder continued: “I suspect that there may be some force behind Ye Chen. He is an undercover agent planted in our Holy Land.”

Xiao Fan was stunned for a moment. Great Elder, you have a rich imagination.

“Can’t? How can an undercover agent be so high-profile?” Xiao Fan knew Ye Chen’s identity, so naturally he would not have such thoughts.

The Great Elder said confidently: “It is now popular to do the opposite. The more you think that I am an undercover agent and don’t dare to keep a high profile, the more I will keep a high profile.”

“Who would have thought that a high-profile person like me would actually be an undercover agent.”

Xiao Fan couldn’t help but admire the great elder’s brain, he was amazing, and he also knew how to counterattack.

“Then Great Elder, what do you mean?”

“Investigate his identity, find out who he has met and where he has been recently, and also see if he has been taken away by an old monster.” The great elder said.


Xiao Fan was shocked.

This guy has only been reborn for a month, so his soul must not be fully integrated yet. If we check now, we will definitely find clues.

He hasn’t given me a gold finger yet, so I can’t fall here!

Xiao Fan immediately retorted: “Great Elder, I object to your move.”

The great elder was stunned and didn’t understand.

Xiao Fan hurriedly explained: “Great Elder, you also said that now we are just doubting. What if he is really a genius with the skills of alchemy and Taoism?”

“If we investigate him and don’t trust him, it will inevitably create a gap, allowing other forces to take advantage of him and poach him away.”

“In this way, our Holy Land will lose a genius!”

The great elder did not refute, but said:

“Holy Son, what is your opinion?”

Xiao Fan: “It is true that there is a possibility that Ye Chen is an undercover agent, but he cannot be killed with a stick. You think so, let me meet him and spend some time with him so that I can find out his details.”

“But, won’t this delay your practice?”

“It’s nothing to waste some practice time for the sake of the Holy Land.” Xiao Fan said firmly.

The great elder thought for a moment and thought it made sense.

It would be a great loss if the genius Ye Chen was alienated from the Holy Land because of suspicion.

But the Holy Son has just given birth and needs time to stabilize his state. Is it really okay to let him investigate?

“Why don’t you go with someone else?”

Xiao Fan said categorically: “You must be cautious when it comes to matters involving peerless geniuses. As a holy son of the Holy Land, I have an obligation to consider the Holy Land and sacrifice the individual to fulfill the greater self.”

“If he is truly a genius, I, a holy son, would spend time with him day and night, giving him enough face. And he would never have imagined that I, a holy son, would investigate him and do the opposite, great elder!”

The elder was shocked. The Holy Son learned things so quickly. He understood and did the opposite so quickly.

At the same time, the Great Elder was a little moved in his heart. The Holy Son wanted to go to the Holy Land. How dare he refuse again, so he had no choice but to let Xiao Fan go ahead and do it.

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