"Yeah, it's not that I don't want to turn a blind eye, because Lu Yu is already very famous. He was the one who killed the An family. Don't you know that?"

Several gray-haired old men looked at Kegnitos and said with a smile! Kedorius has not made any achievements at this age, and the Lu Yu in front of him seems to be a living achievement to him.

The old man Oskechi on the left of Ktoria, he is also a strong man! The red old face flashed for a while, and he raised two long swords in his hands.

I saw that Ktoria's hands were full of calluses, and the arms were like big tree roots: the muscles were extremely elastic, not like an ordinary old man.

"I, Oskechi, have always been jealous of evil, and Cognidos, you must not get involved in this chaotic dispute, we are also doing this for your own good!"

"You must always remember! You are human, and your opposite is a false god. If you want to get involved, we can't say anything for you!"

The eyes of the three or four 34 old men behind him showed cold murderous intent, all unanimously.

The longswords in their hands popped out from under their white sleeves.

Cognitos was anxious for a while, and on his forehead, pea-sized beads of sweat flowed.

Does this group of old men understand what kind of realm Lu Yu has reached, and he doesn't want to deal with this kind of thing now! They came here entirely to remove the existence of the evil god.


"All right!"

A smile appeared on Lu Yu's face, he took a step forward, and the divine brilliance around his body rose.

"I think, they won't listen to you, and the word self-righteousness is flying behind them. For them, I am afraid that glory is the first."

Lu Yu laughed sarcastically.

"Also, they are loyal to that... more than feelings. It's not bad. If they caught me, it should be enough for you to live a few more years."

Lu Yu looked at the old man and said with a smile.

These old men are nothing more than trying to prolong their lifespan, and the brilliance of the divine nature and the use of the divine personality, I am afraid that the old man's hands are already pure! "Cough"

Christia coughed several times in a row and stretched out.

An arm, patted Kegnitos on the shoulder, and stepped forward.

"You have already joined the Heretic God at a young age. Now, it is not for my own selfish desires that I become a Heretic God and kill Captain An's! You are so daring, damn it!"


Everyone in Oskey raised the long swords in their hands and shouted in unison! "Really?"

Lu Yu squinted in his eyes, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and the divine brilliance in the palm of his hand emerged.

In the next moment, there is a visualization map behind him. The energy of the divine radiance on it makes the surrounding sky clouds scattered! "Don't fight! Don't fight, but don't fight!"

Kegnitos hurriedly inserted a leg in the middle of these two people, and sent a bitter face to both of them at the same time! He didn't hope that once there was a war between these two people, the friendship between them and Lu Yu would be bad. Completely ruined.

A bunch of old men don't buy his love! "It's none of your business! Cognidos! Now you just have to watch, you are always the strong human being, and now we are just cutting some branches, for the sake of A better tomorrow for mankind, such anomalies do not need to exist!"

Ktoria sneered, the divine brilliance of the long sword in her hand turned, and a scarlet figure appeared behind her! Under the blood, it was found that the long sword was covered with blood blades. Knowing which ancient god brought the breath, it is very simple, killing and tyrannical "Hey, big brother."

Another old man stood up! "I seem to have seen a familiar little girl, if I am not mistaken, it should be Lu Feier, the younger sister of the leader of the pseudo-god faction, who is called by that group of... pseudo-gods. Saintess, it's ridiculous, she really treats herself as the moon in the sky, let's kill them together"


Lu Feier didn't wait for the dry-haired Oskey to finish speaking, and stood up angrily.

"You old fellows! You will only be bullying in some dens, why don't you dare to fight the evil god head-on, you only know that you keep signing contracts! Selling human beings, you people are the biggest enemies of human beings, nausea!"

She clenched her fists and became intensely excited! At this time, the aura of the primordial spirit in her body had already leaked out! "Bold, little pseudo-god, if you dare to visit, you should have killed it long ago!"

When Ktoria heard this, an elite cold light broke out in her eyes. In his eyes, Lu Feier was just a traitor of the evil god type! : Please collect! Please subscribe! Please monthly ticket!! Evaluation ticket! Chapter

Chapter [-]: The Great One Comes, The Supreme Divine War!

They signed an agreement with the evil gods for the sake of the long-term plan of all mankind! This righteous behavior should be understood! "Boom!"

The divinity in the sky exploded with a loud bang.

In an instant, several old men stood in a triangle, and six 66 old men formed a triangle, and the divine radiance was like a pillar of heaven! "Death!"

They seemed to be the same person, and a divine brilliance slashed down from the long sword of Kdorisia.

"Humph! I'll come first!"

Lu Feier didn't hesitate to do this, a pair of fists slammed forward, and the visualization map behind her burst out.


A screeching sound rang out, the three-legged golden crow flapped its huge wings, and a golden light burst out from its eyes! "Ka Ka"

Countless thunderstorms sounded in the sky, the two energies intertwined and expanded, and the surrounding air was torn apart.

The black stripes in this void are bursting, and time is pulling! Kegnidos wanted to dissuade him, but, watching these people fight so fiercely! Helping the old man will offend Lu Yu, if you want to help Lu Yu Mayfair, then it means to offend the human camp! No matter what the old gangsters say, they may drown with saliva! Offending Lu Yu is not what he wants, because he feels that Lu Yu will be in the future. His achievements are not something that humans can achieve! He also felt that the human camp prides itself on being righteous, and in some areas it is not as good as false gods. There are more and more people, and then it will be really indistinguishable!"

Kegnitos looked at Lu Yu's urgent advice.

It can't be a momentary misstep and become an eternal hatred.

"It's already here, this aura is a bit familiar, I'm afraid Lu Qi Yannian's friend has already come."

Lu Yu patted Kegnitos and stretched his waist. Most wars are unprepared! He turned around and walked towards the rear.


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