
A part of Lu Yu's divinity was broken between his hands, and he spit out a mouthful of blood and flew out in a straight line.

The strength of the Utos Demon Blood God is really scary! Under the diamond state of the Utos Demon Blood God, he seems to be invincible.

damage, and can knock him back to cough up blood.

"The realm of fear."

A realm of fear suddenly spread around, and light waves in the middle of the realm spread out to the surrounding diamond space.


The coercion of the spirit sounded from all around, and the spiritual power emitted by the fear field caused a wave-like echo from all around, launching the spirit to attack each other.

"ding ding ding ding ding"

A crisp sound resounded on the body of the diamond.

The Utos Demon Blood God waved his hand casually as he looked at the dense mental attacks around him.

Above the rays of light shining from the diamond, in an instant, the spiritual power melted away! "Boy, maybe you don't know what the Utos Demon Blood God is, or you won't have the chance to know it in the future."

One of his huge fists was slightly clenched, and in an instant, the space changed suddenly.

Countless fists stretched out their giant arms from the diamond wall, and the dazzling crystal light above the fists instantly strangled Lu Yu: Come here.


Lu Yu looked at the splendor of the twilight around him, and there was a trace of solemnity in his eyes.

"Tongyu Dragon King Tong Demon Dragon's Body Fear Domain Spider Dragon Spinning Devil Prison Dragon King Flash Light of Destruction"

Layers of brilliance floated up between Lu Yu's body, and along with the Evil God King's extremely divine personality, it spun, and the power around him became more and more powerful.

"Go to me!"

Utos Demon Blood God looked at the diamond fists around him and wanted to stop, and gave an order.


The countless diamond arms on the wall suddenly turned into beams of lasers, kinking wildly in the space.

At this moment, the space is reduced and Lu Yu is to be rounded up.

"Puppet Dragon"

A sneer appeared on Lu Yu's face, the colorful 7 puppet dragon hovered from his waist, and a dragon head was placed on his shoulders.


Hearing a sharp roar, a seven-colored light emitted from the dragon's head, radiating towards the diamonds that were originally transparent.


above diamonds.

The split lines began to light up with white rays of light. The sharp edge of the diamond has lost its directionality, and it crystallizes faster here! "Hahaha"

When the Evil God King saw such a scenery, not only did he not show any anger, but instead he looked up to the sky and laughed.

"If you say that you are stupid, you are really stupid. As long as you fill up this area, you will be dead without a burial."

Chapter [-]: The Wrath of the Thousand-handed Demon God, the Power of Supreme Divinity!

The Evil God King stomped towards Lu Yu, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a ten thousand-zhang diamond peak, under Lu Yu's head.

"The Claw of Space."

The giant white bone claw in Lu Yu's hand turned slowly, and in an instant he walked into the deep ripples! He knew that he was in danger.

I also know why the powerhouses just now died in the hands of this Evil God King. The realm of this diamond seems to be incomprehensible! "Boom!"

The huge fist slammed into the diamond wall, with only a little movement.

There was only a muffled sound from Lu Yu's fist, and there was no answer.

"Die, die, you have no chance to challenge me again! Stupid human."

The crystal body of Utos Demon Blood God floated in place, and the space of this diamond boundary was getting smaller and smaller.

"Lu Yu! Let me go out, I'll shoot with you and break his diamond boundary."

Lu Feier looked at Lu Yu and said anxiously, if Lu Yu didn't do anything and cooperated with her, he would most likely be surrounded to death.

She will surely die by then.

Lu Yu smiled slightly and shook his head slowly.

"The power of the realm is indeed powerful, and the method seems to be impeccable, but he still has flaws."

Lu Yu stepped in the air, looking at the rapidly filling space around him, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Boy! You still dare to speak up when you are about to die."

A grim smile appeared in the eyes of the Utos Demon Blood God.

Seeing that Lu Yu was hiding in the sky with the claws of time and space, he lifted his finger, and the surrounding walls turned into diamond spears, stabbing at Lu Yu's body.

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