There are huge eyes on the tree, although there are no pupils

, but the green light that radiated out made people startled for a while! "Of course."

Lu Yu didn't hesitate, the follower behind him had been following for a while, and the speed of the two was relatively parallel.

Passed this image out smoothly! "Lu Fei'er! How could it be her no no no, I don't want this kind of false god, this is not my gift, you quickly take her away!"

The moment Crocodile saw Lu Fei'er, his eyes widened immediately. He understood how strong Lu Fei'er was! Lu Fei'er has exceeded his imagination and fought head-on! One finger The head can crush him! The gift that Lu Yu gave him is undoubtedly a huge bomb! This bomb is placed on his head! "Lu Feier, it turns out that this girl is called Lu Feier, now I finally know."

Lu Yu nodded knowingly, but instead he drove the spaceship and rushed towards the south, he knew where the Heretic God Base was. "It seems that you haven't told me the truth, and as friends between you and me, why? Maybe even the information is not exchanged, what I said, right?"

A bright smile appeared on Lu Yu's face.

"damn it!"

Crocodile is about to be scolded, this guy Lu Yu is just a bastard! He attracted a time bomb, and now he is still there: laughing in front of him! "Lu Yu! But I tell you, don't expose this Mayfair attracted! She has more than [-] followers of the evil gods under her hands! Moreover, they call themselves the saviors, and the false gods call themselves the saviors! Since you are their hunting target, please die farther away! "

He looked at Lu Yu and roared angrily. He didn't know Lu Yu's fighting power. The most important thing was that Lu Feier's terrifying power had already begun to fight! If he didn't run fast enough, he would be Lu Feier's prey.

He is a high-ranking evil god, but he is not willing to be a lackey of human beings! If the evil gods find out, I am afraid that he will not be able to mix in this evil god world at all! If one goes to the dark, it will be death! Pseudo-god thrown as a bomb, it's a pseudo-god, it's a demon among demons! "Information."

Lu Yu spit out these two words lightly.

"You are threatening me!"

"You may think so."

"Okay, okay, I'll give you all the information about the pseudo-god savior, I just know it myself, I don't know any other information!"

"Then you have to hurry, otherwise, we are about to reach your base."

Chapter nine hundred and sixty-six: Devouring the sky, the flesh and blood alliance!

"Don't come! Don't come!"

Crocodile is going crazy! "Well, then you have to hurry up, I'm afraid you don't have time to give me your information, I'm afraid she will violently take you as a slave!"

Lu Yu achieved his goal, and there was a calm smile on the corner of his mouth.

"I give it to you! Shameless!"

Crocodile looked at Lu Yu and scolded him! Lu Yu did not kill him personally, but tried to get rid of him with the help of Lu Feier. "Tan Si, prepare to receive the information, organize the information, and then report to me."

The information sheet that Lu Yu was looking at was being transmitted, and he smiled softly at Tan Si who was behind him.

"it is good."

Tan Si hurriedly stood up, for Lu Yu's trust, he felt incomparably safe.

There was a pseudo-god behind them attacking and killing them, but under Lu Yu's smile, he seemed to have full confidence! "What about me?"

Si Yan walked over in a hurry, not knowing what he could do for Lu Yu, but seeing that Lu Yu was already busy here, he had to share something.

"Don't worry, I won't let you idle."

Lu Yu chuckled, turned to look at Lu Feier who was urgently following behind him, and said, "Go and discuss with her, I am willing to hand over the evil god in the south, and I am willing to join forces with him to satisfy this group of people. The evil spirit is her slave, so she can't let me go."


Everyone's eyes widened, and they exclaimed in surprise. They didn't expect Lu Yu to ask Si Yan to beg for mercy! However, after a little thought, they knew that this guy Lu Yu was already a conspiracy! With Lu Yu's character, how could He might easily beg for mercy. The reason why he said this is to give that... Lu Feier more confidence in the pursuit! If he fights against Lu Yu, a scheming guy with bad intentions, I am afraid that he will be restless. ,!"it is good!"

Si Yan smiled slightly and flew directly towards him.

"The elder sister at the back, listen, now we plan to make peace with you, Fang's evil gods are mostly weak, we will help you kill the evil gods in this area, no matter how many evil spirits there are, we will give you everything, false gods and Don't kill each other between false gods, after all, we are the enemies of evil gods and human beings, what do you think?"

Lu Fei'er's eyes narrowed slightly, but what she said was found in her heart, indeed, they are all enemies on the back and back! "This makes me heartless to deal with this group of false gods, the false gods are indeed pitiful , and we have been hunted down."

Bow your head

After pondering for a while, in her bright eyes, there was suddenly a trace of uncertainty.

Having been a pseudo-god for so long, I have never seen a pseudo-god who surrendered directly! "Master, I guess their spaceships are running out of fuel, and their Chaos Qi seems to be running out of steam. If you give up on them, you will be in vain. !"

The evil god said softly behind Lu Feier.

Since they are showing their defeat, and they hurriedly flew towards the evil god's land, I am afraid it is really impossible! "Hmm!"

Lu Fei'er nodded, that's right.

Whether it is dealing with humans or evil gods, as long as they have a little soft heart, they will die! This is a bloody lesson for them.

"Little girl, it's not because my sister is cruel, but because of the general trend. Now let him worship me as a god, I will turn around and leave, and if someone bullies you, I will take action for you and join our big family!"

She shouted to the spaceship ahead, confident in her own means, and strange black runes suddenly appeared in her palm.


Suddenly, the white clouds in the sky turned into black ribbons, and they were tied up to the spaceship one after another! "What can I do about Lu Yu?"

The shouting that Si Yan saw was not only useless, on the contrary, it attracted this Lu Feier's attack.

It can be seen that even if they are caught, they will inevitably be branded as slaves one by one.

"very good."

Lu Yu smiled slightly, not only without any panic, but more confident.


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