
Antia nodded hurriedly, just looking at Lu Yu's gentle eyes, she felt that she had fallen into a deep and unprovoked killing abyss! She even felt that Lu Yu was not a human being.

How could human beings have such terrifying eyes, just looking at it would make the evil god fall into an ice cave! "Hmm."

Lu Yu nodded lightly, feeling that the breath behind him seemed to be following him, and the smile on his face became even stronger.

"Let's go, I didn't expect new friends to follow, I'd like to see how new and powerful there are in this world!"

Lu Yu seemed to have opened up another world.

I thought I could stand on top of this world with my powerful strength! But now it seems absolutely not! How many secrets are buried under this piece of land, the people who are chasing are definitely not De Shiang, Shi Jin Yunyan, and others. That evil god king.

Instead, they are humans! "Lu Yu, our strength is weak now, so it's better not to confront them head-on!"

Si Yan said urgently to Lu Yu, the divine brilliance of the few of them is not enough now! Moreover, she does not think that Lu Yu's body is so invincible, even if Lu Yu has a strong power, but this stock A mighty force can't fight a mighty enemy all the time! "Just wait."

A deep smile appeared on Lu Yu's face, sitting in the center of the spaceship, closing his eyes slightly to rest.

Several people looked at each other, although they didn't know what Lu Yu was doing, they could only sit on the spot.

Perhaps, Lu Yu might have concocted the captured lines, or dissected out their godheads and thought of it here.

The Bone Cthulhu and Antia couldn't help but chuckle. That was a dozen or so heretic gods! Although the group of evil gods were not free under the evil god's control, no one could ever doubt the evil god king's combat power! At this moment, Lu Yu seemed to be absent. in the regulations.

system space.


The long river of time has impacted for a period of time

Duan's light waves swarmed a group of evil gods around the long river of time.

Not letting the evil gods live in the long river, but also warning them.

"Everyone, it looks like we're going to get into the theme."

"Who are you and why are you in the human data, there has never been your existence and there is no false god!"

A tiger with a human head and a long-legged evil god with centipedes behind him stood up.

A pair of double eyeballs turned countless pupils and asked.


Loud ears meet unexpectedly.

A tiger-headed evil spirit suddenly spit out a mouthful of purple blood! His mouth already has no sharp teeth! "When talking to me, it's best to pay attention to where you are, you are prisoners, and I! It's the warden of this room, isn't it?"

Lu Yu's voice had the magnetic power of a baritone, and the casualness on his face matched his handsome profile.

It also expresses that he doesn't care about the life and death of these evil gods! "Cough"

The evil god Qiang Qiang with a tiger head and a human body stood up and saw many evil gods standing behind him! "Why are you not convinced?"

A sneer appeared on Lu Yu's face, only to see a figure rolled up by the waves of the long river.

In this wave, keep rushing back and forth! The little guy who owns the God of War, swaying his long sword indiscriminately in the long river of time! Rings are of no use at all.

And Lu Qiyan will sink deeper and deeper, and the more he struggles, the more he will fall into death! "How is this possible?"

The Evil God's eyes widened, he couldn't believe that this powerful human being was under the control of Lu Yu, forever imprisoned! "It seems like a long time, we have just tried it, but, with your Power cannot turn the river of time!"

Another Evil God rushed forward, his body was a huge palm, and there were countless dense tentacles on the edge of the palm, like a huge palm full of thorns, but from the distance between his fingers. 5 eyes can be seen blinking.

Lu Yu sneered.

There is no need to answer their questions. All he used was to distort his time and space to allow the river to flow normally! What they saw in their eyes was not the rolling up of the long river of time, but the normal flow of the long river of time. At the same time, he made this piece of time and space change constantly, and there are thousands of images!: Ask for collection! Ask for subscription! Ask for monthly ticket!!

Chapter [-]: Thousand-handed devils interfere with time, and thousands of evil gods surrender!

Lu Yu can't control the long river of time, can't he control the distortion of his own space? "Worship me as a god, there are not many chances for you to survive!"

Lu Yu went straight to the subject, and the whole body of fear emanated from the palm of his hand.

A period of divine black light suddenly flashed from the Thousand-handed Demon God behind Lu Yu, and the Thousand-handed Demon God came with great strides, and the giant hand waved, causing the surrounding space to gradually burst into chaos! "Evil God King's breath! "

Everyone noticed that in the divine brilliance Lu Yu used, there was a strong evil god king, and this evil god king came from Jiuyuan! "Three!"

Lu Yu had already started the countdown.

There was a sinister smile on the corner of his mouth, and his huge palm extended infinitely in the sky! The evil gods: looking at each other, the long river of time has surrounded them! Even a strong man like Lu Qiyannian, Having been inhabited by Lu Yu in the long river, it will be easier for them! "This, this, this human being wants to detain us, how can this be?"

"Or surrender! At least you can take every life."

"Nonsense, we are evil gods"

"The realm of fear!"

Lu Yu was filled with the brilliance of the Evil God King's divinity, and he grabbed an Evil God in his hand.


Hearing a sneer on Lu Yu's mouth, the evil god suddenly turned into a black mist! "Hey!!"

The black fog moved closer to the long river of time, and it was actually mixed with the brilliance of the god of light and the god of war! Not even a trace of blood flowed out, it was swallowed by the strange black fog! "Gulugulu"

Numerous evil gods swallowed hard, their cruel eyeballs trembling uncontrollably.

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