Looking at this appearance, it looks like an ancient lancer, typical of the god of war! "It's fine if you don't go, I will end you here today. If you want to throw this person into the Heretic God's territory, just do what you want. , but let me tell you, there is no evil god who can come up to save you!"

He looked at Lu Yu and sneered, since he was a false god, most of them colluded with the evil god! But this is a human family affair, and the evil god can't control it! Moreover, he is at a high level, and some things are still in the period of peace talks.

Chapter [-]: The ancient world ruler, the battlefield of the god o level!

Lu Yu didn't understand what kind of dirty conditions their peace talks were talking about, but it was the same for him.


An orange fire was swirling from Lu Yu's palm, and with the hot breath melting into the flame, a lot of chaotic energy burned! "Boom!"

A violent explosion was accompanied by huge air pressure, and the surrounding temperature suddenly rose to [-] degrees! "Children's stuff."

Lu Qiyannian didn't care about these flames, he raised the long-handled battle axe and kicked the purple-gold war horse with his legs.


The flying hooves of the purple-gold war horse rushed directly into the flames.

"Puppet Dragon."

A seven-colored dragon was wrapped around Lu Yu's arm, and the seven-colored light between his mouth opened toward the flame and blessed it.

"Idiot! Childishness is childishness. If you don't have a special person to cultivate it, you will be a false god like a weed. Die, untouchable!"

Lu Qiyannian raised his shield, and the colorful rays of light rattled on the shield, and even a trace of color could not penetrate, let alone differentiate.

Lu Yu raised the Chaos Revolver again: and spun the divine radiance between his arms, and the surrounding space suddenly became silent! "Boom!"

A huge explosion sounded from Lu Yu's muzzle! In the blink of an eye, it turned into a round of Shenyang and slammed into Lu Qiyanian! "Humph!"

Lu Qiyannian laughed sarcastically, lifted the reins, and saw the purple and gold war horses flying! "Bah!"

The purple-gold warhorse screamed above the sky, and one hoof stomped heavily on the Chaos Revolver: the blazing sun-like energy bomb that was fired! "Boom!"

The divine power like the blazing sun was stepped down by the feet of the purple-gold warhorse, reversed its direction, and fell straight towards the black sea directly below! "It's over! It's over, it's over!"

Alos is in a panic! Lu Yu's two treasures have all failed in front of this guy's eyes! I don't know where to hide.

If you go out of Lu Yu's space, you will definitely be found by the evil god, and you will be punished. But if you don't go out of Lu Yu's space, you will go back to the West with Lu Yu! "Shut up, that's how I feel interesting."

In Lu Yu's eyes, a wisp of visualization slowly floated behind him.


Lu Qiyannian nodded excitedly, what he wanted to see was the visualization behind Lu Yu, what a little human being that pseudo-god was, and how ugly he thought he was! "Apart from your childish tricks, let Let me see where your real skills lie, boy!"

Lifting the reins of his own horse, the purple-gold warhorse fluttered with four hooves, and the long-handled axe in his hand was raised high toward the sky.

"God of war, soar to the sky!"

The surrounding divine brilliance suddenly turned into a light curtain on this giant axe! "Kakakakaka"

In the blink of an eye, a celestial god seemed to descend from the sky, and a giant axe was raised high.


The sky shook, and the surrounding evil gods hid under the black sea one after another! "My God, the god of the ancients, what kind of existence has this kid provoked, and why is this human being so powerful?"

"I said, why did this kid break into our evil god's territory unscrupulously, it turned out to be because he had such a trump card."

"Are the ancient gods of the past coming? Isn't the outer god the strongest ruler?"

Lu Yu nodded with satisfaction to the God of War above the sky.

He has ushered in the strongest blow, and it can only be said that he is in the war since the beginning! The strongest blow! "Thousand-handed Demon God!"

Lu Yu's expression was calm, and the Thousand-handed Demon God behind him stepped out of the visualization.

The huge thousand-handed demon god scene stepped on the sky, and the projections between the heavens and the earth turned into real objects! The thousand arms slowly gathered on the arms, and the two big hands turned with divine brilliance! "Come on."

Lu Yu took a deep breath, and the divine light around his body suddenly turned.

The half-house-sized one: Godhead was over, a heart stopped abruptly, turned into golden blood, and flowed in his veins.

The demon wine in the distance, Tan Si, Si Yan, the evil god of white bones, Antiya.

When they were killing the fire tree, they directly found a place to hide.

"Offer our most sincere beliefs, our godhead will burn with you, our lives are humble and bright as the sun, God!"

The five were sitting in the cave, holding hands, their eyes were looking at the sky, and there was a blazing divine light in their eyes! "Death!"

There was a grim smile in Lu Qiyannian's eyes, and his arm slashed down! "Boom!"

The projection giant behind him followed Lu Qiyannian's actions! The giant axe, like a piece of land, slashed at Lu Yu's head! "With your small energy, you also want to be with me. Fighting, as a punishment for looking down on the power of the ancient gods, death is your final destination!"

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Chapter [-]: The secrets of the ancient gods, time has changed! (Please collect! Please subscribe! i)


Lu Qiyannian smiled calmly.

As if saying goodbye to the last sentence, quietly watching Lu Yu's reaction! "Thousand-handed Demon God! Here we go!"

Thousand-handed God and Demon's body shone brightly for a while, and the brilliance of divinity accompanied the rapid shrinkage of Thousand-handed God and Demon, and even rushed towards the huge axe! "Crazy! Crazy! Oh my god, this guy Really crazy!"

Alos rolls around in the space of Lu Yu's system, he has already given Lu Yu all his godhead and his divinity! Today Lu Yu died, and his stunt can't survive.

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