Not only is the evil god their enemy, it is very likely that this group of radicals is also their enemy.

Si Yan turned sideways at this moment, brought a few cups of tea to the table, and sat beside Lu Yu.

"Lu Yu, let's make it clear to the human side and let them understand our intentions. Otherwise, if we are attacked by the enemy, it is very likely to cause trouble. This is also my opinion."

She added a little milk to Lu Yu's teacup, her voice was as thin as a mosquito, not sure if she was right.

Lu Yu chuckled lightly, shook his head and rejected the suggestion.

"I don't like being under the control of others, and don't forget, who are the advocates behind this half of the people, if I get caught by them, I am afraid that [-]% will help me to dissect it, the An family, Hands and eyes are sky-high, and those who have killed must be remembered clearly."

He picked up the teacup and took a sip, the bitterness in the tea was diluted by the milk.

A hint of sweet milk taste is very smooth.

The bitterness of this tea is equivalent to the situation in front of them, and this milk is equivalent to their strength! An's and other big clans.

Their hosting and control of human beings, coupled with brainwashing, have made most of the strong people crawl at the feet of those capitalists! And he has the murder case of Anriel, as long as he is caught by the capitalists Live, die faster than anyone else, this is an unbreakable principle.

"Sorry, I'm just making a suggestion."

Si Yan murmured softly, sitting next to Lu Yu at this moment and said no more.

"By the way, is it possible for us to cooperate with Tu Delin?"

Her eyes lit up, knowing the contradiction between Lu Yu and this group of guys.

But Tu Delin and Lu Yu seem to have some common topics, not to mention that his apprentice Qiao Sannifu and Lu Yu have met each other before! "Well."

Lu Yu chuckled lightly and nodded.

That old fellow Tu Delin was also extremely stubborn, but was corrected by his apprentice.

"You can try it, but there's no need to take risks, demon wine, you go and prepare it now, we'll do it right away.

let's go."

"Tan Si, as for the matter of contacting Tu Delin, please suspend it for a while, or at least wait for them to contact me first."

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Chapter [-]: The horror sacrifice to call the evil god, the last heritage of human beings!

Lu Yu wouldn't drive the ducks to the shelves, that would be looked down upon by others.

What's more, what they want this time is to eliminate the evil god forces on the planet, not to do something wrong.

As for that group of people who regarded him as a false god, arrogant and arrogant.

However, as long as you dare to show off your power in front of his eyes and fight killers, don't blame him for being ruthless.

Several people hurriedly left the cave and walked towards the dense forest in the west! "Hoohoo!"

The strange roars from the monsters, accompanied by the flow of blood, collapsed to the ground, and the hideous bones showed strange patterns.

Black smoke jumped out from under the ground, and the divine brilliance led the bones to hold up the white-boned monsters.

"Bone Evil God, these guys seem to be very similar to your domain."

Lu Yu turned his head to look at the Bone Evil God who was following behind him.

The Bone Evil God shook his head, Lu Yu had already given him a godhead, there was no need to betray! Although it was not his own, it was enough for him to restore the power of the Evil God.

"Master, although this group of evil gods is the same as me, there are still some general differences. This group of people seems to be the summoner of the god of death. Human beings can offer sacrifices to the great evil god. In fact, evil gods can also Sacrifice will attract the more terrifying Evil God King, as for what happens after the Evil God King, it is taboo!"


Lu Yu nodded, this is true, he has seen the power of the Evil God King.

"By the way, your Heretic God King is beyond the power of sacrifice. How many Heretic God-level believers does he use to become the Heretic God King?"

Lu Yu asked again.

He has reached the power level of the Evil God King.

However, if they encounter a real evil god king, the strange attacks they launch can still obliterate his primordial spirit and divine personality.

Have to be careful! "You say it."

The Bone Evil God turned his head to look at Antiya.

Now that she has been dragged into the water by Lu Yu, I didn't expect that the bastard, the Bone Evil God, really doesn't talk about the Evil God's loyalty.

However, Antija was on the sidelines! "Damn it"

Antia rolled her eyes at the Evil God of White Bones, and she jumped into the water. Now she has to drag her out to reveal more important taboos! "Don't be long-winded."

Lu Yu's face was slightly cold, and when he opened his hands, Antia was fighting beside him.

"Master, if you want to become the power of a real evil god, you must have at least fifty followers."

"However, you are a human being, and your divine personality is not complete, although you have added that evil god heart.

You can borrow it, but you’d better become the Evil God King, it probably requires more than seventy followers of the Evil God, this is impossible to accomplish.”

Antia said bluntly to Lu Yu.

It was no longer interesting to hide from Lu Yu, after all, Lu Yu could use her hands to beat her as a slave.

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