"Puppet Realm!"

In desperation, he dashed into a field intertwined with colorful rays of light.

I saw that within his domain, seven phantom-like rays of light shone down fiercely.


The light of death rushed into the realm, and it has changed! "What can you do if you have the ability of the God of Torment? You should see our family realm, this is the puppet realm, no matter what kind of attack power hits me Within the realm, it can be copied by me indefinitely."

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Chapter [-]: The giant eyes of the long river of time and space, the power to reverse reality!

A sneer appeared on the corner of Urganibull's mouth, as if the general situation was in control! "Lu Yu! Even if you have the energy you think you are powerful, you still can't kill me today."

Finished talking.

He shoved the beating heart into his mouth urgently, and he sat on the ground, the divine brilliance around him crammed frantically in his body.

It is better to swallow this heart first and then kill Lu Yu.

If he should fight against Lu Yu, then he can only die.

Lu Yu's expression was indifferent, and he slowly walked towards the copy field.

"It's interesting, it's really interesting, you don't think you can stop me from killing you with this field."

between steps.

Lu Yu took the fear field in his own space and rushed into this field.

"Ha ha"

Erganibuhl saw that Lu Yu dared to break in! He looked up to the sky and laughed.

"Since you are so arrogant and conceited, you think you can beat me in my domain, and if that's the case, then you can break it down for me.


Countless rays of light above the sky suddenly shone down on Lu Yu.

"Space Claws!"

The white bone claws slowly rotated on Lu Yu's head, and bursts of space light appeared.

Just as the countless colorful rays of light were about to approach Lu Yu's side, the material hit Lu Yu's feet.

Lu Yu strolled leisurely, and walked slowly towards Urganibul with a threatening force. He seemed to be looking at a prey that had been locked in a cage.


He knew for a long time that he should kill Lu Yu! But he didn't expect Lu Yu to be so troublesome. Now whether he can use the power of the Evil God King or have other means, he has never mentioned it in Lu Yu's eyes.

"Father! I"

He took out a black hexagonal box in his hand, and the box was engraved with evil runes.

There is also a huge eye, he couldn't use his hole cards, he slammed to the ground, raised his foot and planned to kick it to pieces.


Variations are highlighted.

After a long time, He rushed up suddenly and swallowed the hexagonal box directly.

The box washed away with time and the bottom of the river.

"Give me back!"

Urganibour knew that the box was what he needed, but he carelessly asked Lu Yu to rush the box to his predecessor! He fell into the river of time, and there was no way.

"The Claw of Time and Space."


Lu Yu's surrounding space environment changed.

He has already walked above this embarrassed evil god.


I saw one of his arms raised high, and the Thousand-hand Demon God behind him did the same action as Lu Yu, and slapped it down the river of time fiercely! Even if it was to lose an arm of the Thousand-hand Demon God .


The huge handprint of the Thousand-handed Demon God pierced through the layers of clouds, and became the present Jiang He was photographed.

In the long river of time.

The strength seemed to fall into a grain of sand, and Lu Yu's strength and weight could not create any splash.


Urganibul took a sip of the water of the river of time, and suddenly felt that he was aging! The power around his body fell madly, this is the horror of the river of time, killing people invisible! If you want to kill Lu Yu, it is so dangerous Character, bring back the news of the long river of time, the claw of time and space, the puppet dragon and Lu Yu! Let many evil gods have a new understanding of how powerful this pseudo-god human is! "Go away!"

A huge rage sounded from his mouth, his heart beat fiercely, and he turned into a giant hundreds of feet in size.

"Dare to talk back."

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