Between the eyebrows of the two, there was a red light that slowly lit up.

The two of them also floated when they sat on the ground, and saw the radiance of the gods around their bodies pouring into their hearts layer by layer! Yaojiu's brows were slightly wrinkled, and his eyes slowly emerged A golden light! "What's the matter"

Lu Yu had long known that Yaojiu must have some fetters in his heart at such a young age.

Ginger is still old and spicy, there must be many stories behind this old ginger!"

"Sorry, I'm fine!"

Yaojiu gritted his teeth, and the divine brilliance around his body slammed into his inner life crazily! The divine power seemed like a headless bullet, madly hitting the godhead in Yaojiu's heart. go up.

If such a serious state of affairs continues, not only will the godhead not be preserved, but even the demon wine will have to die! "I tell you to forget everything about the past, and don't remember any of it. Now is the time when you want to become a true god. Now, are you still hesitating about the past?"

The light above Lu Yu's palm suddenly brightened.

The light just shone a soft light of divinity, and did not attack the two of them, hoping to wash away the unease in the hearts of the two! : Please collect! Please subscribe!

Chapter [-]: The indescribable god, the great one is coming!

The demon let out a long sigh.

"When the whole family died, I was helpless. At that time, I couldn't take revenge. When I got old and had the strength to take revenge, I found that the old guy was dead!"

A long sigh came out of his mouth.

His complexion became: solemn and harmonious, the divine brilliance slowly calmed down on his whole body.

It turned out that when he was young, he used to be aggressive and aggressive, and then he was followed by others, resulting in the death and destruction of his family.

That moment was deeply imprinted in his mind, the moment before he became the true God.

This is the way to express the inferiority, shame, and worries that are full of you.

Lu Yu watched Yaojiu spin above the sky, and the surrounding divinity was already in order.

But don't care about the demon wine, put your eyes on Tan Si! Tan Si's problem is not a big one, after all, at the beginning, you can see Tan Si's own problem.


Although the radiance of divinity on Tan Si's body is orderly, the direction they choose is not to go to the godhead in their hearts.

Instead, it is towards the soles of the feet! "What's going on, do you need light?"

Lu Yu couldn't understand what Tan Si was thinking, how could he put his divinity in his feet, and his divinity was not under his feet.

Tan Si's shook his head, his demeanor, solemn, holy, scrutinized, solemn, and the round of divinity behind the fanatical weakness and light began to correct.

The divinity around him was rushing towards the luminous head behind him, without the slightest stagnation! "It's just that before he became a true god, he missed his family members who had passed away a little. Actually, I am the same as demon wine."

There is infinite sadness in the faint voice.

In this quiet night, someone whispered and pondered, and the black wind was the face of a person and the palm of a soothing hand.

Autumn leaves are quiet and beautiful, summer flowers are gorgeous.

The memories of the two people are like a rainbow bridge flying directly into the sky.

Only then did Lu Yu realize that there are actually quite a few stories about these two people.

Tan Si, although he is a little younger, has experienced a lot of things. It seems that Si Yan is simpler, and becoming a god is simpler.

The simplest threat left to Si Yan is that Anriel is good, Anriel is dead, and Si Yan's threat is no longer here.

So Si Yan is the existence that can become a true god.

The two true gods floated in the sky for a long time.

After a while, they felt that their godhead had stabilized, and the surrounding divinity was flowing freely between their fingers! "Thank God!"

"Thank God!"


Tan Si and Tan Si were so excited that they were about to kneel down for Luo Xiu.

Like a preaching god, Lu Yu led them into the gate of the divine, and the godhead established their status.

As the divinity in the two of them rose, Lu Yu's brilliance seemed to have increased by [-]% again! Lu Yu felt a feeling in his own body, as if it was a round of eternal radiance.

When he looked back at his Thousand-handed Demon God, he felt that the Thousand-handed Demon God was powerful and invincible! "It's okay."

Lu Yu smiled indifferently, and told the two people something after becoming a true god.


Si Yan has an extra silver plate, in which the divine brilliance is like fine wine.

Brewing and spinning around the silver plate to prevent the fear of losing its divinity and deliciousness.

"Come on, after becoming a true god, I can run a long way, here is venison, bear meat, wine, brandy"

As she introduced it, she brought out the rich dishes on the silver plate.

“There is something to eat!”

Alos smelled the fragrance long ago.

The swift limbs sat in front of Lu Yu's eyes, one hundred and eight Zhou's golden eyes stared at this divine meal, and the corners of his mouth also hung with sparkling saliva.

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