Lu Yu had just come here, and found that the soil illuminated by the sun turned into sand.

His big palm slowly oozes divine brilliance, and the surrounding yellow sand turns! Any yellow sand without evil nature is drawn out by Lu Yu's divine nature.


The wet ground was exposed, and the brilliance of Lu Yu's Divine Seal created a thin brilliance on it.

A huge pattern shows up, good

Like leaves and acorns intertwined with each other.

"Alos, come here, as an evil god, you should be able to recognize what this thing is."

Lu Yu swung the palm of his hand, and saw Aros, who was beside him, spread out the little spider in his abdomen, and madly folded it.

"it is good."

Check it out before you go in.

Aros, also in trouble, scratched his one hundred and eight eyes with sharp claws.

Lu Yu raised his head and glanced at this guy suspiciously.

The evil gods have their own selfish desires, and it may be that Aros wants to swallow them all.

, this symbol has been found, and I am afraid it is not far from that secret place.

"Let's talk, I've already said it, I'm afraid there are evil gods in this space, otherwise, it is impossible to have such a strong evil nature. If you take it alone after we leave, I'm afraid you won't be able to swallow them."

His voice was icy cold, which was to persuade Aros not to be so selfish.

At the same time, it is also threatening Aros. If they want to hide something that is beneficial to them, then I am afraid they will face the attack of everyone! "Hehe"

Alos walked forward.

"To tell you the truth, I've seen this pattern before, but I really don't know his name."


Lu Yu knew that Alos was really capable, and patted Alos' carapace.

Together with Alos, they got together on the edge of this black clay pattern.

"As far as I can see, it should be something that can absorb evil, so the divine revealed this pattern, and the divine brilliance on the soil next to it was not weak, and they were blocked by the evil brilliance here. There may be something from the old ruler below this, and now you may be in danger if you go down alone."

"What a misunderstanding."

Aros hurriedly shied away from his responsibility, and said again, "This picture is very similar to the picture of the Evil God King, you know that it is the existence of the Evil God King in ancient times, I can't call his name, maybe you can give it a try your godhead."

Lu Yu lowered his head and looked at his chest.

Could it be that his godhead is the Evil God King, or that the Evil God King that he killed is the master under this land? Aros looked at Lu Yu's puzzled eyes and smiled bitterly.

"I know what you're thinking about, but it's not, but the treasures between the Heretic God King and the Heretic God King are independent of each other and generally do not attack easily. These treasures of the other Heretic God King are all subconsciously. exist."

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Chapter [-]: Mysterious place, Dark Abyss Demon God!

Alos' eyes suddenly became solemn.

"That's why! You go in with a godhead, it may be of some help to us."


Lu Yu nodded, and Aros finally said something useful to them.

His arm slowly swung down towards the ground, and at the same time, he turned out a godhead the size of a half-walled house! "Everyone follows me, be careful, don't easily set foot on the five-meter distance beside me! "

"it is good!"

Everyone nodded one after another, and there were bursts of investigation in their eyes, and they acted carefully.

If they are not careful, they may die without a place to be buried, which is the first choice for them to save their lives.


The light on Lu Yu's arm was bright for a while, and the surrounding sand began to slowly rotate, as if there was a new life form.

"open it."

Without neglecting, Kelos followed the land opened by Lu Yu, and the silver spiders under his abdomen descended one after another.

The edge of the land can actually be used as a bracket to block the indecent flow of this sand.

"Now I use these little spiders as a framework. If someone comes, we will know the attack as soon as possible, and will help us block for a while."


Lu Yu nodded, and did not doubt Alos' sincerity. He and Alos had a blood alliance, and they had a unified interest in abiding by the blood alliance, but they were not afraid of their differences.

Si Yan came over and joined with her divine brilliance, the three of them easily opened a triangular pit.

"Tan Si, come here."

"What's the matter, Lu Yu?"

Tan Si did not understand, what use is he now, he is just the end of the eternal blazing sun.

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