Lu Yu merged with each other without objects and walls. At this moment, a divine radiant power floated from his fingers, and turned to look at Aros.

Said, "If my methods are good, then your evil gods grow very fast, borrow something."

Alos' eyes were rolling around, and the bastard Lu Yu was here to threaten him now.

However, there was no reminder of the toxicity just now, and now it was broken by Lu Yu.

He felt a little embarrassed in his heart.

A long green bone protruded between his handles, glowing with a faint green light.

There is a divine spirit on it, as if it is the skeleton of a true god, but he can't tell where it is! Lu Yu beckoned this Alos thing, and used his divine spirit to pass through the poisonous door.

He stepped back slowly.

"What's wrong"

There was some confusion in Aros' eyes, and he raised his head to look at Lu Yu.

Said, "Don't you have that puppet dragon? Let it spew out a gorgeous color, which can extend the door to pieces, there is no need to spend such a lot of trouble.

He looked at Lu Yu with some incomprehension.

Lu Yu ignored Aros and slowly shook his head at this moment.


The smoke carried by the dark green juice fell on the ground, corroding the granite marble.

A black pothole was bottomless, and the pungent smell floated around.

Those believers saw a wisp of wisp in their nose, and they fell down and turned into white ashes.

next to

The monsters made of trees also collapsed on both sides.

"toot toot"

'That... dark green juice, began to boil quickly, with a little tentacles, became dark green juice struggling, jumping "Roar!"

A small voice seemed to be a monster roaring, and suddenly stood up.

At first glance, it looks like a human being. At this moment, his whole body has turned into an emerald green doll. There was a lot of walls just now, and now it has indeed become a small doll the size of a palm!

He babbled, looked at Lu Yu, and rushed towards Alos with small steps as if he had been ordered! "My mother, don't come here, I don't want to be poisoned alive, or cut into pieces. Lose your godhead!"

He stepped back suddenly, turned into a golden light and hid behind Lu Yu, circling and circling with the little guy.

After listening to Alos, Lu Yu knew what this little guy could do.

He opened his palm and saw this little guy cautiously jumping into Lu Yu's palm, but he didn't have any ability to infringe on his palm at all.

This green little guy is also extremely restraining his every move.

"Venom control is also good."

Lu Yu cast an approving look and walked in towards Shimen at this moment.

deep underground.

"Alos, Alos, I'll see what kind of skills you can use to break through my gate. Most of the boys you brought are false gods that you have piled up. Even if they are stronger, I'm afraid they will also It's second-rate."

A huge tree smashed its inked, green eyes.

The red wine glasses sparkled and sparkled.

He grabbed countless tentacles and poured them into the mouth in his eyes.

"Lord Evil God, our door has been broken"


Red liquid spurted out of Crocodile's mouth.

He jumped off the stone chair suddenly and walked to the high priest angrily! "You know what you're talking about, those liquids are my life! As long as those venoms stick to people and turn them into ashes"

"Flying Ash"

A cold voice came, and Lu Yu's eyes slid like a cold knife.

When he came out, the people around him stepped back one after another. These eyes are really shocking! There is a murderous, violent, and invincible murderous intent in it! Actually.

When Lu Yu killed the Evil God King, the murderous aura in his eyes was already different.

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Chapter [-]: The fierceness of the supreme devil, the role of the creator space!

Lu Yu's fierceness was unmatched for a while.

What's more, seeing this group of guys is like a tiger seeing a group of sheep! "Guru!"

Crocodile swallowed sharply, always feeling that something was wrong.

When he looked at Lu Yu's shoulder, he was shocked.

It was his venom, he recognized it, but now the venom has transformed into a child, sitting on Lu Yu's shoulder the size of a palm, shaking his calf like a green tree elf.

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