The huge godhead slammed into the blue sky! "Boom"

In this sword world, countless mountain peaks have been blown to dust, and even Lu Yu himself needs to retreat! "Ha!"

Aros stood in place, the claws of the sharp blade stabbed under the ground, and his one hundred and eight eyes shone toward the sky.

"My own Thousand-handed Demon God didn't try it, but wanted to use my eyes instead."

Complaining is complaining, doing things is doing things.

He still actively cooperated with Lu Yu, who made this guy look like an old devil once he stared at him! "Come out!"

Lu Yu gritted his teeth and slammed his palms together.

The pressure in this space suddenly rose, Lu Yu himself could bear it, and Aros could also bear it.

After all, it is a pure evil god, but that guy is not necessarily! "Pfft!"

A bloody light suddenly sprayed out from the space, and a black shadow appeared on the sky, and disappeared again! "Come back!"

Lu Yu suddenly took out the claws of bones in his hands and released them towards the sky.

I saw the white bone claws slammed out a piece of the air! The pieces are constantly dividing, turning into white mist, passing from Lu Yu's hand! "Quick!"

"Okay, look at me!"

Aros looked at the broken trace, and something with the same transparent color was moving.

One hundred and eight eyes suddenly lit up! "Ah!"

A mournful cry, accompanied by a mournful cry, was a shadow.

Suddenly, blood lights appeared one after another, and they began to transition from his body to people.

At the same time, blood is gurgling in this snow-white world! "Cough, cough, cough"

Ergintius coughed rapidly.

A pair of red eyes stared at Lu Yu unwillingly, his origin was attacked by Alos! "Damn it, I thought you were just a false god, but I never thought that you would actually dare to cooperate with the evil god!"

He looked at Lu Yu and scolded angrily.

The purple light on his body struggled frantically, Aros really has some skills


In this purple light, if his godhead power is not strong enough, he can't fight! But compared to his godhead, it is equivalent to half a piece, but his faith is a little stronger.


Lu Yu sneered, and strode towards Ergintius.

A hell flame in his hand slowly ignited.

"Whether it's an evil god or a false god, in the eyes of you guys, they're just the same thing, rest in peace."

Lu Yu suddenly raised his big hand and stamped it directly on Ergintius' head! "Boom!"

A loud crash sounded above Ergindeus' head.

Lu Yu's palm felt numb for a while.

When he looked up, he found that he had beaten a clown puppet.

However, this clown puppet has divinity, and it has not changed!"

"Jie Jie"

Evil laughter sounded from the clown's mouth, his eyes were blazing with fire, and the bright and gorgeous colors of his life represented the advent of danger! "Come on, Godhead revealed himself, I really didn't expect to meet the God of Torment, that... God is too evil Now, if you want to catch any enemy, you will be tortured to death!"

When the accident happened, Aros couldn't help but feel a little scared.

It's dangerous to cooperate with this guy Lu Yu, that's how powerful.

However, if he doesn't listen to Lu Yu, he can't escape death, who makes this guy full of hearts! "Coward, I dare not say no, it's just a thing without a master!"

Seeing that the puppet was about to explode, Lu Yu showed a smile on his face.

For him, this puppet is nothing but an ownerless thing, and it is in his system space again! "Edit!"

The corpse of a huge monster appeared in the palm of his hand, and the many monsters that had been killed in the past few days encircled this huge monster in the center.

Other monsters as auxiliary editors! "Come on, come on, be reliable!"

Lu Yu evoked a smile, the powerful monster corpse combined with the puppet at this moment, I don't know what kind of guy will appear! "Om"

There was a sound of trembling in the air.

Ou's red eyes suddenly turned green and disappeared into this space.

Lu Yu placed many corpses of monsters on the ground, and they all disappeared.

All I could see was a purple green mist floating in the space.

It's almost done.

A smile appeared on Lu Yu's face, and he walked up to the green mist. Every time he came out, it was an investment.

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