The steps under his feet quickened, and a pair of big hands slowly opened, as if welcoming the newcomers and joining their team! "Hey, Erz Gujinto, take out the knife in your sleeve, they are all about to become gods. , but so disrespectful!"

A sneer appeared on Lu Yu's face.

This old guy is indeed quite yin, if he is not a true god, I am afraid it is difficult to check! "Oh"

Erz Gujinto, Deputy Chief of Operations! He didn't seem to be embarrassed, and gave the knife out of his sleeve.

This is a streamlined long knife with an extremely sharp edge. Under the blazing sun, it shone with a dazzling brilliance, making everyone's eyes bright! "Go!"

Knowing that this old man is not a good thing, Lu Yu clenched his fist and gave a shock.


A huge symphony sounded between Lu Yu and Erz Gujinto.

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Chapter [-]: The evil god who caused the war, the devil who seized the divinity!

The divinity above Lu Yu and Quan's fist was slowly cut open by this knife! However.

How powerful is Lu Yu's divine brilliance! At this moment, the inexhaustible divinity in the body begins to fight against this Erz Gujinto! And Erz Gujinto's body is like an eternal blazing sun, baring his teeth. He grinned, his eyes were red with anger, and his whole body was shaking.

He seems to be fanatical and has great hatred! "Pseudo god! It's a fake god like you! You don't do anything, you only know that you don't do anything with the people. When the evil god comes, you will surrender to the evil god. give me death!"

He looked at Lu Yuhan and said! At this moment, he suddenly retracted the dagger, and the divinity above his fist suddenly revealed a god of war.

The visual image of the God of War began to light up. He spread his fingers, and a lightsaber flashed out of his hand, directly stabbing Lu Yu's forehead! "Humph!"

Lu Yu sneered, and a layer of divine brilliance suddenly floated above his arm and spread around.

A divine attack came down and killed Erz Gujinto like a thunderous sound! "Light of Destruction"

There were two beams of light in his eyes, with a "squeak"

The voice of death! "Old man, I don't care what kind of past you have or how much you hate me! As long as you take action today, you will definitely not be kept!"

Lu Yu is not... that group of... Virgin bitches, as long as you attack him, you will expose murderous intentions! He will not leave a single one! Even if he is useful to mankind! "God of war, trample!"

Erz Guginto felt the danger of death.

At this moment, I can't believe it! A small pseudo-god has such ability.

He jumped into the sky suddenly! A god of war behind him ran out of a fast white horse! The horse's hoof, the size of a house, slammed down on Lu Yu's head! "Go away!"

Lu Yu sneered, the goddess of light can be used by people like Anriel! This god of war can also be used, not to slander the goddess of light, but to help evil.

On the contrary, I feel that things like divinity can be used by people, no matter whether he is good or bad, or whether he has a well-informed mind! It is like giving a weapon to a monkey, or a middle! Uncontrollable! "Boom!"

Between Lu Yu's fists, he slammed into Sigujinto's light! "Death!"

Erz Gujinto crossed the lightsaber in his hand, without the slightest step back, once again, a shield in his left hand slammed into Lu Yu! Lu Yu's brows were slightly adjusted.

He felt a little annoyed, especially this Erz Guginto! "Chaos revolver:!"

A clean white revolver slipped out, gun: on top of it was a red evil godhead! "Bang!"

The huge light of the Holy Trial energy from the rotation of the muzzle of the Chaos Wheel, like a large and small flame like a tall building, suddenly sprayed out! "Ah!"

A scream rang out from the woods.

, Erz Gujinto's figure was suddenly punished and burned in this flame! The body slammed into the forest! "Cough!"

A huge amount of blood spurted out of his mouth, and there was resentment in his eyes. He slammed his big palm on the ground, and he stood up from the ground like an undead bull! "The godhead of the evil god! Like you Such a lackey! Kill me!"

There was another roar, and the surface of his skin seemed to be covered with a layer of silver white gauze.

He himself is like the god of war! "Destroy it!"

A cold look appeared on Lu Yu's face. No matter what he said, there is no need for this Erz Gujinto to stay behind anymore!

Suddenly, three golden rays of light came out from the sky.

Lu Yu's eyes were slightly the same, these three guys seemed to be stronger than this Erz Gujinto.

If they are dragged here, I am afraid that more and more people will come from the human army! There are still this group of people in the west resisting, and this Erz Gujinto should be killed next time.

"call out!."

Divine brilliance floated under his feet, Lu Yu swiped his fingers in the air, as if he had opened a door, walked towards the door and disappeared into the air! "Lu Yu."

An urgent voice sounded from Lu Yu's mind.

There is some smugness on the face of the Bone Evil God.


Lu Yu put away the Chaos Revolver:, looking at the smile on the face of the evil god of white bones, he knew that this guy probably persuaded Yun Nierde! "That's right, but, it seems that you are standing on a stage, and you have Other divine brilliance, this flavor belongs to the War Department, absolutely right!"

A smug smile appeared on the face of the Bone Cthulhu. He didn't expect that Lu Yu, as a human being, was here to support humans this time, but he was blocked by humans, and said, "Since humans don't welcome you, you can actually join the Cthulhu."

There was a hint of coldness in Lu Yu's eyes.

A crimson godhead floated on his palm, and his fingers were slowly clasped together.

The sound of clicking and clicking began to sound unstable on the top of the godhead!: Please collect! Please subscribe! Please monthly ticket!

Chapter [-]: Slaughter the king of the gods!The Lord of Thousands of Demon Gods!

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