He had to inspire this group of human beings. They had to cut off all beliefs to believe in the Bone Evil God. How desperate did they go to this road! Some were coerced, even worse! In their hearts, set a belief pillars are essential.

"Thank God"

Everyone looked at Lu Yu with gratitude.

The whole body believed in the evil spirits, and all became normal under the brilliance of Lu Yu.

You don't have to follow the cruel sacrifice method like the cult and bow to Lu Yu.

"Up, up, up! It's here to surround them all!"

An urgent voice sounded from outside the cave.

The propeller blades of the helicopter blew into the wind and sand, and this mountain was surrounded by death! "Fire!"

A huge roar sounded outside the hole! A man in a black uniform took a step forward, and the red flag on his hand slid downward! "Boom boom boom boom boom"

Huge flames with a fierce whistling sound, and countless artillery fires slammed into the surroundings of this hillside.

One after another huge spiritual cannonball! This is the demonic nature of destroying the body and destroying the evil spirits! "Ah! Ah! Ah, here again, here again"

The frightened believers in the cave fled, and a burst of chaos broke out! "Hmm"

Lu Yu frowned slightly.

The divine radiance in his fingers lifted upwards.

The collapse of the surrounding mountains was immediately stagnant by him.

"You should leave under his leadership. I will go out to see what happened. From now on, you must not sacrifice or kneel. This is your housekeeper."

Lu Yu announced to the crowd.

Chapter [-]: The suppression of the Thousand-handed Demon God, the eyes of the Dark Lord!

Lu Yu patted the evil god of bones on the shoulder.

This White Bone Heretic God has changed from the position of the White Bone Heretic God to a housekeeper. It's really sudden! Although the White Bone Heretic God has anger in his heart, he is now Lu Yu's servant. When he gets out of the way, he will kill that... Alos bastard first! I didn't expect such a betrayal between the evil gods.

And Alos, who is a bastard, must pay the price for his bastard behavior! Alos was sneezing violently, looking at the human world in the distance, and felt a strange "Damn it! Who the hell is scolding me?" , it may be that guy Lu Yu, but my relationship with him is no problem, and that bastard made me forcibly believe in him, really hateful!"

at the same time.

Many flames lit up outside the cave! Under a burst of black smoke, everyone couldn't tell the difference between the deserts and what happened to being attacked by this spiritual cannon.

They only know how to blow this mountain down with artillery! "Wait!"

Lu Yu raised his fingers slightly, and the spiritual cannonball above the sky was fixed in the air in the blink of an eye! The head of the cannonball is excited, and as long as it does not hit a hard object, it will not explode.

It can only be placed in the air by Lu Yu, consuming the fuel of the tail flame in vain.

"Damn! Who are you, since you are blocking us from destroying the demons, don't you know that this is a capital crime?"

A man in a black uniform came out.

He was full of fine muscles and a pair of wicked faces.

Suddenly he felt a difference Lu Yu, it seemed that Lu Yu had no spirituality, so he walked on the high sky! What he took was a natural step! God! A powerhouse at the level of a true god!

Lu Yu looked at the man in black uniform and recognized his identity as a true god.

He walked to the man's side, and his eyes turned with divine brilliance.

"You haven't checked it out yet, how do you know that this group of people are all the apostles of the Bone Evil God?"

Lu Yu's voice was cold, icy, majestic, solemn, and solemn! After listening to it, one could feel the pressure on his shoulders rushing down.

He raised his head and looked at Lu Yu! In the large tent of the artillery camp behind him, a sudden and majestic light and shadow lit up! "Which bastard is making a fool of himself in front of my camp, if you don't drag him down quickly, he will be killed! The current apostle of the evil god It is necessary to kill all of them, and no one is allowed to remain. I don't say what ordinary people are not ordinary people. Since they have embarked on the road of the evil god of white bones, they should be damned. It is fair, they are all pariahs.

"Captain, let's play again, don't go out."

A female voice from the tent


"Little baby, there's really no more, I'll come back to accompany you later, the adjutant outside, I asked you to kill him, why don't you move?"

The man was wearing a black uniform.

He opened the tent door and walked in the desert, with a cigarette dangling from the corner of his mouth, his face was slightly red, and he was still awake with the smell of alcohol! However, the most unfortunate one is this captain! "It's interesting."

Lu Yu walked past the adjutant and walked towards the captain.

"Now I have committed the crime of deliberately killing others and sentenced you to death. If you have an opinion, you can go to hell and complain to the ghost."

Lu Yu's fingers lit up with divine brilliance, and he approached the man step by step! "Humph!"

The man sneered and burped.

Lu Yu had a double image in his eyes, and it seemed that two people walked towards him together.

"what are you"

"My lord, true god, true god"

The team member on the side whispered beside the man and tugged his robe urgently.

Such offense in the presence of the true god, unless they don't want to live, and the true god seems to want to kill! "True god! What the hell,!"

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