In the evil god's golden eyes, white bone spurs suddenly accompanied by a dark blood mist, splashed with golden light, and stabbed at Lu Yu one after another! "Don't forget! This is my evil god world!"

Lu Yu sneered, where does this evil god think he is still in his old lair? In this world, although the evil god is extremely powerful, the long river of time has wiped out half of his power! The palm of the hand! The hell flame in the palm of the hand spun between his fingers, and he suddenly pressed it towards the head of the Thousand-handed Demon God!: Please collect! Please subscribe! chapter

Chapter [-]: The Blood Alliance of the Heretic God, time runs wild!


The violent explosion sounded from the hands of the Thousand-handed Demon God, and Lu Yu's hell flames slaughtered towards the Evil God like a fire dragon! "Ah"

Bone spurs gushed out from the evil god's eyes.

His whole body is hot, and energy is consumed! He wants to get out of this long river of time! As long as the guy dragged in by the long river of time must be held hostage by the ancient evil god inside, its body may be Erosion! It comes from ancient power and curses, and this is the most terrifying existence! In the process of reckoning, no matter how powerful the evil gods are, to the real old evil gods, they are just some small gods! "Go away! When I come again, you will die without a burial."

The golden giant eye of the incarnation turned into two halves! The next moment, a golden ball flew out from the eyeball of the evil god, and rushed out of the space of Lu Yu! "Run"

A slight smile appeared on Lu Yu's face, and he was dragged into the system space. Even if he had the power of the evil god, he could not escape! At this moment, he held a white bone claw in the palm of his hand, the claw of time and space! " You idiot, your clone died here, no matter how you die, it will not bring your body, information, do you think I will let you escape?"

Lu Yu sneered, but he didn't want to watch this guy escape in vain! In the blink of an eye.

His spiritual brilliance lingers in this white bone claw.

Suddenly, this space shook! The chaotic air above the sky turned into a huge bone claw, and the fingers moved slowly! "Crack! Kacha"

The spiritual brilliance around the evil god's eyeball instantly turned into pieces.

No matter how powerful the Evil God is in the sky, he is restricted by the claws of time and space! At this moment, he wants to go, but no matter what, he is still flying in the direction of the long river! This is simply falling into death. As long as Lu Yu thought about it.

Then he is the river of time in all directions! "Destroy it."

Lu Yu's eyes suddenly settled on the golden eyeballs! His eyes suddenly looked towards the Thousand-handed Demon God below him.

The Thousand-handed Demon God floated slowly, and the thousand big hands behind him suddenly merged together! "Boy! I can sign a blood alliance with you, and I will never take revenge! wake up!"

The evil god roared in a hurry! Suddenly he felt the power of Lu Yu, especially in this space! He seemed to want to escape from this long river of time.

But in Lu Yu's hands, let him do whatever he wants

Try hard, but you are in a quagmire! "Blood Alliance"

Lu Yu was slightly stunned, he had never heard the word blood alliance.

It sounds like a very evil name.

"But! I want you to be my slave. If the blood alliance you mentioned is here to deceive me, what can I do when you come to take revenge? Anyway, I don't know whether it is true or false in this evil god's tomb. Is there any restraint ability!"

He looked at the evil god with a sneer and said, if this evil god wants to deceive himself, then he should save himself! He might as well get this golden eyeball and see what kind of monster can be merged, but he wants to know more about the evil god. Much! "You're right."

The evil god's golden eyes slowly lifted up.

He is still floating above the river of time and dare not move, Lu Yu is ready to kill his eye! But his 108 golden eyeballs have become 107! This is a joke! The evil god will bury it together as a shame! "However! I have a way to prove that the evil god's tomb exists, how to form an alliance with me, you can get more information about becoming a god, and I see that your realm is the peak realm of the eternal blazing sun. , If you can become a god with me, then I can teach you how to become a true god! Ordinary divinity absorption is not enough, even if you have a complete godhead, you still can’t become a true god, you believe me!”

Believe in evil spirits.

The corner of Lu Yu's mouth suddenly trembled slightly, this evil god can really speak.

"Let human beings know that I believe in the Heretic God, and I am afraid that I will burst my belly with laughter, but since you are the Heretic God, why don't you make a deal with me, since you care so much about this golden eyeball, I am afraid it will also It's very important to you."

The evil god looked at Lu Yu.

This guy is really hard to deal with. If you want to deceive him, you will most likely die here! But if you listen to Lu Yu, then you will become a servant of Lu Yu. What did Lu Yu say?

"Okay! I promise, as long as it's fair, then you and I can form a blood alliance, and I guarantee that you can become a promotion realm! As long as you are not afraid of becoming a blood alliance with the evil god, you can be hunted by human powerhouses! You are You must know that there are true gods among human beings, and there are even higher legends!"

"But they will all end up in death and never be born again!"

: Please collect! Please subscribe! Please monthly ticket! Please review ticket! Chapter

Chapter [-]: The cemetery of the gods, the spider god!

The Evil God's expression was serious, sure, irrefutable! "Hmm."

It doesn't matter to Lu Yu, that group... It's good that the true gods can survive, and there's nothing they can do if they don't.

The most important thing is! I want to become a strong person who is promoted to the realm! "Since the tomb of the evil god you said is real, then the condition you promised me is to hand over your body and image."

"Do not!"

Immediately refused, the evil god broke into a sweat! If you want to hand over the body and image, it is likely to be used by humans.

After all, once the body and image are handed over, a visualization map will be made.

When the time comes, the strong human will find his whereabouts and directly kill him, the evil god! "Don't be too busy to refuse!"

There was no dissatisfaction on Lu Yu's face.

Between steps, he walked from such an arm to the top of the palm, and his eyes looked down at the giant golden eye under the palm.

"I have established a blood alliance with the Heretic God. If it is known by humans, then I will surely die. Don't you say that there are legendary powerhouses among humans? If he knows, he will definitely kill me, so it is said that you and I If I betray you, you will enter the tomb of the evil god, and if I betray you, then you can give the blood alliance to human beings! How?”

This is an extremely fair condition, and both sides have the ability to withdraw the other.

Only if one party breaks the contract.

I am afraid that what will come is a fatal blow, whether it is from the opponent's strong man, or from his own camp.

"The condition you mentioned seems to be impeccable, I have to admire your intelligent human beings!"

The evil god can express his opinion without hesitation. This guy Lu Yu is really cunning! No wonder he lived for such a long time, and the false god behind him can help him kill him here, it is terrible! Lu Yu is satisfied nodded.

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