They have reached the Huiyue level, and it is still very good to eat once in a while.

"I know a little."

Si Yan seemed to be quite happy with Yaojiu's praise, and nodded slightly.

Still, this old man has some acquaintances and knows how to be grateful.

However, Tan Si and Lu Yu, who were on the side, seemed to be standing like two pieces of wood! Yaojiu raised his head to see Si Yan sitting here, bowed his head, pinched his fingers, and didn't say a word.

Looking at Lu Yu again, it was precisely and Tan Si who was talking about the realm and magic attributes.

"Hey! You two, let's eat. As for the monster in the forest tomorrow, I think we should go with the three of us."

The words are not over yet.

Si Yan raised his head abruptly, and was there a little nervousness and urgency in his expression.

"The three of you can't leave tomorrow. In the team these people are traveling, it's probably a two-day journey."

Chapter [-]: Lord of all things, supreme beings!

Si Yan eagerly held back, afraid that a few people would not believe it, and added, "And we don't have a spaceship here, so we need special protection. The road ahead has been completely damaged by these monsters, so sometimes we need some help. "

"How about it"

Si Yan hurriedly looked at the three people in front of him. If they were to go to the forest tomorrow, they would probably destroy the entire army.

He added, "No, I'm not afraid of death alone, but these ordinary people, they must be going to a safe place, if it weren't for this group of damned monsters, we wouldn't be in this place."

Lu Yu waved his hand, interrupted Si Yan, turned his head, looked at the ribs and lemon turkey on the dining table, skillfully picked up the knife on the side, and cut it down. The aroma of glutinous rice came out, and the mushrooms and broccoli mixed in it really could cook.

"You did it"


Si Yan nodded slightly.

"Okay, we good people will do it to the end, send the Buddha to the west, and send you to the human base before leaving. It's your reward for this meal."

Lu Yu nodded, took a plate and cut it.

It seems that the taste is good! I just didn't expect the woman in front of me to be able to cook! "You really did it"

After tasting it, my eyes lit up slightly.

Lu Yu felt that the taste was good, sweet and sour, the meat was tender and juicy, and looked at Si Yan with some doubts.


Si Yan clenched her two fingers tightly, and when Lu Yu's eyes met hers, she suddenly felt a shyness welling up in her heart.

Kicked and almost buried his head in the dirt! "Not bad."

Lu Yu took a breath and nodded slightly, as if there was a smell of red wine.

However, unfortunately, there is no spiritual feeling when eating this meal, otherwise his feeling will rise by [-]%:.

After all, spirituality will maintain their combat power. If you want to cultivate spiritual creatures, it is wrong.

Si Yan originally thought that Lu Yu would talk to her more, but watched the three of them ate happily.

There was not a word in this dining room.

Lu Yu just complimented him and finished the meal as a matter of course! "Excuse me, where are the three of you at the end, and join us in a faction?"

She also wanted to keep the three powerhouses in front of her, or at least let the affairs in his camp take care of it.

With so many monsters, Tim's three powers are extremely powerful.

Maybe it's more handy to deal with monsters.


next land

Yu's eyes closed and not answering made her feel a sense of dejection.

Take the plate and leave! Yaojiu looked at Si Yan who was far away, and stared at Lu Yu's face with a calm expression.

However, there was still a bright light on Lu Yu's lips, and it seemed that Lu Yu was satisfied with Si Yan's cooking.

Moreover, when Lu Yu was drinking red wine with him, he seemed to be a very emotional guy.

The one who can perceive the spiritual delicacy wrapped in the red wine! If there is someone to help him cook, then I am afraid his life will be better.

"Luo Xiu, I think that girl is not bad, she is beautiful, and she cooks well. She looks like a warrior of Huiyue level, if you can train her."

"you saw"

Lu Yu opened one eye and looked at the old pimp in front of him.

It's already time, and their first task is to hunt down monsters.

At the same time, we also need to explore the nearby Eternal Blazing Sun level monsters to see if there is an organizer behind them.

It would be even better if there was a figure of the evil god! "Cough"

The old face immediately flushed red, and Yaojiu gave Lu Yu a cold look.

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