
in the blink of an eye.

These nine people hurriedly ducked back, and they recognized the long sword that the light turned into.

"We have been abandoned by the Goddess of Light"

"Could it be! Could it be that the goddess of light was defeated by this kid?"

Several people chanted words in their mouths, and now looked at Lu Yu.

It seemed that he had seen a demon.

"What nonsense are you going to kill him with me!"

At this moment, An Ruiya could no longer bear the strength of Lu Yu, especially in front of these people, they were shocked that they were all talking nonsense! They had dealt with the existence of the eternal blazing sun together.


Lu Yu saw that he didn't have time to chat with this guy.

Between beckoning, the surrounding rays of light suddenly darkened, and within a range of hundreds of miles in the sky, the black mist weighed down heavily, and the light was held in Lu Yu's hands.


A huge light bombed down! All of a sudden, Anria was shocked! Blood rushed out of the corners of his mouth and gushed frantically.

He didn't even have the chance to see the goddess of light in his soul.

Under this light, Lu Yu destroyed even his soul.

"Sure enough."

Lu Yu said something in his mouth.

On what basis does the Goddess of Light judge him to be reliable.

Could it be a judgment, because time has something to do with me. If something happens to the light, then the agreement between the goddess of light is automatically destroyed.

If the evil god is dead, he will go to the forest of the goddess of light.

The high priests twitched suddenly, their heads twisted vertically at 720 degrees, and the sound of bones bursting sounded, and a strip of skin came off their backs.

Black and white lines, disgusting, stinky mucus oozing from under the skin.

He broke free from behind, his speckled skin like a lizard.

The fingers cut through the arm, and gradually the force was strong, and the claws were lifted out of the hand.

It turned out to be a lizard man! "The new god of death will take care of you, and the old rulers will come to this planet again!"

The rough sound is like the sound of a whistle, making people's spirits dizzy.

"Boom! Boom"

Two figures flew out, and the sound of heavy punches resounded in this forest.

Tan Si and Yaojiu spat out a mouthful of blood.

I always feel pain running through my whole body. The lizard man in front of me is so powerful that it can be done with a single blow after transforming! "Damn, how did this guy attack us?"

The demon wine said breathlessly.

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Chapter eight hundred and eighteen: the breath of the evil god, the white bone devil!


Rao is the demon wine's realm is extremely high, but in the face of this kind of mental attack, he seems to be sleeping in the hot spring water, and his mind only wants to sleep.


Tan Si was still in a deep sleep. At this moment, he was brought into sleep by this ability, even if there was a half-meter-long scar on his back! The blood is still flowing! "Damn! Wake up!"

The demon wine screamed weakly, the mental attack was too terrifying, and it was still an attack at the level of the eternal blazing sun! Moreover, this lizard man is really too weird to think of this.

I saw a black figure walking towards him, raising a sharp claws and tapping on his head.

"To blame, I can only blame you for being too curious. It happens that we need a few strong people between sacrifices. Humans are good!"

While speaking, the lizardmen took out their sharp claws and slashed the arm of the demon wine, and the blood was thrown on the white bone pile.


The green flames "bang" from the stage

ignited at once.

The flame composed of pentagrams turned into a large array of sacrifices of bones.

All the bones in the surrounding forest form the base point of the magic position! With the pentagram growing bigger and bigger in the forest of flames! The bones burned by the green flame vibrated wildly at this time, and seemed to have life.

The bones are squirming and building together.

It seems that there is a soul! "My respected master, from the humble servant's call! Please give me the supreme power to wash this barren and sinful world with blood"

With the frenzied convulsions on the high priest's face, the Lizardmen spat out purple blood.

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