Tan Si hurried forward.

If Lu Yu is dissatisfied, I am afraid that with a wave of his hand, he will kill An Langtu! "It turns out to be your friend, but he came to our shelter, doesn't he say anything, and how do I know, whether you will be the monster? The tracking has also brought, and now the monster is more and more difficult to deal with!"

An Langtu's face was much better, but there was still arrogance in his tone.

Huiyue-level powerhouse! He stared at Lu Yu with a sneer and looked up and down...! When he just came in, Tan Si put on a robe himself. This young man with a strong tone must be the orphan of a capitalist.

Lu Yu sneered and slowly shook his head.

Many of the drawbacks in this particular class have not been eliminated.

Under the capital, at a critical juncture, there are still many people who want to benefit, especially this... An Langtu.

"I see that you look very good, and you are dressed very well, and there is almost no trauma on your body. How did you do it?"

Lu Yu felt strange.

Even the battle between him and the monster took a lot of effort.

At the same time, they were edited into usable monsters one by one, and in the end they were all four dissimilars.


An wolf map is different, his realm Huiyue level.

But looking at this high-spirited appearance, it seems that he has never fought a battle before, his body is full of spirituality, and he issued a threatening warning when dealing with him! "What are you!"

An Langtu sneered and said, "In this operation, I am the commander. If I am on a combat post, what is the use of commanding, it's up to me"


A loud slap sounded in this narrow tunnel hole! "You dare to hit me!"

Chapter [-]: The curse of the evil god, the erosion of the shadow world!

An Langtu glared angrily! Lu Yu just opened his eyes a little, and a slap in the face was loud.

This is definitely Lu Yu attacking him! "I want you to die, curse"


No wait: An Langtu casts a curse.

Lu Yu gave another slap print on An Langtu's face! "I killed you!"

An Langtu was furious! He pulled out the red-blue long knife around his waist.

The special long sword is prepared for slaying monsters.

The monsters are extracted with bones and combined with biological metals.

When fighting, this long knife is almost equivalent to a monster attacking with human spirituality! It is extremely devastating, and at the same time increases the huge energy of this long knife! "Spider Dragon Spins Silk!"

Lu Yu looked at An Langtu so ignorant, but showed no mercy.

As soon as the voice fell, the white silk thread turned into a long dragon, and in the blink of an eye, it tied the An Wolf figure firmly! "Damn, let me go, do you know who I am? If it is not for my leadership, I am afraid All of you are going to die, this tunnel is mine! Me!"


Lu Yu sneered, and when he lifted his fingers, the shadow puppet instantly turned into a blast of wind.

The black shadow turned into a guard puppet and slashed towards An Langtu's mouth, immediately slicing his tongue into pieces! Pfft accompanied by the blood flowing down, An Langtu moaned in pain, accompanied by a white silk screen that has been on the ground: Roll! "Today, no matter who you are, I'm going to kill you, but I'm going to give you some kindness and tell you where you died, do you want to hear?"

There was a faint smile on Lu Yu's mouth.

In the eyes of everyone, it is already the devil.

Shocked! When killing someone, tell others where they died.

This is literally saying, "Before you die, I will torture you severely:!"

"Let go of our captain!"

The special team members on both sides of the tunnel watched their special captain in this city treat them like this.

Dissatisfied, they picked up the long knife in their hands, with wounds and blood on their bodies.

They only have this special section chief who will command them, which is really a problem.

Although this section chief is really a jerk, but none of them obey anyone, and it is difficult to achieve results.

"Tans, let them be quiet."

"But, they are the wounded."

Tan Si frowned.

He took the knives of this group of people at a very fast speed, and at the same time used the mental shock force to instantly paralyze their mental power! The order Lu Yu gave him still had to be completed in time.

Otherwise, when Lu Yu takes action, I am afraid that those who attacked him will die.

With Lu Yu's current state, he may be a lunatic! "It's not bad that you are wounded, but

, condoning the special department to oppress ordinary people, it is not a small problem, seeing that they can rescue ordinary people at a critical time, I will spare them not to die!"

A murderous intent flashed in Lu Yu's eyes.

Although ordinary people feel safe, the fear in their souls arises spontaneously.

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