Violent smell of alcohol poured out of the tavern, I'm afraid the ignition would blow up the whole tavern! Lu Yu's boss with a pair of staring eyes, behind him, a thousand-handed devil's shadow floated up and down.

"I said that the quarrel is not forgotten in the past life, the teacher of the future life, if so many evil gods died, I can't rest for a while to make the old man unhappy, and the Tianling cover will be lifted for you."

There was a sneer and Morihan on the corner of Lu Yu's mouth, and he saw that he raised the glass and wanted to drink again! The blood-red wine was stained with wisps of divine soul, and as Lu Yu rolled down his throat, a sweet breath poured out.

This is a little bit of humanity, it seems to be a little different from the paranoia of the past.

Furthermore, they glanced at each other, they were not sober! Even if they were drinking, they wouldn't be so drunk if they had a peanut.

"There has been a change between heaven and earth. There have already been special departments sending letters, and Lu Yu's news cannot be leaked at will. I'm afraid I have already brought someone here!"

During the urging, Tan Si hurriedly pushed the demon wine towards the top of the building.


Yaojiu was reluctant, and glanced at Tan Sibai.

This guy didn't want to stand against Lu Yu's wake-up odor and the strong smell of alcohol, instead he made him a lousy old man to stand in front of him.

"Lu Yu, do you feel it?"


Lu Yu's eyes widened, he suddenly stood up, and sat on the chair, a smug smile on the corner of his mouth.

The wine blooms with red light, and the divine light flows.

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Chapter seven hundred and ninety-eight: Eternal Demon Dragon, World Destruction Demon!

Damn, this is still not awake, the eternal scorching sun level is so drunk, it seems that you don't want to care, or, now you don't want to wake up"

Yaojiu directly pointed out Lu Yu's indulgent attitude.

In this spiritual sprinkling, it is impossible to get Lu Yu drunk! That huge amount of money was burned by Lu Yu.

What Lu Yu cares about in this world is only the pursuit of the realm.

Or eternal life, conquered by the supreme force! "Haha"

Lu Yu looked at the old man's angry nose and his hair was white, especially in his eyes: he glared angrily, and the messy hair also stood upright.

Said he was angry, but the old man really did not wear a hat.

He waved his hand, the laws of spirituality intertwined, and a green hat was placed on the head of the demon wine.

Yaojiu rolled her eyes at Lu Yu, patted the green hat with her hand, and turned into a faint green flame that ignited in the air! "Get up quickly, you, the old ruler, the secret of ancient times, the real darkness seems to be coming. , you don't know"


The voice hasn't fallen yet.

Huge explosions have been continuously resounding from the outside of the city. The pressure between heaven and earth has caused the city wall to collapse, and the surrounding land buildings have collapsed! Sure enough, the earth-shaking changes have occurred since this area has begun to "monster monsters". Liquor, take Tan Si away first, and I'll take care of this place."

Lu Yu's fist gradually clenched, and the rumbling sound from the ground got closer and closer.

The spiritual laws in his body are intertwined, facing the riots from the ground.

The breath of violent slaughter has come.


"No buts!"

Lu Yu waved his hand and lifted the wine glass, and took a sip of the sweet, blood-red wine.

A hint of joy at being challenged suddenly appeared on his face.

"It seems that this place has been discovered. It may be the central area. If you don't leave quickly, I'm afraid both of you will have to stay. I can deal with it, and let's go!"

Lu Yu took a step, and with spirituality, he stepped towards the sky.

between the body.

One after another black shadows quickly emerged from under the ground, and the power of shadow and darkness showed a good exploration ability! The demon wine nodded slightly.

He knew that Lu Yu told them to go faster, because they were evacuating the crowds farther away.

As for Hengcheng, which is surrounded by these high mountains, I am afraid that he will die without a burial. Moreover, Lu Yu kills here, and he can no longer care about many people.

The blood-colored incident has made things eyeing here, and it makes sense.


The power of the Yaojiu Huiyue level has emerged, and the Huiyue level has been

reached its peak.

Not far from the Eternal Lie Yang, his body lightened, and he quickly left here with Tan Si.

Lu Yu looked at the surrounding mountains that were getting higher and higher, and simply retracted the protection that spirituality had placed around him.

His figure flew directly to the sky, and countless spiritual powers erupted from his body like a volcano, gradually opening towards the surrounding! "Tongyu Dragon King Tong Demon Dragon Body of Fear Domain Spider Dragon Spinning Devil Prison Dragon King Shan "Light of Destruction"

Lu Yu recited words in his mouth, the countless layers of light on his body, and the blessings increased layer by layer.

"Now, let's take you guys to try my realm strength, but you are too weak, you can only loosen your muscles and bones."

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