Not force.

Lu Yu is still reading the newspaper calmly. Peachy news and vulgar love suspense novels occupy a lot of space. Lu Yu doesn't know how to complain, but this kind of "kiss everywhere"

Genre novels really make girls like it.

It helps girls see the essence of scumbags.

Of course, if it's "I don't care, I just like him"

It would be very embarrassing if you were a girl, just like the ending of a novel, in the end it is very likely that you will die and find an honest person to marry.

The honest man once again took over the world. After all, the honest man still resisted everything. It's really miserable.

Finally, when Lu Yu saw the end of the story, the people from the special department finally broke in boldly. One by one, they thought they were coming in to hunt zombies. They were cautious, and they didn't know what they were afraid of.

But anyway, they finally got in.

Lu Yu was still sitting there steadily, as if nothing happened, as if even the arrival of an old ruler would not stop him from watching the ending.

However, these twelve people couldn't calm down, their body movements were all controlled, but the cold sweat still flowed down. They knew very well how far they were from those special division powerhouses.

The reason why Tan Si didn't want Lu Yu to kill him.

I was afraid that I would startle the snake. If more than [-] members of the special division fell here, I am afraid that the auction in seven days will not have a chance to start.

So many people in the special department have fallen, to solve the root cause of the incident, they dare not hold any auction, the lives of those capitalists are valuable

Very! However, just watching, face-to-face, the members of these special departments actually seemed to have not seen them at all, and reported to the commander: "There is no one in the underground warehouse, and you can even say what it is. None, the sewers were blocked by us this morning, so no one must have escaped through the secret door."

There was a roar from the other end of the phone: "Idiot! Look for me again! I don't believe there is no secret door there, if you can't find it, you will demolish the Hunter Guild Mall for me! You have to dig three feet to find them, kill them. Got them! Got it!"

Lu Yu glanced at the guy who answered the phone, his perception followed the radio waves and began to look for him, and he caught that guy in just one second... The so-called officer was just a middle-aged man with a pot belly at the morning star level.

With a snap of his fingers, the voice on the other end of the phone changed instantly, and the order also changed: "Bring back valid evidence, if there is no one, then there is a problem with the intelligence personnel."

Under the control of Wai Lu Yu, a member of the special section who called, he didn't care about any changes in the officer's mood at all. In his memory, the officer only had this order, and there was no such thing as digging three feet into the ground.

As for the content of the phone call, with Lu Yu's snap of his fingers, the operator in the distance completely deleted it, and even the top bosses couldn't get them back.

Watching them take a few photos casually, all of them are unnecessary photos, as if it is just to prove that "there is no mission person here"

and exist.

Lu Yu yawned, only he knew that these guys had been altered by their own psychological cues and memory tampering into what they are now.

While reading the newspaper and watching them busy, after a full hour of work, after [-]:[-] in the morning, the staff of the Special Section finally left.

Lu Yu finally lifted the imprisonment of Tan Si and the others: "I should have understood a lot now, my strength is impossible to defeat at the level of Huiyue, because I am the most powerful in the eternal blazing sun. The strong part."

Before he finished speaking, Lu Yu's fingertips tapped out of thin air and injected something into their minds.

not just "trust"

Psychology, suggestion, and being "strong" to oneself

further explanation.

Let Huiyue level understand what kind of strength it is to surpass the limit of the eternal blazing sun, it can only be like this.

Chapter [-]: Distorting reality, the hand of the devil!

It is still too difficult for you to understand my strength on your own, even if you use this method of forcible indoctrination, at most it is just stuffing something similar to knowledge, and understanding is still difficult."

Lu Yu propped up his cheeks, somewhat helpless to these ants-like existences.

It's like you want your Erha to understand you.

Wahaha Erha's name must have two "ha"

,Sit down:!Sit down:,I'll let you sit down:!I didn't let you bite the sofa, you bastard! Who bought this thing, it's just like this, don't ask why Lu Yu is so familiar with this kind of thing, Don't ask, don't ask.

"Okay, I'll give you a little bit more calm, a little bit of psychology that is conducive to thinking, hints, and a little bit of perspective from the eternal blazing sun."

Lu Yu manipulated their brains unscrupulously. Anyway, watching these guys go down like this, he couldn't do anything about it. He could only help a little bit, I hope it helps.

Lu Yu's current state is just about to shout: Hold on, everyone, hold on! Don't die! It wasn't until ten minutes later, when he saw twelve guys who seemed to be exhausted lying on the ground like corpses, Lu Yu sighed: " Did you understand?"

Tan Si: I seem to scold you for what to do, but Tan Si dare not. After all, Tan Si is just Tan Si, not the Tan Sitong in the book when Lu Yu was in the previous world. There is still a big gap in courage.


"Okay, shut up."

Lu Yu didn't wait at all: Tan Si spoke as if he followed the law, Tan Si had to keep his mouth shut, and couldn't make a sound, "Please pay attention to one thing, I'm not discussing."

Tan Si's heart was infinitely entangled, and he glanced at the thigh in front of him, and then looked at himself.

This leg hair can lead you to win. If you don't hold it at this time, what's the point of waiting for your face to win? "Then we will completely follow your command! Please don't dislike it!"

Tan Si said a very cowardly sentence in the toughest tone.

Yawning, Lu Yu replied casually.

"Just go according to what you think, and follow the smoothest plan. I can handle the rest remotely. One question for you: high-end combat power will die or live."

This means that the boss replies: Okay, everyone, how do you want to win?

The general meaning is: Boss, no, Dad! You are too good Dad, Dad, you are the best Dad in the world, I want to live Dad! Can you, Dad is this mentality, the close-up is Lu Yu's current favorite, Who would have thought that Xiao Laodi in this world is exactly the same as the one in the previous world, Mom, it's very real.

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