Hehehe, human beings, victory will go to your head, as long as you admit the old man, my dimension will judge your failure, and the rules will make your life completely belong to me! And I will use this power Promoted to the level of eternal blazing sun! Lu Yu's face was full of ridicule, and he nodded: "Then let you die and understand, I, Lu Qiu, did not open up, let alone change, your hand cards, you can't hide your thoughts. Stay with me, think carefully about where the gap is, and stop gambling in your next life!"


The octopus monster's face was full of unwillingness, but he no longer had the strength to resist. He could only watch his life completely belong to Lu Yu, and finally died.

"Tsk tsk tsk, that's what gambling is like, and it can even cost you your life, just like you, a guy with mediocre gambling skills, don't you think you can win [-] yuan for [-] yuan from Chen Xiaodao? Wan you're a gambler, my friend."

Lu Yu couldn't help sneering.

When it comes to "gamblers"

, Lu Yu couldn't help but think of that... the baboons who fought in the world finals and "super doubled"

The way he kills is truly amazing.

It is also a gambler, this octopus cannot bring the laughter of a baboon, this is the difference.

The thinking that has long been unsure of where to fly will not realize that the material has come to its own hands.

[Light of a star and a half gambler] The hope in a gambler's heart, from the moment he sits on the side of the gambling table, the light in the gambler's heart will illuminate everything! This is the light exclusively for gamblers With faith! Lu Yu: ""

Therefore, the gambler's light and belief should be: give the old aunt a cup of cappuccino, you can beat me with seventeen cards, and I will eat this screen on the spot! Haha, this stalk is really long-lasting Yan, even a "cloud player" who is fighting the landlord

Also love deeply.

Yawning, this material should be to open the gambler empty, if it doesn't work, add it to the alchemy monster luxury lunch, it seems that there is also an "energy theft"

The material is still in hand, and if you cooperate with it, you should be an excellent gambler again.


Thinking in his head, Lu Yu's body has involuntarily stepped into the fourth release line.

Although it was purely instinctive, it allowed Lu Yu to concentrate on calculating various things in his brain at the same time, without having to consider the behavior of his body at all.

When he really stepped into the fourth line of defense, Lu Yu was already a little stunned. He suddenly realized that there didn't seem to be much memory of the fourth line of defense in the Jedi scarab's memory.

The guardian of the fourth line of defense is an interesting guy. Under the human body is a demon's soul. He is a little crazy, and his spirit is not very normal. The other monsters under him are all monsters with a three-and-a-half star rating. The peak of Huiyue level.

So far, Lu Yu knows so much, because when the Jedi Scarab was killed, the fourth line of defense didn't prevent it at all, so he simply let it go.

However, it can be seen from the octopus monster that the fourth line of defense will be a very difficult one to fight, and it may even be the most difficult one to fight. After all, the last line of defense is the familiar Zerg.

As for why Lu Yu was so familiar with bugs, it all started a long, long time ago. For example, when Lu Qiu became famous, people in Yucheng seemed to call him the king of bugs.

Glancing at the left and right sides of the darkness, all Lu Yu could feel was the simple lines, as if he had been trapped in a two-dimensional world.

So what is this? Lu Yu suddenly had a feeling that he might have to move around in various spaces for a period of time, until he ended the life of each of them. The situation will end.

If this is the case, I'm afraid I can't bear it. It's better to simply use the Thousand-handed Demon God to destroy all the space and directly enter the last line of defense.

Thinking in his heart, Lu Yu was stunned for a moment. The Thousand-handed Demon God seemed to be useless. This feeling was like a dream. Psychologically, under the suggestion, as long as he felt that the Thousand-handed Demon God could not be used, it would really work. not come out.

This is the very interesting point in the dream world - what to be afraid of.

"So, this should be something like a dream space."

Lu Yu was talking to himself, but he had already begun to adjust his state in his heart. As long as his mind and hints were cracked, he would be able to return to his body.

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Chapter [-]: World Defense Line, Dark Lord is coming! (Please collect! Please subscribe ())


In the dream, Lu Yu adjusted his mind and hinted that in the fourth line of defense, a bat on top of Lu Yu's head glared viciously at his accomplices not far away: "Bastards! I can't control it anymore, this guy The soul has the level of eternal blazing sun!"

"Don't worry, you forgot that this human body has an instinctive response"

"Instinct reaction If you don't do it, he will never have an instinctive reaction. You want to wait for me to die in his hands"

The bat glared angrily.

"Hahahaha, we are really looking forward to it, even the boss is not in a hurry, why are you in a hurry?"

A scrawny elf sneered, the crystal ball in his hand began to show what was about to happen, "This is a good thing from Feaso, let me see if he will die"

"Look at the hair! A target that doesn't move, only needs one paw!"

The civet cat-like monster came to Lu Yu in the blink of an eye, with its claws grabbing straight to his throat.

Who knew, Lu Yu's instinctive reaction was extremely fast, he didn't have any time to react, he just raised his arm and grabbed the Tyler civet cat monster's head.

Immediately, blood spurted out, and the civet cat's head was scratched to pieces.

At the same time, Lu Yu's instinctive reaction finally determined one thing: all the monsters around are enemies and can be killed! "I think we should all run for our lives, this human being is going to run wild!"

The elf groaned, and the two fingers cast two spells respectively, the target was not Lu Yu, but the bat above Lu Yu's head.

"Bastard! What are you doing!"

"Hey hey, of course I told you not to run away. Without you, I'm afraid none of us would be able to run away. If you don't think of it too quickly, you'd better continue to use your abilities, otherwise, you will be the first to die. of."

The elf threatened.

If there is a list of bad luck, then a crow's mouth elf is likely to be the first to become the first, and is evaluated by other monsters: its death is worthless, it is self-inflicted.

At that time, the hand was only [-] centimeters away from it. If it could react, the ending might not change, it would still be so bloody.

Poof! Once there was a precious life in front of it, but it didn't. If a time limit can be added to this life, it hopes to be ten thousand years.

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