It was only a sigh of relief until it was completely confirmed: "It turns out that Taishang Laojun is still more trustworthy than the old god."

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Chapter [-]: Doom Scythe, create new monsters?

[Star Unnamed] The materialized wind element energy ball mixed with the blood of various monsters, the energy level has reached the level of the eternal blazing sun, the lethality has broken through, and it has spiritual toxins, which can create a rage.

An unnamed material, well, it is indeed very real, this is an energy ball that was smashed by myself, and I haven't had time to name it, isn't it [Unnamed].

Since this material can be recognized by the system, it means that it will become a material of its own, which can be stored in the space of the system, or a monster can be constructed.

This is Lu Yu's idea all along.

As long as this thing can appear in the system space, no matter

What happens, even if it blows up, nothing will happen, at most, the system may scold itself a few times when it is cleaning.

If you are lucky, this thing will become part of your next monster, even the core part.

After a little consideration, Lu Yu shook his head and said to himself: "If a pure energy body is used as the core, there is indeed no problem, but this energy body is no longer pure, and there are some violent toxins in it. Among them, it seems that only a special method can be used."

With that said, Lu Yu took out a 1 [three and a half element core.

Fire], which is different from the alchemy core, this is a pure elemental core, a good thing for elemental creatures.

As for why he chose the flame as the core, and using the less than four-star flame core Lu Yu smiled slightly, this was the most interesting part of his plan.

First of all, everyone knows that wind and fire can complement each other. Using the wind element to promote the fire element has the opportunity to directly raise the fire element to the level of four stars and 44.

In addition, flames have a powerful lethality to viruses.

We all know that people will have a fever when they are afflicted by some diseases. A fever means that the body temperature of a person rises, and the rise of the body temperature is to be able to use the temperature to solve the virus.

Although the success rate is not high, it will not die directly.

But the flame is different. The flame can directly drop the poison, and Lu Yu doesn't know what new things can be produced after solving these viruses and flesh and blood, but it is not bad for himself, I can be sure.

After the flame was thrown, the next step was not, but a bone.

Star Half Undead Bone Crystal Undead Bone is the bone with the strongest breath of death. Under the state of almost crystallization, it contains the most powerful power of the undead. It is the "flame" and the ability to exercise other materials. This bone will become a new monster. The body must not be so fragile, it needs to be forged like steel."

"And then, the next thing is really the good thing that everyone is watching. One of them is also a four-star 44 material. It has been in my hands for a long time. Come out! Scythe!"

【Star Doom Scythe】The sickle of the god of death from hell, as a false god, its sickle has the ability to erase life, but it is not limited to beheading with a sickle and killing people with a knife. This is the killing aesthetics of the god of death.

Although it sounds very tall, Lu Yu didn't want it to sound so powerful, so the translation means: this thing can make the enemy die.

Flame, Undead Bone, when these two materials are added together, how can Lu Yu not take out the sickle? But this is not enough, and some so-called decorations must be added. I believe that the system should not use its own materials. Let's force it into something that doesn't come next to each other at all.

[Stars and Sleeping Cloak] A cloak that blends into the night. It has created miracles and even brought the world into the night! Although it can be seen that the system is blowing this material, it is indeed very suitable.

The undead burning with flames, holding a scythe in his hand and wearing a cloak, maybe there is no god of death in this world, but Lu Yu can definitely create a god of death. Even if this influence is not used to kill people, it is no problem to scare people.

"The last step is to inject energy, give the core a little dignity, this is very important! Yes!"

Lu Yu's behavior is almost crazy, no matter who sees him smashing the wind element directly into it, he will think he is crazy, it's like seeking an explosion.

But only he knows that he is not crazy. The explosion is what he wants. This explosion will blow up what he wants. It is the perfect combination of wind and fire.

The mutual complementation of wind and fire will produce the biggest explosion at this moment, because without suppression and control, the biggest explosion will be carried out with the help of the system, and the strength of this force determines its upper limit.

Lu Yu didn't want his monster upper limit to be too low, especially this monster made of two four-star 44 materials.

Chapter [-]: Create new monsters, terrifying monsters! ( ) for collection!Please subscribe!


The gust of wind pushed the flames to an extreme, Lu Yu could feel that the flesh and blood of those monsters became the fuel for the flames, and the gust of wind was a kind of "fanning the wind".

Appeared in the form of , the flame instantly reached the level of being infinitely close to four stars.

However, Lu Yu knew that the limit had not yet been reached. This was just the beginning of the explosion. There would not be too many preludes to the explosion, and the next moment was the most important moment.

Boom! The flames exploded, and all the impurities began to be ingested by the flames at this moment, including the flesh and blood energy in the monster's corpse, which also began to be ingested by the flames.

The orange flame gradually began to turn red, bright red to gradually darker red, and the color of the flame represented its change.

Blood, undead, flame, three energies build a brand new flame, which has terrifying lethality to monsters with flesh and blood.

For it, flesh and blood is a kind of nourishment, and Lu Yu can feel this.

Excitedly watching its appearance, the explosion finally came to an end, it began to shrink, the bones, the cloak, the sickle all began to shrink, and under the gaze of Lu Yu, it shrank into a flame. To be precise, it should be a flame. flame.

Lu Yu could feel the energy contained in the flames, and he could also feel the changes that were taking place in it.

The flame gradually extinguished, turning into a blood-red gem, with tiny bones sticking out around it, they condensed and twisted, turning the gem into a ring, and it fell lightly into Lu Yu's hand.

【Star Death.


Gardner] Death shrinking in flames, flesh and soul are its nourishment, it is its favorite food, and they will burn in its chest as fuel.

Usually, it can be turned into a ring and worn on the owner's body, ready to be dispatched.

Skill - Illusory Scythe: The scythe is not only aimed at the soul, but also at the body. Neither the entity nor the soul can block it, even if it is at the same time, it may pass through the defense, because the sickle itself may not be able to block it. reality.

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