If you can ask system questions, Lu Yu really wants to ask what it is.

But there is no doubt that he will not get the answer. Lu Yu knows well what the behavior of the system is. He will only help when his life is in danger. The rest of the time, it is just a tool table there.

"Okay, if that's the case, let's fix some issues first."

"How is the plan going? How far are the surrounding monsters cleaned up?"

Lu Yu asked, "Report to God Father, there are no monsters in the east of the temple, and the Chaos Dragon Frog is always at your command."

"Report to God Father, there are no monsters in the south of the temple, and the angels are at your command at any time."

"Reporting to God Father, there are no monsters, invisible blades in the west of the temple.

Altaïr is at your command at any time."

"Reporting to God Father, there are no monsters, violent beetles, in the north of the temple.

Udine is at your disposal at any time."

It's a very formulaic answer, but Lu Yu really can't say that they don't care, even if they are the same as the "followers" in the game

The answer is almost the same, and it is impossible.

Nodding slightly: "Very good, then you should guard around the temple first. I'm afraid I will lose some of my combat power. I need you to help me see everything around me."

Chapter [-]: The words of the ancient gods, great existence!

Lu Yu gave an order, Berserk Beetle.

Udine, the invisible blade.

Altaïr, Chaos Dragon Frog, and the four 44 angels responded at the same time: "Follow the orders of God the Father, and never let go of any clues"

After that, Lu Yu didn't listen to it anymore, he knew it was nothing new, and it was really embarrassing.

For a time, I really have a feeling - I am the king of a monster kingdom, I have a huge territory, all the gods are afraid of me, all my subjects respect me, and all my opponents tremble.

Although this kind of thing is really possible in the future, but this script seems to be the script that the villain should take.

Lu Yu scratched his hair helplessly, and simply threw these messy thoughts out of his head and looked at the ring again.

"The system will definitely protect me when I'm most at risk, right?"

"This is a very irrational risky behavior, I know this very well, but if there is a system as protection, then this behavior is not considered death, it can even bring me some unexpected surprises."

"It's just one possibility, there's another possibility, like taking all my energy and causing collapse or something."

"Of course, the most terrifying thing is that it's just as utterly mad as that monster. Under the state that my six relatives don't recognize it, I'm afraid I will really bring all the monsters to become a new wild map in this world."

"I think I'm ready for everything, not just physically, but mentally."

"It's time, as long as the system doesn't fall off the chain, then my life will not be in danger, nor will I be fatally injured because of this."

Taking a deep breath, Lu Yu reached out and picked up the ring. The existence of this power made him very uneasy. Even if it was destroyed, it would still make Lu Yu uneasy.

I don't know why, but the feeling is very strong.

Even if you know it is very dangerous, you must wear it to find out. This is also the answer transmitted by the sixth sense. Lu Yu believes that his sixth sense will never deceive himself at this time, absolutely! At the moment of the ring, Lu Yu didn't feel anything, if he had to say it, it must be a self-suggestion in his heart.

No matter what kind of self-suggestion, Lu Yu can still clearly understand what is psychological, what is implied, what is the feeling that he really has.

This is the ability that Lu Yu acquired after experiencing the Dusty Mountain once. However, even so, Lu Yu still felt that among the

I'm afraid it's not as simple as I imagined.

It was only when I thought of this in my heart that there were needles on the ring. They were very small, but they were sharp enough to break through Lu Yu's skin.

When the blood touched it, Lu Yu could feel that it was not the energy pouring into the ring, but the power in the ring was pouring into his body, and there was a strong psychological power in this power. Hint, and soul power.

The soul force stuffed a lot of seemingly useless things into his head. Those are not completely useless, but they are completely incomprehensible. Lu Yu can confirm this.

This is where the old gods are stronger than humans. They stand at a height that ordinary humans can't reach at all. Even those monsters can't reach this height.

This is the work of the old god, and the power in it all comes from the old god.

Their madness, destruction, and subversion are also among them. At the same time, they also give rich rewards to the prey who are about to enter the trap. If they can escape from this trap, this power will be forever. part of the body of the prey.

There is only a little hint from the old god, and Lu Yu can even read that... Hint: poor little mouse, if you escape, what if you give you the cheese? , it's not the same for you to keep pets, it's just desire, but I can face it, but you have tried countless times to get rid of these

The ridiculous and ignorant lie of the master of all souls! "It's really a mockery, ah, speaking of it, it really hurts."

"But I have to admit that what the old gods said really makes sense. The cause of everything is just something like 'I hope', and then 'effort'."

"Then say to the world: The biggest difference between human beings and animals is that there is no difference between what and what, even you old gods are no different from us, aren't they?"

Lu Yu laughed.

However, human beings can indeed be proud once, after all, this is a world that has been built hard for the sake of desire.

And the world of the old gods is the same. In essence, there is no change, and they are no higher than humans at all.

In other words, he is one step closer to the target that can kill them.

No, it should be said that they took a step backwards!: Ask for collection! Ask for subscription! Ask for monthly ticket!

Chapter [-]: Shadow of Darkness, Mysterious Material!

Seeing the tragic situation around him, the damage he created during the slightly out of control stage is still as huge as before. If it weren't for the fact that the monsters released were all of the eternal scorching sun level, I am afraid that they would also die instantly because of their short loss of control.

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