Humph, what that guy has been waiting for is when I make a mistake, but it is impossible for me to make a mistake until I cut off the connection. In order to solve all the superfluous possibilities, Altaïr specially asked Altaïr to solve those scumbags.

Now the minions have almost been resolved, most of them are trembling, and if you want to mobilize again, you can only use the weak connection between them, and it is easy to cut off that kind of thing.

However, if you want to kill Niger at the rice cake of the ruler of the silent abyss, you can only rely on the invisible blade.

Altaïr may not succeed.

"Altaïr, exchange it with me, suppress these guys, I suddenly want to try to find something about the master of the silent abyss from Niger's perception."

"Yes, Father God."

Altaïr agreed without thinking.

The next moment, Lu Yu and Altaïr shifted positions, and the moment Altaïr's figure was revealed, all the monsters widened their eyes.

Just now, Lu Qiu, who was so big, changed his form, "I am the invisible blade.

Tyre, on the orders of God the Father to intercept you."

Chapter [-]: The strongest monster, the abyss dominates!

Invisible Blade.

Altaïr's name is a name they have never heard before, but what is certain is that this is also a guy at the level of the eternal scorching sun.

The most important thing is that even if it is in the shape of a human, as a monster, it can also be seen that this guy is not a human at all, but a real monster.

In this way, Lu Qiu has the same subordinates as our master, and he is also a subordinate of the eternal blazing sun level! "I didn't expect such a thing to happen, I thought this world could subdue the eternal blazing sun level monster. Only my Lord exists, and I didn't expect Lu Qiu to be too."


Waisenberg murmured.

For a long time, when other monsters were fighting, only it was in the state of paddling, and basically did not contribute any effective damage. Most of them were smoke without injury. The only big and medium thing was probably Lu Yu's disability. film.

Of course, no one will expose this embarrassing thing. After all, it is the most used existence beside the master of the silent abyss. It is definitely not a wise choice to provoke it.

There is no doubt that there is only one reason for not using any ultimate move - as long as Lu Yu does not feel that he is in danger, then he will not necessarily die.

At this time, when Lu Yu was replaced by Altaïr, Vatu's eyes flashed with different rays of light. Lu Yu could directly translate this into: Finally, there is an opponent who seems to be evenly matched with me, and finally I don't have to think about it. It's time to think about how to live at any time, and it's time to make achievements! It's a good idea, but it can be roughly condensed into "persimmons still need to be soft"

Such a sentence.

This sentence is really a truth. You can't beat a strong enemy, but you can't beat a weaker one? Lu Yu really wanted to tell him: If you swarm up, you may still have a chance, but if you go head-to-head, um, you really will. It can't be beaten, and it may be abused. For you, Altaïr is like the king of salary in the dark soul.

Of course, this analogy is not appropriate, after all, the French hip-hop team is probably not as powerful as Altaïr.

Make a metaphor, if Vatu is a.

Holding the storm controller in his hand, he rushed towards one, and he might be able to roll and stab back, dealing high damage.

In the face of Altaïr, tile strikes, backstabs, execution of a dragon, high-quality service, and then lifted up the coffin by the festive music of the French hip-hop team.

This is a tragedy.

But Vatu didn't have such a cognition, and killed Altaïr out of his power.

"Don't kill them, this is the bait, our very important bait, just give me two minutes is enough to lock down the master of the silent abyss, understand."

Lu Yu specifically instructed.

If Altaïr is really released to act, it's...assassination methods are completely beyond what the guys like Vatu can afford.

Indeed, they are all monsters of the eternal blazing sun level, but several of them were forcibly promoted, otherwise how could there be so many monsters of the eternal blazing sun level under the master of the silent abyss. The eternal blazing sun level is one. The dividing line, the big guy and the rookie are basically on this dividing line.

And this dividing line seems to have been released... just like the hanging system, the rookie who was forcibly promoted is still a rookie, which is a little fatter than the others.

Therefore, Lu Yu must instruct this sentence, so that Altaïr must not get excited and kill no one left.

He can scare the master of the silent abyss so much that he does not dare to come out. With another Altaïr, Lu Yu promises that he will never see this master of the silent abyss again in his life.

But the plan is still going well, at least the position of Niger has been seen.

"In terms of time, there is still one minute and forty-five seconds longer than expected, which is quite enough time."

Lu Yu was so sure.

At the same time, Niger stood up, it knew that Lu Yu had locked his position, this feeling was very obvious.

"I have been completely locked by Lu Qiu, and it is impossible to leave the battle. Lu Qiu threatened to kill me within two minutes and lock your position, please immediately.

Disconnect from me."

Niger resolutely pleaded.

The silent abyss master nodded: "It seems that there is only one way to do it now, but Lu Qiu won't give me this chance, he has locked my perception."


Niger's eyes widened, disbelief written all over his face.

It never thought that Lu Yu didn't kill it first to lock the master, but carried out these two things at the same time.

"Do you look down on me compared to that... the so-called strongest Vatu.

Waisenberg, I am the strongest one under my master...!"

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