He casually opened the space door, and the assassination monsters around were trembling, hiding in a dark corner to look at Lu Yu, as if to say: When this guy leaves, we will go out, no one will come! They really said the most cowardly words in the toughest tone, and those who didn't know they thought they were going to try their best, but in fact they were not just shaking there. Parkinson's patients are more agile than them.

Lu Yu was not in the mood to play with them, and stepped straight into the third space so far.

The scene in front of me was still the same dusty mountain as before, and the buildings didn't seem to have changed at all. When I looked up, even the moon was exactly the same, which made people wonder how to evaluate it.

It's like something from a factory.

However, Lu Yu could feel the difference. There was only one monster here, as if it was waiting for his arrival, it was sitting in the church, making a gesture of prayer.

"It's useless to pray for the blessing of the gods now. Even if I have no grievances with you, I will kill you. For your space fragment, it's as simple as that."

Lu Yu said, stretched out his hands and pushed open the door of the church.

The humanoid monster sitting upright made Lu Yu a little familiar, but he didn't know where he had seen it before.

After praying in a language that Lu Yu could not understand, it finally turned.

He turned his head and said, "I know your purpose. I already knew it when the werewolf and the shadow fell. This is not new to us."

"Many people have tried to put the four pieces of space together to open up the ruins of the old era for Fanfanfan and re-enter the world that is really hidden behind the Mobius ring."

"But they all failed, including some organizations to revive the gods of the old age. Their greatest success so far is to turn the shadows into their pets and degenerate the minds of the werewolf."

"But what they can't change is me and Chen Feng. Our strength is relatively strange to them. Young people, it must be the same for you."

"There is no shame in retreating in spite of difficulties. Only God knows what you know and I know, not to mention, losing one's life is the most unbearable result."

It's voice is slow, but it has the feeling of an old man's teaching.

Lu Yu hates preaching, especially this kind of guy who persuades him to retreat. Maybe it makes sense, but he is never in the truth. For Lu Yu, everything is like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat.

If I had to retreat under such circumstances, I would be really sorry for my constant efforts and my system.

"You don't need to say so much, I won't listen anyway.

I'm here to kill you, I need your space debris to find out, and by the way, do the work of cutting weeds and roots."

Lu Yu's tone was still calm and firm.

, The old man nodded, he has seen many such opponents, since he was young, every enemy has been so persistent.

"Then I'll take the call, my name is Cheppelin

My friends usually call me Mr. Cheppelin, Oscar, and you can call me that too."

Cheppelin's expression was full of smiles, as if fighting was something that could bring joy.

Lu Yu frowned and responded, "In Lu Qiu, please give me more advice."

The air was not filled with the smell of gunpowder between the two, and it could even be said that both of them were unusually calm. Even Lu Yu was not in a hurry to attack, but stood there, as if waiting for something.

"Aren't you going to attack?"

Cheppelin seemed to be teasing his own junior.

Lu Yu sneered slightly: "Your little tricks are useless to me, I won't be fooled."

Chapter five hundred and ninety-ninth: The hand of the devil, twist the void!

It's okay to deceive ignorant young people with some ideas, especially the kind of... "Caring for fools: even if you are so mentally retarded, I still love you, because I am your father"

The look in his eyes is really irritating, and anyone who sees it will rush up and punch it in the face.

Although Lu Yu used to be a hot-blooded young man, but now he is not hot-blooded at all. Instead, he pays tribute with a look of caring for the mentally handicapped old man: tsk tsk tsk, why is this trick of deceiving fools used here? It's not very easy to use, or is it that there is a deviation in intelligence, I'm not blind, and I won't be able to see the layer of space power shrouded in you. "It's interesting to be able to see through my space distortion, young man, your strength is really amazing. I was taken aback."

Cheppelin said.

However, what it didn't know was that Lu Yu had seen a guy who could distort space before this. If I remember correctly, it should be the last ability used by the Zerg mother nest.

However, in contrast, Cheppelin's space distortion is one level higher than the strength of the Zerg mother nest, and it is a real Huiyue level.

"But even if you can recognize my abilities and know some of its basic data, it's still impossible to beat me, because this space is my home court, and as long as I think about it, you will definitely die."

Before he finished speaking, Cheppelin's fingers twisted in the air.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Yu could feel that the space around him had begun to distort. He was not in a hurry to defeat him, but prepared a distorted space barrier. If he hit it hard, he would probably turn his back: kill him directly.

Has he already used his strongest ability just after the battle? The lion fights the rabbit with all his strength. This Chepelin knows the gap between him and him very well. A way to make sure you don't die before the ultimate move is used.

The previous monster, Lu Yu, can be sure that they all have their own ultimate moves, and the lethality is not weak, and it can even be said that the lethality is higher than his usual skills.

But they all like to test too much, first test the strength of the other party and then decide whether to use the ultimate move.

As a result, when they encountered Lu Yu, who only liked a fatal blow to the enemy, they suffered a big loss.

It would be very embarrassing if this didn't make Chepelin grow smarter.

"That's right, using the ultimate move directly, although it will be a little troublesome to kill, but at least it proves that my enemy's head is not completely dead.


"However, even if you do your best, the final answer will not change at all because of your efforts, because I'm Lu Qiu, it's that simple."

Before he finished speaking, the Thousand-handed Demon God behind Lu Yu stretched out four hands at the same time to support the barrier, so that the space inside was completely out of Chepelin's control.

This is how this is possible! This is my space, and it is my absolute home field. In this case, as long as I have a thought, the space will be distorted like a towel, and no one can stop me.

Could it be said that this person's ability is not ice, fire or poison at all.

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