An Situ also thought so, as long as he struggled and cursed desperately, Lu Yu would not be able to read his memory with his soul that was only a little stronger than himself.

As for the ideal, Lu Yu has seen it before, it is very plump, like a kind of "daydream"

A beautiful dream, everything is in it, everything is so perfect.

Disappearing this kind of thing, Lu Yu sees it every day, it is very skinny, as the so-called unhappy things are often eight or nine, 8, but it can be said to others, this kind of thing is not wanted by everyone, but the reality is like this cruel.

Sighing: "My friend, this is destiny. If you don't accept your fate, I can also make you accept your fate. What's the trouble with you?"

An 25 Stu was still struggling frantically, swearing frantically, what he thought in his heart was that Lu Yu would never read his memory.

However, with the image of the Thousand-handed Demon God behind his body, Lu Yu has absolutely no need to compete with it for any kind of soul strength, such a meaningless and time-wasting thing, how could Lu Yu do it? So, the Thousand-handed Demon God is in Anstu. Lightly on his soul, a ripple flickered, and An Stu instantly became quiet, as if a manic mental patient had been injected.

This is Lu Yu's little skill. For the Thousand-handed Demon God's visualization, this is not a special ability. It is the effect of a sedative, which can make a guy who is in the midst of rage calm down for a while.

And during this period of time, I can stun it unscrupulously, no matter what I want, even reading the memory is useless.

He casually pressed his finger on Anstu's soul and began to read its memory.

Just like reading data in a game, reading a person's memory is so simple, not to mention a monster whose brain circuit is not very clear.

Anstu's memory is not very complicated, most of it is about Alyssa's memory, from being made by Alyssa to becoming Alyssa's right-hand man, although it has experienced many things, but most of them are not used by Lu Yu. arrived.

But there is one thing that Lu Yu is very concerned about, and that is An Stu's treasure.

The so-called treasures are Anstu's collections, they are the foundation of Anstu's life, and they are the corpses of some powerful monsters.

In order to ensure that these corpses will not rot due to oxidation, and will not be completely discarded due to the dissipation of their cores.

An Stu got a very interesting alchemy magic circle from the alchemist Alyssa, which can be used to ensure the freshness of these corpses. Within seventeen or eighteen years, they can be guaranteed to be like newly dead. .

In addition, there are some monster cores and materials collected by An Situ. They are all very attractive parts of monsters. Although the level may be disliked by Lu Yu, the amount is amazing and it is not a small amount of wealth.

Unlike other alchemy creatures, such as Yun Yifang and their three 3s, An Stu is the most loyal one. As for the reason, it should be some data set by Alyssa in her head.

This is a very complicated instruction. If it weren't for reading Alyssa's memory, Lu Yu would have spent thirty years of alchemy to understand its meaning.

Its purpose is to ensure Anstu's loyalty while ensuring that he has self-awareness, which is a kind of worship from the inside out, thinking that Eliza is the god in his mind, unmatched.

This piece of data is something that Yun Yifang and the like have not been injected at all, otherwise they will stay there desperately like cultists until they are killed by Lu Yu.

"This is very interesting. I didn't expect that a guy like Anstu would actually hide money from private houses. He even built a treasure house, for fear that others would steal it, and deliberately subdued a strange race in the Kuwanau Swamp. Help him be a watchdog, tsk tsk, it's really interesting."

Lu Yu smiled and began to look forward to Anstu's treasure.

Treasures are things that everyone loves, they symbolize a kind of good things that everyone loves, money, and for Lu Yu, they represent powerful monsters, their own strength is further, new ability.

"Yun Yifang and the others are really lucky. I didn't kill them last time because I was in a hurry. This time An Stu failed to kill them because I was summoned and finally I have to hunt them down again. I thought, Anstu's treasure appeared again, tsk tsk tsk, it's really luck."

Lu Yu couldn't help but sigh.

If there is such a luck in one's life to be able to escape three deaths at one time, it can really be said to be good luck, a proper European, and "black"

It doesn't matter at all.

Anyway, this is because they are lucky. No matter what the three 3 materials are, they are not comparable to those in the Anstu Treasure Collection. Although there are more than a dozen useful ones among the hundreds, it is more than 580, but even such a number. Also more than three.

After extracting An Stu's materials, Lu Yu yawned, looking forward to it, but what he saw was not one, but two materials.

[Power of Three Stars and a Half Tama Bear] Tama Bear, an alchemy-modified product of a mountain violent bear, has a certain amount of intelligence, but the intelligence is not as good as none.

But it has advantages - one is extremely resistant to magic, even an enemy one level higher than himself can hardly hurt it with elemental magic, and it has extremely high physical resistance. This number, you can hurt its hair.

[Three-and-a-half Anstu's Wrath] Anstu's soul form died in anger. Even if he was not conscious, he was still in anger. Anger can bring powerful explosive ability. Of course, it also has It has side effects, and the side effects are very large. After all, anger brings not only powerful explosive power, but also the effect of reducing intelligence. Losing one's senses can gain powerful power. Isn't this an equal transaction? Power is precious, and IQ is more expensive. What's the difference between giving up IQ for strength and that... Tama Bear

This is too much.

Chapter five hundred and seventy-ninth: A special little boss, the family of a great existence!

[Anstu's Wrath] is really a confusing material, and this effect is a perfect match for [Tama Bear's Power].

Adding these two materials together, Lu Yu could come up with the answer without even thinking, and the monster he could finally get was definitely a brand new version of the Tauma Bear.

Although it may not be a "tamma bear power" in one bite

, but this IQ will definitely not have any improvement.

Therefore, although this thing is three and a half stars, it is still good to store it in the warehouse as a display. It's okay to use this thing to deceive your own monsters. This kind of behavior is really wise.

"Forget it, let's care about Anstu's treasure. I hope it won't be filled with such materials. My heart will be very tired."

Lu Yu murmured.

Thinking in my mind, the coordinates of Anstu's treasure had already appeared in Lu Yu's mind. The origin of the coordinates remained unchanged. It was still Alyssa's alchemy building. It was really easy to find.

However, the monsters guarding it made Lu Yu a little bit: embarrassed, although these monsters are not very powerful, they are also very disgusting.

After flying in the sky for about five minutes, Lu Yu came to the sky above the treasure house and saw the appearance of these monsters.

Before crossing over, Lu Yu had seen a very strange creature in some novels and anime - slime.

In that world, slimes are very busy, they often appear as the protagonists of the book, and the little ones in the game have even been turned into "Kawaii heroines" in the minds of otaku.

Yes, this is the definition of slime in Lu Yu's world, a kind of monster that is deeply loved by people.

However, the slime I saw today was not so pleasant.

They don't have waving tentacles and they won't turn into beautiful girls, just like jelly. That's right, it's like a soft jelly driving on the ground, and you can still see it faintly. A pair of small eyes, the size of mung beans.

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