With a wave of his hand, it is also infinitely close to the level of the eternal blazing sun, but Lu Yu's combat experience and strength are much stronger than that of the bitter eagle dove. A formation that has not been formed can be cracked with a wave of his hand.

"You can't deceive me, you want to block my prying eyes with your soul power and perception strength"

Lu Yu sneered, the wind was blowing violently in the sky, and the blade-like wind swept over the bitter eagle dove instantly, and the huge body of the bitter eagle dove was scraped in the air and turned a few somersaults in the air.

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Chapter [-]: Kill the Sky Overlord and distort the power of space!

Mind-reading allows Lu Yu to easily see through the mind of the bitter eagle dove, but Lu Yu's attention is not on the despair in his heart, but directly changes its meaning into "the bitter eagle dove has not escaped for the time being." Law, you can kill by force"

As for the other thoughts in the bitter eagle dove's heart, such as loyalty and perseverance, in this era, what use are these things? Could it be that it has good qualities in the eyes of human beings and can't kill it? Just kidding! It's even more important to kill it, okay! If you release this kind of loyal thing, maybe in the future, you will bring a group of little eagles and doves back to seek revenge for yourself, and Lu Yu will not do anything about returning the tiger to the mountain.

Never underestimate the potential of any kind of creature, this is what Lu Yu has always done very well.

It is possible for any kind of creature to grow into an existence that can bring trouble to itself, and to allow hostile creatures to survive is to be extremely irresponsible to oneself.

Glancing at the bitter goshawk dove flying in the sky, Lu Yu knew very well that it still had a means to release, or that it only wanted to escape from the beginning to the end.

Now in a desperate situation, it is still thinking about a negotiation plan and has no intention of fighting with itself. At this time, it is best to do it.

However, the thing to pay attention to is that you must use the means of lore, and you can't give it too many opportunities to react, otherwise it will be very troublesome.

Thinking in his heart, Lu Yu made another move, and under the strong wind, he could even see a few cold lights, as if there were swords, lights, swords and shadows moving in the sky.

The bitter eagle dove can only struggle, no matter how the wings are swayed, there is no way to escape from Lu Yu's skills, and can only resist the attack hard inside, even if the blood spurts, it is only pain.

"The next step is the lore, and this is the position."

Lu Yu is not... simply using the wind blade to surround and kill the bitter eagle dove, he has other purposes.

As an attribute, the gust of wind can also be compressed. Lu Yu has tried it, but the compression is not so satisfying.

However, when the surrounding wind density begins to increase, and the enemy is in the center of the wind ball, when the compression force acts on the surface of the wind ball, it will directly increase the pressure of the wind.

The greater the pressure, the more amazing the power.

Maybe the damage of the wind blade is not enough to make the bitter goshawk dove fall, but this pressure can easily break its bones, and at that time, even if it has great ability, it will not be able to fly.

It is often so simple to change from a bitter eagle dove to a free-range chicken.

Can a free-range chicken pose any threat to itself? Impossible.

What's more, this free-range chicken is still dead.

"Pressurize me!"

The sound in Lu Yu's mouth was not loud, the sky could completely make all the monsters around him deaf, but they could still hear Lu Yu's voice that was close to the soul.

The pressurized monster can't understand human language, but it can instantly.

Lu Yu's meaning.

They raised their heads one by one and looked at the spherical field formed by the gust of wind. They were very clear that the pressure must be added to this area, and the dead must be the bitter goshawk dove.

Pfft! The bitter eagle dove finally couldn't take it anymore, it could feel the pressure around it was rising frantically, but under the action of this pressure, it was completely unable to move.

The more so, the

The more painful the catch is, the wind blade seems to know the way, and frantically drills into the wound. After a while, the wound has become bigger and bigger, and it is almost about to cut off the wings.

The only thing that can support it is this body of bones, but the bitter eagle dove knows in his heart that his bones can't support it for long, and within a few minutes, his own bones will be broken.

No, you can't just sit still like this.

I can die, but the master's surrogate puppet must not die here.

My strength is related to the wind, but the strength is not comparable to this human being, even if I use strength to guide it, it will not help.

But this human being has also brought me enough inspiration. If I can also compress the power and burst it out in an instant, maybe I can send the master's surrogate puppet! Thinking of this method, then only this method can be used. Ku Cang Yingjiu made up his mind, and the force of a gust of wind in his mouth began to condense and compress, just like Lu Yu's compression method, but with a little bit of protection added to it. Power is used to protect the puppet.

Lu Yu could see what it was thinking, and he didn't even need to use mind-reading skills to understand it.

"The idea is good, and the learning ability is quite strong, but unfortunately, if you want to break through, you need at least half a minute of compression time. Without half a minute, it is impossible for his surrogate puppet to be truly out of danger."

"The ideal is plump, but the skinny reality can always warn you - don't daydream!"

Before he finished speaking, the bitter eagle dove felt that the pressure around him increased in vain, and in just a moment, the wings that were still holding on were broken, and it didn't even give it time to react.

Without the support of a pair of wings, the bitter eagle dove can no longer fly in the sky.

But Lu Yu's gust of wind still pressed it firmly into the sky, whether it was up or down or left and right, it couldn't move no matter what.

It's time to kill.

Lu Yu said the last sentence silently in his heart, and then looked at the sky in the sky, the gust of wind pierced the body of the bitter eagle dove, and eighteen wind blades almost cut it to pieces.

And then, without the support of the body, the bones began to be targeted by the pressure. In just three seconds3, it was just a bitter goshawk dove, and now the fast net has been smashed into a meat ball by Lu Yu.

But Lu Yu could still feel that the strength in the mouth of the bitter goshawk was still compressing, and it completely gave up its life, just to be able to send a dead puppet to a place where Lu Yu couldn't hurt it.

It was only ten seconds, and Lu Yu calculated it clearly.

But the bitter eagle dove no longer has the strength, it can only open its mouth in despair and squirt it out, whether it can survive or not depends on the destiny.

"If you weren't the enemy, I would have preached such a story, but it's a pity."

Lu Yu's voice was very soft, and it was only transmitted to the mind of the bitter eagle dove. This was the last voice that the eagle dove could hear.

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