The man said threateningly and enticingly.

But the monster still disagreed: Even if I go, I will not be able to eat the strengthening stone for the rest of my life, and I will lose my life, so don't even think about it! Lu Yu just watched it quietly, without disturbing their thoughts.

It can also be seen that 4.

The individual is the breeder of the Primal Moon in the Kuwanau Swamp, raising this strange-looking monster.

They look similar to dogs, but they have barbs all over their bodies, but they look very aggressive. Coupled with a pair of ferocious eyes, they do have the feeling of a beast.

However, when they stuck out their tongues, Lu Yu still found a kind of animal that looked like a husky.

It is this kind of animal that is very good at dismantling houses. It is very similar to them, and it is inexplicable, especially when it sticks out its tongue.

Lu Yu began to have some sympathy for Primordial Moon, raising so many Erha-type monsters at one time, it was really hard for them, and he didn't know how good the combat was.

Chapter Five Hundred and Forty-Three: The Supreme Bloodline, the Shadow Covers the Sky!

It doesn't look very smart, and it looks very cowardly. This thing is really inexplicably similar to Erha. Does it really dare to do it with me? When this idea appeared in his mind, Lu Yu could feel it. , That... King of Erha's face has undergone tremendous changes, especially the... murderous look in his eyes, which is completely different from just now. Lu Yu doesn't know what to call this monster that is not big like Husky. , but all in all, the aggressiveness of this monster is on the rise.

If Lu Yu's system can investigate the rage value, he should be able to see such a prompt: Your opponent [Magic Claw Flame Wolf] rage value +10 IQ 100.

"Get rid of him! Hurry up!"

The Primordial Moon member no longer cared about whether Lu Yu would hear his voice, and he knew that Lu Yu must know that he was in it, so he frantically roared at the Demon Claw Flame Wolf King, and his hand kept pointing at Lu Yu.

This man is crazy, and he is going to be unlucky, in the next moment, even I can't save him, even though I have no reason to save him.

Lu Yu thought in his heart that the claws of the Demon Claw Flame Wolf King had already reached out in front of the Primordial Moon Black Robe. When he patted the claws, it was like a hammer hitting a rice cake, and he could hear "Pfft".

's sound.

The voice was very clear, and the black-robed messenger fell down very crisply. The whole person fell like this, without any sluggishness, and there was a huge depression in the chest. It was true that even if God came, he might not be able to save his life. he.

As for this distance, Lu Yu had no choice but to watch... this poor black robe died at the hands of the monsters they raised by the Primordial Moon.

Maybe this is one of the most astonishing ridicule things in the world, I really don't know what these idiots are raising such monsters for suicide. Obviously, this way of dying did not bring them any "decent death"

, instead left a huge joke, enough to laugh at myself for a long time before.

Lu Yu looked at the corpse and showed a sarcastic smile: You can still live if you do something wrong, but you can't live if you do it by yourself. Are you an idiot to beg for food from this garbage? How could there be free dog food for you to eat? Sure enough, when Lu Yu heard these words in his heart, the whole body of the Devil's Claw Flame Wolf King exuded a strange aura. Black smoke, flames erupted from his claws, and his expression was full of anger.

This is very obvious, the Demon Claw Flame Wolf King can read the thoughts in his heart. It seems that in addition to flames, this Erha-like monster can also read minds and other things.

Moreover, the monster here seems to be the same as in theory, it is very concerned about "face"

This kind of thing, yes, as long as you scold it a few words, it will definitely attack.

"The puppy is so cute. Do you want to come to the material warehouse and lie down? I promise to let you eat Ba La La Royal Dog Food before you die, as long as you don't resist."

Lu Yu asked with a smile.

As Lu Yu guessed, the wolf king roared, followed by a long howl: "Ow!"

Lu Yu couldn't understand "Ow"

What does it mean, but in the sense of interception

Understand what it means: children! Kill this human with me and let him know how powerful our wolf clan is! After all, this is a wolf king, even if everyone in the wolf pack is shivering, when the wolf king orders When it was passed down, they all stood up one by one, widening their eyes, in order to make themselves have such a threatening aura.

But what Lu Yu saw in their eyes was still fear, obviously, they didn't get angry to the point of sane because of the wolf king's anger.

However, the wolf king is still the wolf king after all, but this idea just appeared in Lu Yu's mind, and every devil claw flame wolf around showed red eyes, as if they were directly mad.

"I have to admit that this kind of monster is always the most difficult to deal with. It will play fury at every turn. I guess it is the same kind... The more blood it bleeds, the higher the damage. I really don't know why this race was born. abuse"

Lu Yu muttered to himself, looking to the left, there was already a demonic claw flame wolf that couldn't help it, three verticals and two verticals were already in front of Lu Yu, and with a claws upward, it was about to reach Lu Yu's throat.

However, at the next moment, Lu Yu had already appeared behind it, and the strange blade formed out of nothing penetrated its abdomen, and then the blade slashed horizontally, and the whole devil claw flame wolf had become two halves.

At the moment when the blood spurted out, all the claws of the flame wolves seemed to have been added to something, both in terms of speed and strength, they were all a step faster.

Lu Yu frowned, he could feel that it had nothing to do with the blood, but the corpse of the Demon Claw Flame Wolf.

But what the specific problem was, Lu Yu didn't quite understand.

Now is not a good time to think about problems. Seeing that there are already eighteen flaming wolves in all directions, Lu Yu feels that there are some problems. In his own perception, there are not so many, that is, only thirteen , where did the five extra ones come from out of thin air, the devil claw flame wolf who was already caught in bloodthirsty didn't care what Lu Yu was thinking, he stretched out his claws and grabbed it, and a full eighteen swarmed up, beside Lu Yu. surrounded by a group.

The power of the soul to impact the soul has no effect on them, and their bodies are not dominated by the soul and will at all, but instinct, the instinct of the flesh.

Lu Yu has even begun to wonder what kind of species this is, they can no longer be called creatures.

"This kind of thing that is dominated by physical instinct is really troublesome."

I thought that a single soul shock would solve everything, but since it was completely useless, I had to deal with them in the same way as puppet monsters.

There is no special way to deal with puppet monsters, that is to remove everything that can be removed! "Freeze."

Lu Yu said casually, everything around him was wrapped in cold frost, especially the few flaming wolves trying to surround him, which instantly turned into ice sculptures.

With a snap of Lu Yu's fingers, the ice sculpture shattered into pieces, and there was nothing left of the corpse.

However, Lu Yu still felt one thing - these flaming wolves were getting stronger.

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Chapter five hundred and forty-four: Thousand-handed Demon God's Consummation, a special Demon Farm!

Sure enough, it is something that has something to do with the dead corpse. In contrast, they are not, it should be said that it is just a monster, not a wolf pack at all.

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