Lu Yu is even more reluctant to build any forces, but if he is said to be an enemy all over the world, he is even more unwilling!


Death hurried up.

"You get out of Lao Tzu, greed is not enough to swallow elephants, you Grim Reaper can receive a certain efficiency, so quickly maintain it, and I will naturally look for you next time I have a big business!"

Lu Yu looked at the god of death and sneered, he was so dead-faced, but he didn't have much meaning, and he wouldn't sell his interests.


The Grim Reaper clenched his fists, and a pair of blood-red eyes shone on Lu Yu, and his whole body was full of blood!


Lu Yu was not afraid, stepped forward, and was staring at the god of death face to face.

"Count yourself ruthless, we'll see, one day you'll come to beg me!"

The Grim Reaper said viciously, threw down a word of anger, walked into the space-time space, and disappeared.


Lu Yu sneered, this guy is a good hand at ruthless words.

After walking through the peak, Fa Li Cai'er was still sitting peacefully on the edge of the grave.

"Lu Yu. "

Domick and Dodomiska walked side by side from behind the tree.

"Why didn't you two run far?"

When Lu Yu saw these two guys, he immediately felt bold.

The woman's strength didn't scare Domick Fei and Dodomeska, as if something was wrong!

The two of them glanced at each other and smiled awkwardly.

"That woman is a legendary assassin, and even if the two of us run away, we will have to be tortured for half a life before we can die in fear. "

"It's better to wait for you here, anyway, if you win, the two of us will be fine. "

Domike Fei looked at Lu Yu and chuckled, although these things are a little embarrassing, but now he is not afraid to laugh when he says it.

"yes, ah. "

Dodomiska nodded again and again when he was on the path, and said, "By the way, since it was given, and that Farry Caier didn't come out, wouldn't it be you who won?"

"That's right!"

Domikfei's eyes lit up, he was scared just now, and the voice just now was that of the Grim Reaper.

He heard it clearly, but he didn't expect that there was another bar between Lu Yu and the god of death!

I forgot to ask Lu Yu!

"Oh, she's locked up by me. "

Lu Yu smiled indifferently, and walked towards Fa Li Cai'er, and now there were bursts of roaring sounds from the surrounding earth, something was wrong!


Domick Fay and Dodomiska looked at each other and exclaimed.

"This, this, this...... This is not right, didn't you say that she could assassinate Genshin Impact with the strength of a true god? But why didn't she ...... now? Ka!"

Dodomiska took his hand and put it on his neck.

"I don't know. "

Domick Fee scratched his head, he felt a question mark on his head.

At this moment, he can only ask Lu Yu, but now Lu Yu doesn't want to answer, but there is no way.

"Then this ......," Dodomiska said again, "Doesn't that mean that Lu Yu can assassinate Genshin Impact with the strength of a true god?"

Domick Fei nodded in despair, as if everything was normal in front of him!

"This ...... What kind of person are we with? If he can assassinate Genshin Impact with the True God, then when he reaches Genshin Impact, he can kill the Old God? This is terrifying......

The more he got to the end, the more he didn't dare to think about it, and only his heart was full of shock!


Among the metal buildings in the Vic area.

"Where's Filtore?"

A red-haired man violently kicked open the door to the office.

But he didn't find out where Firtorre was, and he asked many doctors and nurses!

"Yes, recuperating in the emergency room!"

"Good, good!"

A sneer tugged at the corner of the red-haired man's mouth.

Hurried to the emergency room.

It was to look at a Filtore with a few white sandbags wrapped in his eyes, and faint blood flowing out!

"Old bastard, where's my sister?"

He lifted Filtore's collar and lifted him off the ground!

"Spare your life!"

Filtore shuddered, cried, and said, "I just have eyes and don't know Taishan, so I was gouged out of these eyes, and she asked me where Lu Yu was, and I had to answer, otherwise my little life would not be able to be saved!"


The red-haired man sneered and grabbed Filtorre's neck with one hand!

"Ankusrevich, don't come nonsense!"

An eager voice walked out from behind Ankusrevich.

I saw an old man with many beards, who walked in with a walking stick.

"Elder, you can't take care of this matter. "

Ankusrevich slammed Firtore onto the bed.

There were springs under the bed, which threw Filtorre to the ceiling and smashed it down again.

The doctors and nurses around gasped, how unlucky this Filtorre must have been.

"Fil Torre, if my sister is still alive, then you can avoid death, but if she is really dead, then the Phil family can't protect you!"

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