The answer given by Lu Yu will never make a single point!

Andesriel didn't send out her ultimate killer move, and he didn't need to reveal his secret at this moment!

Andersriel's figure suddenly stopped, and the smile on her face seemed to be a little cold.

The corners of her mouth slowly lowered, and the smile in her eyes was put away!

"You really don't have to!"

The voice seemed to have some coldness, and she had already concluded that Lu Yu would definitely die.

The light blue aura around his body rippled towards the surroundings, and even the chaotic qi seemed to feel a trace of fear under this aura, and quickly fled!

"This ......"

Lu Yu felt that this Andesriel was a little weird, and the weirdness made him feel that this Andesriel seemed to be born a curse.

It feels like you have to avoid it!

"Just don't use it, what's the matter?"

Brother Lu Yu looked up, standing high in the sky, extremely arrogant.

Now, he wants to see what Andresriel's nirvana is right away, or else he will start fighting immediately, and it will really be restrained everywhere!

"Good good ......"

Andesriel nodded repeatedly, and a statue of a god behind her stepped out of the visualization.

I saw that above this chaotic period, the purple mist was domineering and drove away the surrounding chaotic qi.

"Who is calling on my name, and the name of the slayer shall not be blasphemed......

Beneath the dark shadows, a curvaceous Andesriel version of the model of the Old Gods!

A simple figure, immersed in his mind, no sharp blade can cut the longing for the ancient gods.

"Teacher, me. "

Andersriel said crisply!

Lu Yu knew in an instant, it turned out that this Andesliel worshipped an ancient god as a teacher!

Humans can let an ancient god take in as an apprentice, which shows that this Andesriel's strength and her qualifications have reached the point of inhumanity.

This is what can be recognized by the old gods!

It's terrible!

The dark shadow slowly turned its head.

This is when I found out that this was a bewitching "Andesriel" wearing a purple robe and shining with diamonds.

However, on the face of this bewitching "Andesriel", there are two long black sword patterns!

If it is seen by mortals, this god will have these two black sword patterns on his face, which is simply destroying the beauty of the ancient gods!

But in Lu Yu's opinion, these two sword patterns seem to be the body of this goddess.

As a human being, it is the ancient god who has transformed into a human body in order to collect faith.

"He, this kid deserves your stabbing wound too?"

The eyes of the ancient god slowly opened, and she saw countless long swords lined up around her eyeballs, which formed her pupils.

Androsilielle looked at Lu Yu with a smile on her face, turned her head and nodded quickly towards the dark shadow.

"Teacher, this kid looks handsome, silly, and honest, but if I really want to fight him, I'm going to have a lot of trouble, and if I don't borrow the thorn wound, I'm afraid I won't be able to kill him. "


The ancient gods have a new discovery of Lu Yu?

"This kid is a false god, and there are so many ancient gods and gods behind him? must kill him, such a heresy cannot exist, otherwise it will be the end of our ancient gods. "

"I have seen the destruction of this world, and it is the rise of a powerful human race that our ancient gods cannot allow!"

The voice suddenly became cold, seeing that Lu Yu could unify the power of the ancient gods and use it, it was even more jealous of Lu Yu!

"Yes, I didn't expect that the teacher also discovered the horror of this guy, and after the person who can merge the six ancient gods is a terrifying person, if it develops, it is really invincible. "

Androsriel smiled, her figure jumping between the black shadows, and she actually took down the black lines from the face of this ancient god!


The black lines trembled, and suddenly found that it had turned into a long sword full of crimson streamers!

Artifact of the Old Gods!

"Lu Yu, my teacher also feels afraid, now I have to kill you, please forgive me!"

She bowed to Lu Yuzhen, and it seemed that she could still look at it with an apologetic smile!

"No, I don't. "

Lu Yu nodded at this time, knowing that Andesriel's killing move was to use the weapon of the ancient gods.

If I didn't know before, I must have defended against all her attacks, but now I know that I am relieved!

However, Lu Yu was looking at this Andesriel in his heart, whether he was using the ancient gods to pull his eyeliner, or something else.

He's more cautious!


With a long breath, it seemed that Lu Yu wanted people to know that he had let down his guard!

"This guy. "

Anderslielle's heart looked at Lu Yu.

At this time, her eyes were fixed, but her heart was already slightly confused!

"Come on, what are you waiting for?"

The other side.

Lu Yu noticed that the heartbeat between the two sides was stable.

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