Gul Tingbai's eyes stared at the shadow viciously. "It's not your son who died, of course you don't care!"

"Now, immediately, immediately, hurry up and copy the guys, I heard that they are coming, there may be two eternal suns, now you kill them one by one, I will be seriously injured!"

His fury is irreversible!

Dodomiska clenched her fists tightly and nodded heavily.

In an instant, he directly dragged a long sword, and actually drilled down from under the ground, which shows that he has miraculous abilities!


Outside the portal.

The horse that Lu Yu was riding stretched out the horse's mouth and ate the flowers in the flower garden at will.

"Look, it's good to eat and drink with me, isn't it?"

Lu Yu looked at Domikfei and said with a smile, Now this horse eats flowers instead of green grass.


Domikfei glanced at Lu Yu, shook his head, and said, "I really doubt now that you are a false god, the false god said that everyone is equal, and you actually treat me as a horse." "


Lu Yu burst into laughter.

Suddenly he lowered his head and put his sword on the horse's head, and looked at the gardeners around them.

"Everyone, I have no grievances with you in the past days, as long as I go down with a sword, you will die in one piece, it's really pitiful to think about, otherwise I will give you a chance now, you vote, right?"

He tried to persuade the crowd to play.

Seeing that they were holding a long sword in their hands and an iron shield in their left hand, they refused to move a step in front of them, but there was a kind of it!


A stunned sound sounded, and Gul Tingbai rushed out, wearing a robe of righteousness, and in his hands, there were two long-handled swords!

"You kid is so bold that you rushed to my manor and killed my son!"

He looked at Lu Yuqi's lips trembling, and his eyes were red!

There are two people to corroborate, one is his son's servant, and the other is the butler, and it should be right!

His heart ached in the morning, and now it seemed that he had indeed lost two sons!

Otherwise, these two losers, the time should be at home to have fun!

The situation today.

I don't know if it's a joy in the midst of suffering, or a bitterness in the midst of happiness!

"Daring? Dominic Fei, he said I was bold, I scared me, what should I do?"

Lu Yu casually put away the long sword in his hand, the silver mirror on the long sword was on the ground, he felt it, and there was a spiritual power looking at him!

If it weren't for the strong mental power, this person would not be able to be found now.

But the present man must be dealt with by him, because he is hiding in the shadows!

Domikfei sneered, Lu Yu was clearly despising Guli Tingbai!

"What are you? How dare you be disrespectful to my god, and die!"

He patted his horse, but with his sword in his hand, he crossed a wall between man and shield in an instant.

The long sword attacked viciously towards Gul Tingbai!

"Damn, you're also from the Special Branch, why are you attacking me?"

Guli Tingbai roared angrily, and he didn't know why, anyway, the current Dominic Fei reversed, and the long sword in his hand immediately struck.

"Woo Woo ......"

Between the long swords, they automatically cracked at the small arrows that split countless dust on both sides, like a whip, frantically attacking Domikfe!


Domick Fee stepped back at this moment.

At the same time, he took off the long-distance run behind him, and shook it violently, causing the whip to scatter like a sword!

"God of Destruction!"

In an instant, Gul Tingbai suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, a huge explosion area, crazy and ferocious......


Right now!

Behind Lu Yu, a person suddenly flew out.

The black Dodomiska was like a disembodied object that formed a thin strip of paper from the horse's shadow and stuck to the horse's belly.

That long sword stabbed directly at Lu Yu's head!

Lu Yu turned around and slapped on the horse's back, spinning in the air according to his body, and a long sword was put in the air!

"I've been waiting for you for a long time, why did you come out now?"

Lu Yu sneered, and the sword qi rushed out from between his foreheads.


Black blood spurted out with Dodomiska, and in an instant, a figure flew from the ground!


Lu Yu watched the black Dodomiska run extremely fast, but he became interested.

He drew a bow and arrow behind him and bent his longbow!

"Come on, let's see if I can shoot you!"

The light of the eternal sun appeared above the arrow, and in an instant, he saw Lu Yu's right hand, and his fingers were released.


The inky flame of light accompanied the release of Lu Yu's fingers, and in an instant, it turned into a light and shadow, and rushed towards the black figure.


A scream rang out, and the black blood on the ground turned red!

"It's weird!"

Lu Yu rode his horse and quickly stepped towards the black Dodomeska.

ps: Ask for collections!Ask for subscriptions!Ask for monthly passes!Ask for flowers!Ask for evaluation votes!

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