Fa Li Cai'er looked at Lu Yu and said urgently.

Isn't this a killing man? That guy is so arrogant, fighting the Eternal Sun with the Bright Moon.

If the result is unfavorable, then Lu Yu will definitely die, there is no doubt about it.

"You stand here for me!"

Brontais's Enamel glared coldly, and said, "You are the only seedling in the family, you think I can't see your thief eyes." "

"Dad. Fa Li Cai'er blushed and whispered.

"Don't call me Dad, if you go with him, you can call him Dad!"

Brontais shook his hand and scolded indignantly!

"Hmph! "

Farry stamped her foot, shook her teeth at Brantais, and immediately ran upstairs, crying with tears in her eyes.


Brontais was just about to persuade him, but the door slammed, and he was about to smash the door when he looked like this!

"I'm good for you, too, and, and...... Hey, if I had known, I wouldn't have saved this kid and let him die for no reason!"

Brontais's scalp is about to break, what is so good about this kid Lu Yu?


Green wilderness paths.

Lu Yu was fiddling with the box in his hand.

"It's also convenient, I have these two exposed leather belts that I can carry behind my back, and I can take them out and use them when it is critical. "

Thinking of this, I suddenly thought of the emerald green box, which was still on my body.

He felt his spirituality, and his strength surged towards his heart, trying to communicate with his godhead.


Lu Yu shook his teeth with a burst of resentment, what the hell did he come to this time.

And how could his power be weakened so much.

"That's right!"

Lu Yu just patted the bow and arrow in his hand, suddenly took it, and said, "Edit, I hope I can come up with a good weapon." "

Lu Yu looked at the spiritual brilliance on the long sword in his hand, and at the same time took the bow in his hand, and closed it towards the long sword.


A black cloud of mist was above the longbow and the sword.

In an instant, you can see this space, which has turned into a dark green fog forest.

"It's strange that there's a movement!"

Lu Yu immediately stayed away from this space at this moment, trying not to be approached by this green unlock.

Now that his realm has been lowered, if there is a sudden danger immediately, at least it can protect itself!

"What the hell could have happened?"

He looked anxiously at the peak.

In the black smoke, glowing dark green, and there are a lot of strange runes revealed, it seems that this bow and arrow, as Brantais said, has some history!

"There's a baby!"

An urgent shout rang out from the other side of the mountain, and a crowd of people on white horsebacks rushed over.

From their arms there are spears, and from their waists are long swords straddling each other!

"Driving ......"

Everyone looked around, there were hundreds of people, all wearing robes.

Lu Yu looked at so many people at the moment, and he was wearing simple special clothes, and at this moment, he picked up the veil in his pocket and covered his face.

Because this piece of wind and sand is blowing, and the sun is more poisonous, it is understandable to wear a mask.

"Hey, you found the fog forest here?"

The leader jumped off the horse, held the long sword in the other hand, looked at Lu Yu and said with a smile.

"There's something in the words. "

Lu Yu thought about it secretly, obviously testing himself.

It doesn't matter who discovered the fog forest, but whose it is really important!

"I'm just passing through here, come and have a look, don't you break the law?"

He looked at the leader and waved his hand, and hurriedly took a few steps back.


The crowd rode on top of their horses and burst into laughter.

"I didn't expect this kid to be a coward, if you want to fight with us, I admire him as an iron-clad man. "

"Big brother, do you want to stay alive this time, I think this fog is not simple, if there is no treasure in it, I'm afraid the chance is very small. "

"The reputation of our captain Teschukelves is to be maintained, and if this kid speaks out, won't he slap us in the face. "


Everyone stared at Lu Yu in their eyes, as if he was as fierce as a tiger and wolf.

Behind them, the word "justice" was rustling in the long wind on their robes.

Tsukelves glanced at the landing feather, and at this moment he drove the whip in his hand.

"Boy, I'm sorry you heard my brothers talking. "

He watched Lu Yu cover his heart and bow to Lu Yu.

"It's dead man's etiquette!"

Lu Yu looked at this Tschukelvis and sneered.

The strength of Teschukelves is in the Eternal Sun.

He didn't have any weapons in his hands, and he didn't have as many people as this group, so if he wanted to force the battle, he would be unlucky.


The crowd burst out laughing.

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